The Inspiration and Motivation for Material Creation

Our last content creation sprint for 2023 was also our first Material Sprint for the Library in almost a full year.

Mike Haggerty

-- has always had a significant place in any artists toolkit, at least when it comes to sourcing beautiful textures for their projects. With a library of over 5,000 materials it is a job we have always done well. In the last couple of years however, GameTextures had shifted its focus slightly and that was ultimately to the detriment of our library at large. Our time spent working on various outsource projects was incredibly fun and a great way for our artists to stretch their muscles and get out of their comfort zones but now we are ready to get back to what we do best.

That is, of course, creating materials for developers to enjoy. Our internal (and external) cultural touchstone has always been “For artists, By artists” and we aim to dial in on that until we have the unequivocally best material library on the internet. After our (Uncomfortably) long hiatus from library updates, we are finally fully back into creating monthly library updates.

DS Splintered Wood Floor

Matt Dirks, Principle Artist here at dove into creating this comprehensive homage to Diablo IV. We want you all to enjoy these new materials.

DS Gold Trimsheet

This launch is our Inspiration and Motivation launch, called so due to our principle artist falling into love with the environmental storytelling of Diablo 4 as well as our drive to get back to regular material launches.

Enjoy ^_^

