Excuse me, I think I have some aimless digital horseback riding to do (塞尔达).

V Wei is Painting Beautiful Stories

A Broad Spectrum of Artwork that Communicates Meaning Without Words

Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2023


I’m not going to lie, I’m not having the best week. My allergies have been crushing me, and subsequently opened the door to a horrific sinus infection. I’ve systematically demolished all but one of my fingernails. My Youtube recommendations are as unrecognizable as my new neighbors; I’m sure they’re fine, but I don’t know where they came from. I only fell asleep with auto-play on one time, I swear!

Thankfully, there’s art to look at.

Reporting live from the burning in my sinuses (xycq).

There’s not a lot of information I can find on v wei, at least that I have the capacity to be able to read. They have their weibo link and email in their header, but I lack the know-how to engage with weibo in my current form. Their Artstation profile summary contains a single character: “.” No links to LinkedIn or a personal website. Just art, ready to speak for itself.

Old-school wizards: Proving that cats and aesthetic skulls aren’t just for goth girls (炼金术师).

There’s a couple works that caught my attention this week. The wizard above just has so much cool storytelling going on: The cats scattered around the room, the details on the shelves that still don’t manage to distract away from the subject, the messy staircase that captures the haphazard precision of the wizard archetype. I found myself wondering about the figure coming down the stairs, and how the bottles in the box would be used. The full post has close-ups of different elements of the image.

No jokes here, just enjoy the art and the insight (sketch1).

On the subject of what is contained in an image, this sketch study contains the inspiration photos for the compositions, and it is so cool to see how an artist can reinterpret the imagery that inspires them. It’s one of the beauties of human creativity; the dragons hidden in the coldest blast of air, unseen until that artist makes them known.

She’s pretty and magical (clash of wonders — -).

Sadly, my last nail was lost in the making of this article. I’m a stress-induced nail-biter, a habit I’ve had since I was a kid. I’d be lying if I said that my love of looking at and writing about art completely drowns out the anxieties I have about trying to show appreciation for those that make that art in the first place. Art is sometimes more than colors and shapes, it’s a form of communication for many people. I just hope that I can express how I feel when I see people’s work successfully.

I’m gonna assume she just reminded them how much they lost on NFTs (-交易-).
There was a dog, of course I was gonna feature this one (-部落-).

Check out v wei’s Artstation here!

Or head over to Weibo, whether you can read it or not! Art is it’s own language, after all.



I sound angrier than I actually am. BA in English/Language Arts. Shout out to my mom, who got me into drawing so she could get things done.