5 Personalities of a Copywriter

Twinkle Mali
Gameskraft Design
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2024


We were all writers. Some would agree to being a sad poet once, and others would accept being a blogger seeking likes in random WhatsApp groups, or a friend who sends long emo texts when hurt. So, when did we become copywriters? It’s not when we wrote our first ad or when our push notification first hit the highest CTR (Click Through Rate). It all started the first time we helped a friend send cute texts to his crush or wrote a fake leave application for a sibling. As they say, copywriters write to sell, and everything we wrote back then was a bestseller, at least among our peers.

Copywriting is the job of an empath

Building a deeper emotional connection with your audience is something that differentiates us from AI. We adapt to many roles to become adept at what we call a daylight job. Behind those 13-second bumper ads on Instagram or a witty push notification that caught your attention is not a robot, but an empath that knows what you feel, need, or want.

So, among the many roles played by a copywriter to write that perfect copy, there are a few that make a copywriter more versatile.

Illustration by Anushka Khalkho

1. A Shoe Lover

It’s the shoes that we all, as copywriters, try to step into. We don’t mind any brand or type. They can be shoes that hurt you, comfort you, lead you somewhere nice, or wear out at the wrong time — we love all of them.

2. A Struggling Actor

It’s always a new character we want to play. We audition; we reject ourselves; and we become a little better with each failure. We are the ones who create drama in the copy when there’s a sale or limited stock and try to induce a little bit of action with every CTA (Call to Action) button.

Illustration by Anushka Khalkho

3. A Word Miser

We don’t use too many words to say a little. Our job is to make one word do the work of twenty. The less we write, the better it reads.

4. A BRIEFcase

Not a regular briefcase; it’s a case full of briefs — some incomplete and some merely adding an extra burden to our creative journey. In the life of a copywriter, any grief isn’t too big if it’s not about one of those badly written briefs.

5. A PUNdit

Yes, we’re experts. We play with random words to make them rhyme or add an extra flavour of puns (always intended). We might not be content writers, but we feel content being just copywriters.

“This blog could have been a killer one-liner” — Copywriter

Anyway, thanks for reading :)



Twinkle Mali
Gameskraft Design

I wanna scream and shout and let it all out (in a Word doc).