How to Choose the Best Time Management Tools for Yourself?

Short answer: gamefully.

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Gameful Life
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2022


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

There are many great online and offline time management tools. There are those you can pay for and those you can use for free. You can also create your own.

And even more than the tools to use, there are the pieces of advice, which method or tool is best. But recommending one tool over another could be misleading because what is best for one person might not appear as appealing and helpful for another.

One of the most important — and often forgotten — factors in choosing a tool or approach is the fun factor. Using the tool should feel like you are playing a game and your recordings as messages or scores of a (video) game’s feedback system.

And here is another important but gameful piece of advice. Don’t try to stick with one tool forever. That would be like playing the same game all the time. Even the biggest fans of a specific videogame play other games in between. Thus, don’t get frustrated when you feel the wish or need to switch from one tool to another and maybe even back.

Have fun and approach the selection (including the testing) of any of the tools, be it online, other digital, or on paper, gamefully.

Enjoy the game!

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Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Gameful Life

Life gamer, life coach, author, engineer; originator of Self-Gamification — an art of turning life into fun games →