It’s never a bad idea to moisturize and wear sunscreen (Devourer of Ghosts).

Tooth Wu’s Art is in the Details, and the Details are Fun

Fun Ideas, Unique Designs, and a Distinct Sense of Whimsy Combine to Make the Day Brighter

Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023


I got into my first ever actual car accident this weekend! It was so exciting! My artist of the week this week ought to be my seatbelt, because the range of color on these bruises is, ugh, chef’s kiss. The crimson, the deep plum, the chartreuse. The chartreuse.

Fairly Accurate Artistic Representation (Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash).

So, anyway. I needed to look at something that made me feel something other than “generalized anxiety,” or, “Oops, I touched a bruise to a surface,” or, “Ouch.” Never a stranger to doing things in whatever order seems to make sense at the time the decision was made, I dove into my list of potential Artist’s-of-the-Week, just looking for the first thing that made me feel a vague sense of “good,” or “happy.” Here is the image:

I love this so much (CAT?).

Mmhm. It just happened again when I looked at it now. I have so many things to say at once, I’m speechless, because I don’t even know where to start. As the Dog of Wisdom says, “Happy happens.” Look, here’s another one:

I’ll take two, so they don’t get lonely (Small practice).

Who, what, why? I don’t really mind that I don’t have the answer, I just want one of these to sit in my pocket and pop it’s head out when someone says something mean or unfortunate, so it can respond with incomprehensible squeaking noises and express it’s displeasure with the situation. Imagine it. It’s wonderful.

On a serious note, this is stunning (The Council Of Archmage NO.5 Shell Of Orilynn).

Tooth Wu doesn’t have a ton of personal biographical information on Artstation or LinkedIn. A very clean portfolio that lets the skill of the artist speak for itself. Wu has worked as a freelance and concept artist for well-known companies like Riot Games and Blizzard.

This looks like how executive dysfunction feels (Whisper of abyss).

I’ve done things a little out of order today, since, in a lot of ways, I’ve already put the focus on two artworks, granted with minimal qualification for why I chose them. I’m happy to accept any ray of sunshine that pokes its way into my life at the moment. There are so many detailed and beautiful works in Wu’s portfolio, and the variety of styles that Wu has cultivated really show a ton of breadth. There’s eveything from super detailed linework to more loose painterly pieces. I really recommend taking a close look at the linework pieces to really appreciate the details.

The details on the armor deserve a closer look (DRAGONBORN PALADIN).

I’m not having the best week. I have learned a lot, but very little of it is worth mentioning here. I really, sincerely hope that everyone is taking care of themselves this week. If anyone else has been hurt, ice. Please, put some ice on it, and go find your equivalent of a pink-alien-chicken-nugget cat. Find that sunshine.

For some reason, I’m thinking of the dentist (The Family of Blood).
“You can’t fetch happy, happy happens” — The Dog of Wisdom (The Last Paladin).

Check out Tooth Wu on Artstation!

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I sound angrier than I actually am. BA in English/Language Arts. Shout out to my mom, who got me into drawing so she could get things done.