GameCredits: Year 2018 in Review

The GameCredits Foundation
GAME Credits
Published in
7 min readDec 13, 2018

The content of this post originally appeared as a newsletter sent out to subscribers on December 11th, 2018. If you did not receive it and wish to subscribe, please let us know at


Hello GAME community! If it feels like its been a long time since our last GAME newsletter, it’s because it HAS been a long time. Over 18 months to be exact.

If you’ve been loyal enough to keep up with the project you might have some questions about the current status of the GAME coin and projects that support it. If you have zero idea what is going on then you probably have even more questions. So let’s answer these questions.

But before we get started, if you have NO interest in the GAME project and do not want to receive any updates please click on the link at the bottom of this newsletter to unsubscribe. We wish you well!


Before we dive in deep regarding current developments, let us set some historical context for our updates. Gamecredits was started in 2014. Gamecredits was an altcoin before it was cool and trendy to be an altcoin. And Gamecredits wasn’t just any altcoin.

From its inception on 2014 until late 2017, Gamecredits was the most successful altcoin in price growth ever — more than Ethereum, Ripple or Litecoin. More than Dash, Monero or any other of the over 5000 coins in the crypto universe. In case you need a refresher, you can click on this article that documents the growth of ever coin since 2009.

In 2014 we started with less than 10 people in our community. Because of their hard work, Gamecredits became a top 20 coin in marketcap at its peak, attracting an array talent from the gaming and fantasy sports worlds along the way. The core group of people that started the Gamecredits project always envisioned a community that would ultimately be led by leaders in the gaming industry itself, shaping the utility of the coin to match the needs of the gaming industry.

In April 2017, leaders in our community partnered with gaming industry professionals to launch the MobileGo (MGO) ICO and to create a sister coin that would work in conjunction with Gamecredits. The value of Gamecredits soared during the ICO.

Over 7 million GAME were invested in the project and the MGO ICO, with the help of the Gamecredits community, raised $53 million. At the time this was the largest crypto ICO ever. It still remains the largest crypto ICO ever to not receive investment from any venture capitalist group. Once again the GAME community proved itself to be a remarkably capable and powerful force.

Over the last 18 months however, several things have not gone the way we had hoped. First, development of two coins — MGO and GAME — had the effect of dispersing time and energy. As each had separate important functions and roadmaps, both projects suffered from a lack of solitary focus. Second, changes in the gaming industry created unexpected development and integration roadblocks that were unforeseen. Third, new leadership and older community founders had honest differences in opinions about the priority for developments. All of these things led to delays. Of course, in December 2017 the bear market hit the crypto price markets and continues today. This bear market exerts a powerful weight on price dynamics with any altcoins down 95–99% from their highs. Gamecredits has not been immune to this bear market.

But the good news is the worst is over. There are much brighter days ahead.

Why We Are Genuinely Excited Again

While things can be depressing in a bear market, down market swings are the times were the most important development can take place. Development is the key to a strong foundation for sustainable growth. When we compare our team and development projects now to 2014, there is no comparison. The amount of activity in the GAME development level is immensely greater now. There are a tremendous amount of things going on behind the scenes.

If you have been out of the loop it is VITAL that you get involved with the discussion. Please join our Discord channel as soon as you can:

In the announcement section of discord a development update is released once a week.

In case you haven’t read the development reports, the following is a short summary of our major points of development over the last couple of months:

GAMECREDITS Integration with Xsolla

Xsolla is one of the largest payment channels for gaming in the world, with access to over 500 million gamers. Soon, Gamecredits will be officially and fully integrated into Xsolla. This means that Gamecredits will be a payment method for over 500 popular games. To use Gamecredits, gamers can simply go to the Xsolla pay station, choose “Pay With Gamecredits” and purchases items as you will on demand with GAME.

To learn more about Xsolla, visit

GAMECREDITS Integration with Ledger and Trezor

Due to the diligent work of community volunteer developers, GAME is now listed on Ledger wallet. You can now go to and download the GAME ledger wallet. This allows you to store your Gamecredits offline and in cold storage in the safety of your home.

Likewise, GAME is now officially integrated with Trezor hardware wallet. For more information visit

GAMECREDITS Partnership with Qlear

Qlear is a new crypto protocol looking to create a new crypto standard in the gaming industry. Lead by developers from the Ethereum community as well as professional online poker players, Qlear is creating decentralized online gaming Dapps.

The Qlear website explains the partnership:

“For this purpose, Qlear and GameCredits have decided on the following steps:

1 Integration of the GameCredits API into the Qlear Protocol, which will allow Qlear users to earn and spend GameCredits on Qlear-supported gaming platforms, without having to convert their GameCredits.

2 Creation of a two-way coin swap mechanism between GameCredits(GAME) and Qlear(QLEAR) tokens. This two-way swap mechanism will allow GameCredits holders to be involved with more of the Qlear Protocol’s ecosystem. Vice versa, people in the Qlear ecosystem will be able to swap their Qlear tokens for GameCredits in order to gain access to the GameCredits ecosystem.”

As the Qlear protocol expands, so will the expansion of Gamecredits utility.

To learn more about Qlear visit Offers Gamecredits Debit Card for EU

Gamecredits was recently added to the decentralized exchange. The most exciting thing about this partnership is that now EU members can now have a Peer2cash debit card with which they can load Gamecredits and spend anywhere in the world.

If you in the EU and would like a Gamecredits debit card visit to sign up.

Future Development and Roadmap

In up coming newsletters we will be diving deeper into current developments as well as announce new developments and partnerships that are currently either in work or deep in negotiations.

These new developments will include new games accepting GAME, developments in Fantasy Sports, and instruments to help with GAME adoption on a much larger scale. There are also a few larger development projects in discussions, and once we have a green light on those we will be sending out news updates to our community.

We also have a brand new website at that outlines the vision and roadmap of the Gamecredits Foundation. Check it out.

Finally, efforts to expand Gamecredits onto new exchanges continues. We hope to have exciting announcements about that expansion in the coming months.

2019 will be a very exciting year! We are dedicated more than ever to making GAME a thriving success story in the future.

YOU Can Help Us Grow Faster

Gamecredits has always been a self funded project. Our founding leadership committed over $2,000,000 in development funds between 2014 and 2017 out of their own pockets. The original GAME community was built on selflessness and volunteers with dedicated enthusiasm. This culture still exists today.

When the development separation occurred between GAME and MGO, GAME did not receive any development funds from the ICO funds. Instead our development team works for free. They are dedicated and enthusiastic.

We are currently looking to expand our team for development into some new and very exciting products. Our goal is to raise 50 BTC equivalent to fund this new development for the next 12 months. If you know about crypto development then you know this budget is very inexpensive. Fortunately we have the people willing to do the work.

We know our community can help us reach our goal. If you believe in this project we would love the support!

You can donate at any of the addresses below:


BTC: 38JGgZ43a3Mqb5AU2iX25cU1HzuZLHCHFs

ETH: 0x5D51f2983272eca5e0E2503A52Bc41168B5d3314

Remember all donations are potential tax write-offs depending on your jurisdiction.

Thanks, and have a happy new year!

The GameCredits Foundation



The GameCredits Foundation
GAME Credits

We are an open entity looking to increase the usage and adoption of GameCredits