GameStation and DeFi11 join forces to speed up the #GameFi revolution and become major industry players

Gamestation’s launchpad will unite with DeFi11’s ecosystem to take #GameFi to the next level.

3 min readSep 24, 2021


Fellow $GAMER, say hello to our new partner, DeFi11, which just launched its $D11 token. The #GameFi company is working to revolutionize fantasy sports games and NFT games. We can’t wait to work with them on our shared mission of decentralizing gaming armed with the weapon of crypto tech.

DeFi11 is a DeFi powered gaming ecosystem for fantasy sports, NFTs, virtual worlds and P2P prediction markets. They are looking to create a decentralized and safe ecosystem where players can enjoy their GameFi games without the fear of being scammed or having the game manipulated by centralized authorities. DeFi11 attacks problems like: dummy or fake winners during competitions, manipulation of data and reward pool amounts, lack of transparency and audits in the industry. In essence, DeFi11 is creating the basis for user privacy and a self-regulated ecosystem. DeFi11 and Gamestation decentralizing gaming and solving these problems should help gamers everywhere feel less like this:

But no guarantees! In order to achieve their vision, the DeFi11 team is working hard to implement solutions to tackle the problems mentioned above. The team is composed of comprehensive profiles with varied backgrounds. The team members come from the crypto world, tradfi (traditional finance) and top-notch marketing teams from top-tier companies. DeFi11 can also count on a vast network of advisors and partners that will provide all the resources needed to make DeFi11 successful!

The team is building several features:

  • A GameFi wallet for users
  • Swapping assets contract
  • Staking contracts
  • Fantasy Sports games and NFT games
  • A gamified system of incentives and rewards
  • A prediction market
  • Liquidity pools for players to earn more

The GameStation team thinks DeFi11 will become a huge player in the GameFi ecosystem in the following years due to the much-needed suite of features they are developing. We are super excited to work with such a brilliant team, and we are looking forward to the next steps of our partnerships. We will announce these future steps to you later.

Congratulations on your $D11 token listing, and welcome to the GameStation world!

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About DeFi11

DeFi11 is a DeFi powered decentralized gaming ecosystem built on top of Matic Blockchain with Ethereum as the base layer. The platform aims to establish ethical standards in gaming by making the system transparent, auditable, and incentivizing. In this way, we are trying to bring more individuals to an already ripe gaming market, which has been stifled due to a lack of innovation.

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About GameStation

GameStation is a multi-chain community-oriented gaming incubator and launchpad. We are adding a gamification layer to the launchpad to make it easier and more fun for gamers to participate and invest in innovative games. GameStation will also allow users access to an NFT marketplace where they can buy and sell in-game items easily. Finally, the community is at the center of GameStation, and gamers will have the opportunity to create social events and tournaments.

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