A Cold Bucket of Love

geoff hanna
Gamer Life
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2015


I opened my lunch the other day and noticed that it contained cheese. An entire container of cheese. This may not seem unusual to you, but it is, we’ve been on a healthy eating kick for awhile and cheese has become a bit of a rarity.

A beloved rarity, one that I miss. Cheeses, and especially, baked goods. But I digress. This is not about the things I miss. This is about something that I have, in spades, and I appreciate more than I can say in a blog post.

This is about love. Not as an abstract idea, but as a concrete expression.

So back in my cube, I apparently said something out loud in my surprise, thus accidentally drawing my co-worker’s attention. And so I found myself explaining that my wife had surprised me by putting snack cheese in my lunch.

“Your wife makes you lunch?” Asked one, half mockingly/half incredulously.

“Yes, yes she does”, I began proudly, but that wasn’t enough. The mocking part of the question required a more thorough response:

“Every day, we finish our 11:30 meeting, and you return to your empty desks, full of nothing but work. But not I. I return to a hand-crafted, insulated expression of how my wife feels about me. I return to a cold bucket of love.”

And I do. Not really cold but chilled? Yet packed with love.

“My wife makes my lunch too”, said one co-worker, proudly.

It may look like two fruits, some vegetables, healthy wrap sandwiches, cheese and water. But it is not. It is love, in solid form.

Every day, my wife gets up at 6:00 just to make sure that I have breakfast and lunch. She could easily just stay in bed. I could easily grab something on the way if I was hungry. But no, I do not get just any breakfast and lunch, I get ones that will be good for me.

And that is love. Real love. Not just flowery Valentines or kind words, but real concrete love, packed in a soft-side bucket designed to keep the love cold.

I am such a lucky dude.

