Rollerskates and Gunslinging? I’m in. (Sasha The Dual Gunslinger).

Crystal Bretz is Making Marvelous Models

Sculpting Unique and Beautiful Creations for Projects both Personal and Professional

Amy Meszko
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2023


Okay, so I think I’ve established by now that I can find a lot to appreciate about almost any kind of art. Whether it’s environment or character design, texture-focused or 3d-model, I am fascinated by the talent and imagination that goes into creating any kind of art. Having said that, I admit that there’s one specific kind of thing that really grabs my attention. I’m not going to name it, I’m just going to slap an artwork in here and let it do the talking.

Regular readers may be sensing a pattern (Viktor (Fur Socks) Baldwin A.K.A Greg).

Crystal Bretz is a prolific and talented 3d-artist with a portfolio jam-packed with stunning artworks. At present, she’s a Lead Modeler at Framestore, and has worked on some very recognizable properties ranging from Black Panther to Spiderman: No Way Home. Her demo reel really speaks for itself, illustrating that Bretz’s skillset is quite broad and encompasses a wide range of styles and themes. She also worked on a project that another of our featured artists was a part of: The Final Fantasy IX Memoria Project. Bretz has also shared a lot of writings on her experiences in the industry, as well as information to help other artists improve their craft.

It’s so cool to learn which elements an artist was involved in making.

There really is a lot in Bretz’s portfolio to be impressed by, but I really appreciated the attention to detail in the post for Memoria Project’s Moogles. There are a ton of videos in this post alone that show the moogles interacting with their environment, with the player, as well as the reference materials and detailed views of the model in a variety of colors. Bretz specified her intention to keep the final product as close to the source material as possible, and I think it’s absolutely worth taking some time to appreciate the effort that went into that. In my opinion, she did a great job keeping the spirit of the source material while bringing the figures to life in a new way.

Seriously, go watch the videos [Moogle + Color Variations — Memoria Project (Final Fantasy IX Tribute)].

In closing, I’m really enjoying looking at people’s hard work and effort and learning more about the people behind the media that’s available for us to consume. It’s all well and good to be fans of actors, but there’s some really incredible work going into the CGI parts of filmmaking that have made some of the most fantastic ideas a reality for us to enjoy. I’m looking forward to looking at more cool, crazy, scary, breathtaking, inspiring art in the future, and writing about the people that make that art possible.

I guess this experience would feel quite…strange (Spiderman: No Way Home).

Check out Bretz’s Artstation here!

Or check out her personal website, LinkedIn, or Instagram!



Amy Meszko

I sound angrier than I actually am. BA in English/Language Arts. Shout out to my mom, who got me into drawing so she could get things done.