What Is the Best Three-In-One Tool on Your Life’s Adventure?

It is called Self-Gamification

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Gameful Life
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2021


Photo by Patrick on Unsplash

Our lives are full of ups and downs. And we can perceive some downs as ups and vice versa in retrospect. This is how paradoxical we are. But what do we do now, in the middle of life’s adventure? And we are all in the middle of it as long as we live — no matter at which stage of our lives we find ourselves.

I am grateful to have discovered a tool bringing three skill-sets together, which help to bring ourselves back onto the happy path of life.

I call it Self-Gamification.

What is Self-Gamification?

Self-Gamification is the art of turning our own lives into fun games, of which we are both the designers and the players. It is the application of game design elements to our own lives. Self-Gamification is a self-help approach showing us how to be playful and gameful, but it is not only about games. There are three dimensions or tools necessary for it to unfold and have the maximum outcome.

Here are the tools which Self-Gamification brings together.

Tool number 1: Anthropology

First of all, is anthropology.

“Anthropology is the study of the human…



Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Gameful Life

Life gamer, life coach, author, engineer; originator of Self-Gamification — an art of turning life into fun games → optimistwriter.com