I Am DeepBlueBeard, and I Really Do Have A Blue Beard

Follow me as I share Part 1 on how to become a live streamer.

DeepBlue Beard
Gamerjibe Blog
4 min readAug 31, 2018


I always do my best to keep up with what you guys are telling me in chat!

How did I get started streaming anyway?

My name is Matthew Brinkley — you will most likely know me as DeepBlueBeard. I am a disabled Army veteran and longtime streamer. I started streaming as soon as I left the military 5.5 years ago, so I’ve been in the game for a while.

I discovered it one day while noticing my friend watching a video of someone playing Destiny. It took me a bit to realize he was actually watching a live video rather than a pre-recorded one. Intrigued, I decided to watch a few livestreams myself. After seeing King Gothalion raise money for a military charity during a live broadcast, I knew I had to get into this. After being medically discharged from 5 separate IED explosions while serving three Combat tours, I wanted to help others become successful no matter their past or present by becoming a live streamer.

Today, I stream 5 times a week, and it’s an important part of my routine. I also catfish regularly in tournaments and for charity events, and I volunteer through Operation Supply Drop and help gamers with anxiety.

Why am I writing this blog?

I see too many newcomers make the same mistakes I have made when I started streaming. No matter how much this industry changes over time, the basic rules for streaming do not change.

So, I want to share my experience as a veteran streamer and hopefully provide some tips that will help you. Whether you are seasoned or brand new, there should at least be something you can take away.

This industry is not easy, so be prepared to work hard and grind. To begin our journey into the world of live streaming, let’s get started with what it means to be a live streamer.

A live streamer is an influencer.

Hi!, my name is DBB! Whats yours?

According to the Influencer Marketing Hub, an influencer is an individual who…

· Has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience.

· Has a following in a particular niche, which they actively engage with. The size of the following depends on the size of the niche.

As a streamer, you may think you are just playing a game or sharing your life with friends on camera, but there is so much more to that. First, you must be aware of how you present yourself to the world. The image that you project is the image the world will see and know you by.

Even Forbes has something to say about influencers: “With the rise of ad blockers, DVRs, and streaming music we don’t see as many ads as we used to; which is why influencer marketing is now the most effective form of advertising. Influencers have a loyal following, authenticity, and trustworthiness making them so effective in persuading consumers to buy a product.”

No matter if you have one viewer or millions, you have the power to influence others.

People will pay attention to your actions even when you think no one is looking. What you say matters. But, do not let this scare you. Just be aware of it. Who knows — maybe companies will contact you for a partnership, so you always want to be ready. You can beat your bottom dollar that more and more brands are going to influencers instead of traditional media to advertise.

This endeavor is not for everyone, and that is ok.

Not everyone will be a brain surgeon either. But if you do want to get into this, do not expect to grow over night. It takes time, work, dedication and even some lost sleep. But once you start growing an audience, it is beyond rewarding. I cannot count the number of times I have shed a tear of joy because someone reached out to me behind the scenes and told me how thankful they were, even sharing that I was the reason they were still alive. Live streaming has changed me for the better, and I hope it will for you too.

In my upcoming posts, we will break down how to become a successful streamer step-by-step, as I share some common pitfalls and tips. You will not want to miss it!

You can find me with my blue beard from M-F at 9:30am-12:30pm EST on Mixer or M-F 1:30pm-5:30pm EST on Twitch.

