“Wrath of the Lich King”

Dmitry Prozorov Bridges the Gap Between Fan and Professional Art

The Gulf between homage and industry standard is often and unfortunately deep, but Dmitry proves that this does not have to be the case.

Mike Haggerty
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2022


It is great to see an artist that has a love affair with an IP get a chance to actually work for the company that creates it. He was able to spend a year working on 2D art at Blizzard, cranking out awesome illustrations for games like World of Warcraft and Diablo. That is not his only work as he has been plugging away since 2011 as a professional illustrator at companies across the world.

Dmitry is an artist with a clear inspiration and motivation, at least as far as the subjects of his work are concerned. He captures beautiful vignettes of creatures and characters from his favorite games and he often shares them through awesome speed-paints that lets us all see his process.

“Pride of Silvermoon” — SpeedPainting by TAMPLIER 2020

As a former WoW player I can say without a doubt that seeing some of these characters brought to life with Dmitry’s art is pretty awesome. I spent years fully engrossed in the game and it is clear by his loving renders that he has the same sort of love for the characters and stories as me.

Make sure you check the links so you can follow him around the web and become as enthralled with his work as I have!

Don’t forget his Portfolio!

Follow him on Instagram.

You can keep up with him on DeviantArt.

You can see more of his speed-paints on YouTube.

Zandalari Troll vs Kul Tiran

Looking for great textures for your own 3D journey? Check out the GameTextures library!

