Gameset in 2020

Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2021

The merger, record-breaking results in terms of viewing gaming content and an ever-stronger set of competencies of the specialists on board — that is what defined us this year.

We produced over 1000 materials for 95 brands from gaming, technology, FMCG, finance and recruitment sectors. We conducted our activities in 8 markets of the European Union. We have also examined the real reach of the creators associated with us with the help of IQS market research company. According to the analysis, 59% of gamers aged 9–55 watch the channels of gaming creators associated in the Gameset network. This means that the creators of Gameset network reach 10.2 million gaming fans in Poland, or 94% of people interested in gaming video content in this age group!

Gameset has entered this year with a merger with LTTM Group. We wanted to increase the scale of the Gameset brand and expand our competences with top-class influencer marketing. Today, Gameset stands on two of the strongest pillars in the region: the best gaming marketing strategy and a network of creators with the largest reach.

- Piotr Bombol, Chief Strategy Officer

Last year we definitely focused on educating the market about gaming marketing. We conducted a series of webinars on the possibilities of cooperation and implementation of gaming campaigns, prepared research on the interest in gaming content in Poland and we focused heavily on drawing attention to the large presence of women in gaming. On the organizational level, we have also focused on the development of agency services for our clients, started to cooperate with the gamedev industry in the area of gaming marketing activities and expanded our teams with the best gaming and esports specialists in Poland. Currently, we are looking at the year 2021 with a great deal of confidence.

- Michał Kołodziej, Chief Business Officer



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Gameset is a gaming and metaverse marketing agency that provides engaging and effective communication connecting brands with gamers and metaverse users.