I perceive all turtle-shaped folk as friendly (Keyframe).

Luca Nemolato is an Artistic Jack of All Trades

A Master of Many Art Forms and Elements of the Trade

Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2023


On the night that I am writing this, there is a super moon. It’s technically a “super blue moon,” which in this case is a combination of a: “blue moon,” which refers to two full moons appearing in the same month; and a “super moon,” which occurs when the moon is as close to the earth as its orbit allows. It’s actually the last time we will have a super blue moon until 2037. If I keep practicing, maybe by then I’ll be as talented as today’s featured artist.

Just a casual, fully-armed stroll through the idyllic woods, nbd (Tree Hunt — personal project).

Luca Nemolato is an Italian illustrator and educator, and has a broad range of talents and expertise. Nemolato has worked on films, television shows, video gams, and commercials. He’s done work for HBO, DICE LA, and even Capri-Sun. He is proficient in traditional and digital drawing, painting, and sculpture, and has enough tools on his belt to make listing them impractical. His list of services covers everything from art direction and storyboarding, to concept art and 3d-modeling. It’s dense and impressive.

That’s it, I’m going to the aquarium (Caprisun — Aquarium keyframe).

So, Themberchaud. I enjoyed the Dungeons & Dragons movie quite a bit, and I was excited to see the thick dragon in Nemolato’s portfolio. This is not a post about the history of Themberchaud, nor am I interested in spoiling the movie, so in a contextless-vacuum, it’s just fun to see a dragon-of-atypical-size and shape brought to life. The full post includes some of the process of bringing Themberchaud to life, so I fully recommend taking a look. For anyone that isn’t necessarily as enthused about an over-fed dragon with tiny wings, this set of potential designs for Mothra’s wings in Godzilla: King of the Monsters is quite cool, as is or Nemolato’s 2016 demo video.

He’s exquisite, and I will not be taking questions at this time (Themberchaud — Dungeons and Dragon movie).

Before 2037, I anticipate there will be other super moons and blue moons, and probably an eclipse or two. I’m not an astronomer. It’s funny how much easier it is to claim what I am not than it is to figure out what I am. Thankfully, that’s not a question I owe anyone an answer to. I’ll just keep trying to become who I want to be, and that will be enough.

Also, I just went and looked at the moon. It looks the same as the moon always looks with an astigmatism, just bigger.

Friends come in a variety of shapes (Baghorn Mule and Cloudburst Pegasus from Ashes of Creation).
My eyes are fine, and no, I’m not taking this personally (War Dragons — if you go I go).

Check out Luca Nemolato on Artstation or his personal website!

Or browse his Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter/X!



I sound angrier than I actually am. BA in English/Language Arts. Shout out to my mom, who got me into drawing so she could get things done.