Why Battlefield 2042 Deserves a Chance

A different perspective on one of the most controversial video game releases

Sawyer Biegalle
Gamer Gab
3 min readMar 9, 2023


Initial Response

Two years later, Battlefield 2042 seems to have received a slight revival after its “rocky” launch in October 2021. Early in 2042’s initial development, the developers at DICE were held to high expectations from gamers after the release of Battlefield V left a bad taste in players' mouths. Fans of the franchise were excited about this next installment, comparing it to previous titles and claiming the nostalgic feeling many of us had playing years ago is back.

In-game capture of BF 2042

I mean, who would have thought that 2042 wouldn’t be a mass hit? EA’s marketing and advertising tactics were superb. Seeing ads of large-scale warfare and mass destructibility, followed by the tagline “Only in Battlefield,” how couldn’t we be sold… right?

Even though EA was able to sell the game to consumers' minds, once 2042 hit the shelves, the critiques hit their keyboards, voicing their disappointment and lack of respect for both EA and DICE. Twitter users shared their experiences playing the game, saying it was utterly broken and riddled with bugs. Claiming it was unfinished and felt like a beta version of the full game. We were sold on an idea that wasn’t ready to come out of the oven, and EA paid the price.

Steam review on BF2042

To this day, gamers still avoid playing 2042 solely because of its poor release and lack of content. Understandably, fans have a right to protest this game; they got led on and were pitched a fantasy only to get hit with the reality stick similar to another controversial title, Cyberpunk 2077. But recently, Battlefield 2042 appears to be working its way back into the spotlight, and it has me wondering why.

Why Should You Care

The question of “who cares” remains. Over the last two years, 2042 has received numerous updates giving the game new playlists, much-needed bug fixes, and DICE even listened to some of the recommendations from the community. For most, these reasons won’t be enough, so here are some additional reasons that might change your mind.

Reason one, because you can. If you’re like me, you have a list of hundreds of games ready to be played with the push of a button, but you have no motivation to play them. Even if you feel that 2042 isn’t a game you would enjoy, there is no reason not to try it. You might be surprised; at minimum, it's an excellent way to try something new.

Reason two, our options are limited. In recent years the development of exciting new titles seems to be few and far between, cough GTA 6 cough, leaving gamers constantly wanting more. As I see it, we are in a position where being picky or holding a grudge against certain devs or publishers might be why you aren’t enjoying something great.

Reason three, the game is free (somewhat). I agree that 2042 does not deserve to be sold at full price, but if you have Game Pass, you’re only paying 10 dollars (while also giving yourself access to hundreds of other free titles).

All I am saying is to give things a chance, rid yourself of that grudge weighing you down, and play the game that shall not be named.




Sawyer Biegalle
Gamer Gab

Editor for "Gamer Gab." This is my personal page where you can find a variety of tech content to enjoy!