GameCredits and MobileGO Development Report: May 8th

GAME Credits
GAME Credits
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2018
First preview of GC Lite

Hello to everyone in our community! We want to start off by thanking you for the support you’ve given us over the past couple months. The purpose of this post is to keep everyone up to date with our company and our currencies GAME and MGO. We will do our best to deliver these update posts as frequently as possible.

  • Several games are currently in the integration process into our mobile store. As of right now we’re focusing on mobile games and developers that are interested/compatible with our competitive gaming (esports) features. The first game to be publicly integrated and displayed will of course be Pixel Wars, a mobile MMORPG our team has built.
  • Due to increased demand for PC games in GShare, we are working to increase the number of listed games every week. To make this possible we’re working to finalize some updates to our ‘backoffice’ which allows our team to perform quick updates to various company applications (like GShare). With these updates we’ll be able to add games on a more consistent schedule.
  • Integrations of MobileGo into our wallet and backend systems are currently well underway. These integrations will power all of our esports features and applications allowing MGO tokens to move throughout our ecosystem.
  • GameCredits Blockchain: We had a major update to our blockchain on April 5th. The update moved us from client version 0.9.6 to, meaning our blockchain is now as up to date as possible. As a reminder on June 1st Bip65 and Bip66 will activate enabling atomic swaps on the GAME blockchain!
  • Development of a GC lite wallet is in focus for the coming months to allow investors to privately manage their GAME without having to download/sync the QT wallet.
  • We got GameCredits added to the Ledger roadmap (one of the most popular hardware wallets in the world).
  • We fixed several bugs in GShare including one that caused users to get a ‘generic error’ when they were automatically logged out from the application.
  • Currently working to hire senior QA engineers, Ruby developers, and C++ developers.
  • Continued investigating gamification/incentive models for GShare.
First preview inside GC Lite

Keeping our investors funds secure is one of our top priorities, which is why we’ve been working on what is known as ‘GC Lite’ or ‘GameCredits Lite Clent’. GC Lite is a lightweight application that allows users to safely store, send, and receive GAME without having to download/sync the GameCredits blockchain. Lite wallets are designed to offer the simplicity of web wallets with the security of QT wallets. With GC Lite we hope to provide further comfort to investors around the world that wish to stay in full control of their funds. We expect to have the first soft launch of GC Lite for our community approximately July of 2018.

  • GameCredits gaming brand and initiative GNation will have a booth at E3. Several of our teammates will attend the event to help grow our brand and meet potential partners.
  • We’ve worked on organizing and updating the direction of our social media content. Check out GameCredits Twitter for examples.
  • We’ve had numerous articles on GameCredits published in cryptocurrency media outlets such as BraveNewCoin, NewsBTC, TheMerkle, Barchart, DCEBrief, and more.
  • Begun social media promotions of GShare to determine which platform is most cost effective for user acquisition. As of right now Twitter has proven to be the most effective.
  • Sponsored Austria A1 Esports League in Vienna to grow company brand and help acquire potential partners/clients.
  • Web wallet users: 25k
  • GShare downloads: 7.5k
  • Discord members: 3.8k
  • Telegram subscribers: 475
  • Twitter followers: 32k
  • Facebook likes: 5.7k
  • GAME Network hashrate: ~1,540 GH/s

First of all, we want to apologize for delays in our developments. We attempted to scale up our team and development rapidly, and we ended up failing to meet many of our expected deadlines. At the same time we failed to keep up proper public communication. However, MGO is a critically important part of our ecosystem and we know that we owe it to our community to prove our dedication to the token. To start, we would like to explain some of the MGO specific developments that are currently happening within our company.

  • Integrating MGO into our web wallet (GWallet). With MGO integrated into our wallet we’ll be able to process payments and transactions within our entire ecosystem of products.
  • MGO swap development. We’ve been working on the safest and most simple swap method for helping many of our Waves MGO investors move over to the more liquid Ethereum MGO token. The system will offer investors a simple portal to deposit wMGO tokens. Investors then input an address to receive their new eMGO tokens to. We plan on setting and announcing public distribution times to allow users to swap 1 for 1 whenever they prefer. We estimate we’ll release this platform approximately July of 2018.
  • We created MGO to integrate into our mobile store, allowing users to pay fees to enter tournaments and earn MGO as a reward. Our esports platform has seen heavy development over the last 6 months and we’re in the process of onboarding the first games. This summer we’ll release the first esports features and continue to release more functionality as our platforms grow.
  • Our mobile MMORPG Pixel Wars is currently in the process of integrating into our mobile store esports ecosystem. Inside Pixel Wars gamers are able to participate in individual matches or larger tournaments with up to 100 people. The first MGO rewards will be paid out from the results of gameplay within Pixel Wars.
  • In the coming weeks, we will release the first previews/development reports of our mobile store.

Have questions? Find us on Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit!








GAME Credits
GAME Credits

GAME Credits is the first gaming cryptocurrency in history, launched in Feb 2014. We create decentralized tools and services for the Esports and NFT industry.