GameCredits Foundation 20 August 2018 Update: Transparency Report

Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
GAME Credits
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018

Hello again!

Exactly a week ago, we’ve published a first report regarding establishment of GameCredits Foundation. This week, the Foundation decided to offer GAME community another update, which is focused on offering another layer of transparency from the team gathered around GAME, as well as our first partnership!

Who are we?

The GameCredits Foundation (GCF) is primarily made of few original/first members of the GameCredits community(such as Nele, Alex, Ivica, Maro, Jon, Jack, etc), but also of few people who recently had a significant role in development and progress of GAME (such as Nenad, Samad, Aleksandar, etc).

We want to remind everyone that the GameCredits Foundation is an independent, open-source organization for building demand and utility of GameCredits (GAME), and that it’s open to any type of cooperation with either other businesses, individuals, or organizations. By using GameCredits in your product or service, you can assume support from the GCF — even if we don’t explicitly mention it.

We use Telegram and Discord as our main communication channels. For now, the team is organized in several working groups, such as Technical, Business Development, Finance, PR/Marketing, etc. With this structure, we hope to stay productive and persistent in achieving all goals we’ve set in front of us.

We also have a #community-suggestions channel on Discord where you can share whatever suggestions you feel would help us fulfill our mission!

What are we currently working on?

  • Currently, GCF’s biggest concern and challenge is to set up a stable financial system, which will involve both donations from whale members and potential participation of community members. GCF’s finance Team is busy contacting GAME whales and setting up GAME, BTC, and other popular crypto addresses in order to enable the GCF to have funding available to fulfill it’s mission.
  • All groups are involved in creating a roadmap that would lead GameCredits Foundation down a successful path of achieving its vision and goals of creating a universal digital currency for both gamers and game developers.
  • The GCF Technical and PR/Marketing groups are busy working on optimizing and improving current website/landing page (
  • PR/Marketing and Graphic Design groups are working on rebranding GAME across all platforms and channels. If you have any suggestions or concerns, make sure to let us know in our communication channels!

And many more!

GCF partners with Indie game development studio!

This is the first official big news of the recently formed GameCredits Foundation! We’re excited to announce that The Foundation has been working with an independent game developer! The developer has created a game called ‘Sector5’, one of the first games to successfully integrate GAME as an in-game currency and payment method.

‘Sector5’ is an indie, action-shooter video game that you can play in any browser you use, and which allows you to generate a deposit GAME address, collect GAME as a reward after defeating a boss, buy in-game stuff with GAME, and even win GAME in organised tournaments.

Together with a developer of the, we’re working on releasing an open-beta version of the game, as well as promoting the video-game across many different platforms and social media channels. We’re also discussing a potential enhancement of the game, by involving as many UX/UI designers and design advisors that The GameCredits Foundation has. ETA for the open beta release is 1 week. However, you can test the gameplay yourself by clicking on this link. Let us know what you think of the game, and if you have any suggestions on further improvements!

Make sure to contact us for any GAME-related issue via our communication/social media channels;


Thanks for sticking by! Stay tuned for our next update.


The GameCredits Foundation



Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
GAME Credits

Entrepreneur, Growth Specialist & Chief Problem Solver.