GameCredits and MobileGO Development Report: May 22nd

GAME Credits
GAME Credits
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2018

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest GameCredits and MobileGo development report. As we said in the last report, we’re doing our best to provide these updates on a frequent and consistent basis. We have decided to begin releasing these every two weeks. Please let us know if you like or dislike this schedule, your input is valuable!

Before we get into the update, we want to address some concerns around GameCredits trading being disabled on exchanges like Bittrex. Our team is in the process of rolling out updates, and temporarily some exchanges have halted trading. We expect to have an update this week, and will have a separate post dedicated to that. Please know all funds on these exchanges are safe!

  • Released released version 0.9.4 of GShare, introducing a bunch of new features, bug fixes, and performance optimizations.
  • Began work to enable support of an array of languages in our ecosystem of products.
  • Finalized web wallet redesign to optimize user experience and retention.
  • Finished backend integration of MGO into GameCredits web wallet (GWallet). The feature will be made public in the next 1–2 weeks after sufficient testing.
  • Began initial development of core, treasury, and payment services overhaul. These systems are the backbone of all GNation products/services. With this new system we will be able to more easily scale to meet increased demand.
  • Pushed GPlay into closed beta testing user experience centered around downloading and interacting with games from platform.
  • Finalized GShare design changes for upcoming release of version 1.0.0.
  • Continued development of GC Lite focusing on completing an application walkthrough, login features, and part of the main application dashboard.
First View of Web Wallet Redesign

As many of you know, GameCredits has hosted a secure web wallet for a year and a half. Since the wallets initial release we’ve made several design changes. However, we have been planning to release a complete redesign for several months. With this update it is our goal to make additions and new features easier to integrate without affecting user experience.

  • Got GameCredits added to Blockfolio’s Signal Beta as one of the first 20 projects to participate. This beta allows our team to send updates and information directly to our supporters.
  • Performed second GShare social media marketing campaign to test effectiveness of different messages. Goal is to reduce the average cost of user acquisition.
  • Began reorganizing YouTube channels and developing video strategy to help acquire new users to GNation/GameCredits.
  • Recorded new video to be released within approximately 2 weeks. Be sure to subscribe to our GNation or GameCredits YouTube channels.
  • We have begun collecting emails for an initial GPlay closed beta test. Users can give their emails to a GPlay landing page in order to take part in the tests.
  • Web wallet users: ~25.6K
  • GShare downloads: ~8K
  • Discord members: 4K
  • GameCredits Telegram subscribers: 570
  • GameCredits Telegram group: 2.5K
  • Twitter followers: 32K
  • Facebook likes: 5.7K
  • GAME Network hashrate: ~1,830 GH/s
  • Continued with development of MGO swap application. In the last 2 weeks development was focused on the backend and the design. As of right now we have the initial design proposal, and will be fine tuning it before implementing it into the front end.
  • Finalized design for MGO leaderboard feature in GPlay. The feature will allow GPlay to track the progress of gamers in a specific game. The game developers can choose to make to enable a leaderboard where the top players in the game are rewarded MGO at a set interval (Ex. issue a reward to the leaderboard every week/month).
  • As we explained 2 weeks ago, we’re working to integrate MGO into our web wallet. This integration has been pushed into testing. After sufficient testing is conducted we will release it into production. Users will then be able to send and receive MGO alongside GAME in our web wallet.
  • As stated above, our would like to collect emails of users who would like to beta test the new GPlay application. We encourage those interested to lest us know.

Have questions? Find us on Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit!








GAME Credits
GAME Credits

GAME Credits is the first gaming cryptocurrency in history, launched in Feb 2014. We create decentralized tools and services for the Esports and NFT industry.