Cat and Shiba (Video tutorial)

Maria Panfilova Translates Folklore and Myth with Her Own Sculpting Style

With forms that draw from ancient sculptors and an aesthetic that speaks to me in the same way as “Where the Wild Things Are”, Maria creates beautiful 3D character art.

Mike Haggerty
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2021



Mariya Panfilova is a 3D character artist with a wide selection of work. I am personally a huge fan of the hard sculpted look that she has on many of her pieces. Scraping away at a model digitally while still making it look like it has tool marks and could be standing in a courtyard somewhere is its own brand of skill. The Cat and Shiba (seen above) and Youth eater are some of my favorites, they look like awesome classical pieces. Her work is clearly inspired by some of the best of the old masters and that translates into really amazing work.

She has worked across a ton of really cool IPs, as a freelancer with incredible skill and the dedication to improve Mariya has been able to take part in the production of projects across the whole spectrum of 3D art. Her work credit includes Mobile game studios, VFX studios and big name AAA game studios like ArenaNet.


Looking forward to seeing what she has going on in the future, it looks like she has had a hand in creating characters for the new Diablo 2: Resurrected. You can see that post on her instagram, among a ton of others.

Make sure you check out her links below!

Don’t forget her Portfolio!

See what she posts on Instagram.

Connect professionally on LinkedIn.

Paul Bonner’s Throll

Looking for great textures for your own 3D journey? Check out the GameTextures library!

