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An early peek into Gamer Ammo

Published in
7 min readJan 24, 2018


Today I’ll be going over just a little bit about what Gamer Ammo is. I made an introductory post inside of the Ethereum Classic forum recently as well as a preview overview about what we are doing on their forum as well. One of my co-founders defined what our name means to us in a previous post. These introductions are great and will benefit you if you read them. However, I’d like to go over in a bit more detail what exactly we’re trying to accomplish here and outline some key words/phrases you’ll see over time. This is an early peek for everyone who wants to get to know Gamer Ammo before we publish our white paper.

In short, we’re the gaming company who is bringing the blockchain to the gamer through a declaration: “Gaming is a Profession.” We are going to be providing our fellow gamer with the professional utility belt they need to turn gaming into their livelihood. Gamer Ammo will be leading the second generation wave of blockchain technology through the release of an industry specific utility token built to benefit the gamer by allowing them to decide as a community what defines professionalism and who among their peers deserves such a title. We’ve chosen to do so by developing on the blockchain platform thriving because of the same ideological integrity gamer’s expect from the games they play, Ethereum Classic.

What does a gaming token mean to gamers?

For gamers, this is probably a novel concept. For those new to the blockchain entirely, we’ve got your back. Our co-founder, sb swae, will be writing an article introducing you to blockchain technology in the coming days. Be sure to check that out when it goes live.

For gamers, I can be pretty clear about what a gaming token means to us. This allows us to have an environment in which interactions are verified on a public system. We are able to create a system that allows you to feel secure while using it and transact in Voice to utilize Gamerammo. Furthermore, we are developing a platform in which you can earn real financial currency to better yourself as a gamer through utilizing the tool belt of resources that make up the Gamerammo Token.

Think of all the times you’ve been scammed in online environments related to gaming. Blockchain technologies will make this a thing of the past.

How do I benefit from this system exactly?

Many people ask us, “how do I benefit?” It’s quite simple; use our software. The first thing we’ll be releasing is known as Clutchat. It is a content distribution and chat platform built for the gamer.

Teaming up with the local gaming community leadership and gamers around the globe, we were able to figure out what key aspects of a platform gamers were looking for and derived a model to make it profitable for them.

On Clutchat, Gamers receive a set amount of what’s known as Voice at timed intervals during the day. The are only available to use during those intervals. They can use them to create content or Voice Up content. Of course, gamers can use Clutchat simply for working with with their team with private or public modes of communication as methods that will always be free. The value comes from the content created and shared. The more Voice earned over time, the bigger the payout.

What sort of payout are you referring to?

The payout option tailor-made for Gamers is the Gamerammo Token. Also earned by the player while using Clutchat in the background, Gamerammo is used within the blockchain software platform made by Gamer Ammo, known as the Gamerchain, to utilize goods and services. As of the time of this writing, gamers will be able to use the Gamerammo token to utilize gear acquition, get coaching, and use it in software with third-party developers who accept it.

As development proceeds, we also plan to implement the ability for payouts to come in the form of more traditional forms of currency and other cryptocurrencies directly. While this may seem counterintuitive, it is essential to remember what the goal is here at Gamer Ammo: to declare gaming a profession. We will do what it takes and work around obstacles to ensure this sort of pay for the gamer is possible.

How can I compete with the high level, pro gamers?

This is where the brilliance of us providing a platform alongside our token comes in. Our team has been thinking of ways to elevate the struggling gamer in ways they need the most. We started by asking some questions: “What resources would I need in order to be the best gamer? Who is type of gamer that can benefit most from resources?” What we’ve found is that it is the streamer who needs more help than simply using a chat platform.

This is why we’re building a wiki. Spearheaded by our COO, Caleb Gothberg, we will be providing streaming resources directly to the gamers. Caleb has spent the better part of the past few months watching streams, streaming himself, and gathering resources based on his interactions to aid the wiki creation. It is our goal that once these early assets are made available, other streamers will join the community and build out these resources even further for the streamer and, ultimately, branch out into providing resources outside of just the streaming sphere.

Why have you chosen this route?

Many people choose to build gaming tokens that are meant to be used in game. This seems intuitive, but we believe this is not the case. Tokens for gaming can be used in games, certainly, but first they must build a community. If we look at where gaming is currently the most active and centralized, we are looking at platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Steam. Where the gamers unite under the discussion and the playing of the games, not necessarily the currency within their games.

It is our first objective to tackle the community aspect. There are conversations being had about gaming and they ought to take place on a platform made for the gamer. The gamer should be rewarded for generating that discussion — and it most definitely should be the community that decided whether or not to reward them.

We aim to incentivize discussion. Through this incentive and collection of Gamerammo, the user base will choose where the token goes. So long as we build a token with the ability to transition into such markets in the future, the gamer will be able to decide where it goes and aid us in selecting the best games and platforms to insert their token.

What do you say about other gaming blockchains?

First, we do not believe it’s the company’s job to tell you to use a certain kind of mechanic inside of your games nor is it their job to sell that to you. That’s the game’s job. However, some people have built very good mechanics that we would love to see used within the gaming sphere.

What we can offer is a piece of technology that, if the community builds around it, will be easily-integrated and work with those pieces of technology. We can work with and help propel other gaming tokens to new community levels. We encourage the developers of gaming crypto assets to reach out to us, to partner with us, and to utilize us in our declaration of gaming a profession. We put the choice and the power in the gamer’s hands.

What stage of development are you in?

Currently we are about to release our white paper within the next two weeks, are finalizing the alpha version of Clutchat, and deploying the first iteration of our smart contract.

We are currently seeking angel investors who believe in what we’re doing. We aim to launch our Token Generation Event sometime in early March. We have bootstrapped this entire project ourselves with minimal capital investment and now is the time for us to take up arms, align with the right investors, and prepare for the future.

We ask anyone reading that thinks this might be them or knows of someone who might be interested to contact us at If anything, this will provide strong connections throughout the gaming industry to a project that is leading the charge of putting the gamer first.

What should I take away from this?

Gamers compete and we provide the platform to utilize and enabled to compensate them for it. That’s how we all win. Gaming is not a profession that needs to be dominated by professional esports nor does that have to be the goal as a gamer. You can earn by gaming, and we want to help get you there.

Start by joining us on our Discord server and keeping up to date and providing insight on the projects. We have channels dedicated to the projects and encourage discussion within them. You can also checkout our website and signup to test the Alpha release of Clutchat or Partner with us.

*Editor’s Note: This content was publishing on January 24th, 2018 and was last updated on January 28th, 2018 to update terminology and definitions.

