Take a Step into the Past with this Realistic Medieval Village pack in Unity

Mike Haggerty
Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2019

The medieval period is an often visited, often misrepresented. It still captures a sort of romance and a level of brutality that we find as hard to reconcile with today’s values as we find it fascinating. It is also far enough removed from this day and age that it is relatively easy to take long looks and dive in without worrying about troublesome ideas and concepts that would be closer to home if we focused on nearer time frames.

In short, the Medieval period is easy to work with in most settings. Fantastical or realistic, the setting is ripe and fertile for a ton of different projects and is often used. This pack should help with that, giving you what looks to be a robust kit of assets to help fill out your vision of an older world.

The first thing I thought of when I was looking through the screenshots of this pack was “Witcher 3” and it definitely feels like it was inspired by the towns and villages in that game. There is a lot of detail packed into this asset collection so lets dive in and take a look!

The materials taken as a whole are quite good, they are consistent and have a solid texel density consistency across the whole of the scene. There ARE some jarring exceptions to this however.

This wood is and example of a great material. The normal data is really good on it and there are only a few inconsistencies that cause issues when looking at it. The lack of shadows from the support pillar near the center of the image is one of those.

The roofing is an entirely different animal and is actually kind of embarrassing compared to the quality of the rest of the pack. The material may have actually been passable on a mesh that was made specifically for it but as it is, it is really just not that good. It is glaring in the difference between it and the other materials in the pack. Including the trees which were another relatively low point of the overall kit.

It is also all based off of one UV sheet, which probably does wonders for the effeciency but it is absolutely not doing the roof textures any favors. It would have been far better to reference all the roofing on one sheet, all of certain walls off of its own sheet, etc. There are also other ways to do it that are better than how it was done here.

The meshes are interesting in this pack, if only because I have not seen or explored LODs in Unity until now.

This kit comes with a ton of assets and while I do not care for the quality of some of them, overall they are quite good. This pack is well worth it as a way to flush out your project with a bunch of inconsequential assets that serve as set dressing and scene fillers. Things that are totally background noise but make a scene jarring if they are not in it.

I would walk away from this secure in the fact that my money is well spent on tables, chairs, scrolls and definitely on apples.

The scene is pretty huge, there is a lot of terrain to explore. Up close it is pretty good looking but at this distance it definitely is not at its strongest, visually.

And interesting take on this pack would be its possible use for an RTS type of game, if you tweaked the LODs and removed the interior assets it could definitely work for that type of game.

This pack comes with some mixed feelings for me. There are a lot of good things to take away from it. There are also some unfortunate choices made by the developer.

As a whole I would say that this pack is absolutely worth its current price of $7. It brings a ton of useful assets to the table and the scene itself showcases some of the possibilities of the less useful assets that help to redeem them.

Check out the video:

Check out the developers other packs!

Some Pros to force your hand

  • A ton of useful assets for scene clutter
  • The large scene showcases the possibilities of the pack in ways not intended by the creator.
  • Some of the materials used really are nice looking.
  • Includes interesting particles, sprites and effects for wind and far distant birds, etc.

Some cons to take away.

  • Some of the materials are really not that nice looking.

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