Embrace the Urban Decay with this Junk Heaven Art Pack in Unreal

Mike Haggerty
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2019

The emphasis on 2D recently is a real side effect of my own gaming habits but it also has something to do with the quality of the packs that are on the marketplace. Not that the 3D side of things has overwhelmingly bad packs, in fact they are usually quite good! The problem with 3D packs is that a lot of the time they are very specifically useful.

I will usually choose to feature a broadly useful pack over an extremely high quality but incredibly narrow usage pack. The most good for the most people. The bar for entry on 2D Development is slightly lower as I rate it then 3D so these packs can go a lot further for their cost.

This pack was received for free, as a general rule I do not review packs that I cannot give an overall positive article about so this has little to do with the end result but it is important to make this apparent.

This pack was a fun one to dive into, the decals are incredibly useful and the potential for the assets in the pack is huge. The whole time I was poking around inside of this pack I kept getting Final Fantasy, Midgard vibes. Definitely more to it than that but the sector 6 feel was hard to ignore.

The pack has a huge amount of assets, organized in a reasonable fashion though digging through them can be a bit intensive just based on the sheer amount.

The sample scene is relatively simple but it does communicate what the pack brings to the table. It showcases the normal distance tiers you find with 2D scenes. As with the other scenes we have looked at in these packs, this is useful if only to show a new user how these are set up and how they likely look in a lot of their 2D games that they play, under the hood at least.

One of the strongest parts of this pack are the different sprites, the GiF compression has played some weird hell on these, they are far more natural looking in engine. Several of the videos below will show them at their natural speed.

The vast amount of spritesheets included in this pack are incredibly useful, smoke and sparks and fire and more.

The creator has a few great videos showcasing how to set things up with the pack, best usage and just a few tips and tricks with them. Definitely worth the watch for both this pack and any other 2D assets you are planning on using.

Some Pros to force your hand

  • Sprite Sheets are extensive and ultimately useful elsewhere
  • High quality art
  • A huge pack. The cost vrs asset count is very much in your favor.

Some cons to take away.

  • Not Free
  • Easy to get lost in the asset browser.
  • Naming conventions are not ideal for searching. Within Unreal regs clearly but it may be hard to know when and what to search for.

Marketplace Link

