Oleg Ovigon Paints Science Fiction into Science Reality

Another concept artist with a great 3D portfolio, Oleg creates fantastic mechanical and Sci-Fi Concepts.

Mike Haggerty
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2020



The feature today is an amazing artist from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Oleg creates some really phenomenal concept art with two really distinct styles. He has a soft and painterly sort of concepting, rough shapes and details but strong lighting. This is a really endearing style of work for me, I love the suggestion of much of the work here. He also has a cleaner and more finished style of painting for his environments that communicates the scene very well and honestly looks like a render sometimes (which some of them may very well be, he uses 3D in much of his later work). he has been utilizing stand-alone 3D for weapon and prop concepts that look great. They communicate the shape and purpose of the concept extremely well (though the material definitions are a little flat, really the only negative thing I can say about this part of his work).


I love seeing the evolution of an artist in their online portfolio, Oleg Ovigan has a huge part of his artistic history laid bare in his Artstation portfolio and the progression is huge. You can watch as his style solidifies from an early stage, the practice that has built up over time and eventually the experimentation into the 3D sphere that has added a whole new layer to his concepts. Working in the art world is very much about building your toolkit in a way that ultimately lets you express what is in your head the most effectively.

One of the best parts of the digital age is the sheer amount of art that we can appreciate on any given day. It does not matter that Oleg is in Russia and the chances of us meeting or even talking are near to zero, I can see his and other artists from around the world with the click of a button. Being able to appreciate such a wide spectrum of art from every culture with an internet connection can only do good for the world as far as I am concerned. This is pretty true for all of the articles I work on but seeing Olegs work and noting the language barrier between us, I realized that it did not really matter when it came to the language we both shared.

concept_sci_fi room

Don’t forget his Portfolio!

Check out his Instagram!

Follow on Twitter.

