CEO’s Corner: How We’re Gonna Make 2016 Great, Together

Michael Anderson
GameWisp’s Game Whispers
4 min readApr 26, 2016

With PAXSouth coming to a close to truly kick off the new year, I’ve had some time to think about the past twelve months here at GameWisp. I wanted to take the time to share some of those thoughts about our phenomenal 2015, and what awesomeness lies ahead for 2016.

Our mission this past year, since the first PAX South, was to improve the lives and careers of broadcasters by figuring out what it was they really needed, and building the tools to make that a reality. If you’ve followed along, you know that we’ve been relentless in our pursuit of figuring out just what it was you really need, of finding the cracks in the lives of content creators and filling them. This year, we wanted to find what really would make your lives better. And, now, with your help, we’re proud to say this was the year we figured it out.

I am infinitely proud of our talented and passionate team here at GameWisp. They worked tirelessly on our product, while constantly shouting from the figurative rooftops our belief that every business-oriented streamer deserves the tools to earn a sustainable living. It was an invigorating and humbling year of progress and growth for us. Just to give you a picture of what that looked like:

  • We wrote over 300,000 lines of code, as we pushed hundreds of updates to the GameWisp application.
  • We drove (in a van, car, and sprinter) over 10,000 miles to meet streamers and be at conferences like PAX South, PAX East and TwitchCon.
  • We helped streamers fulfill over 100,000 benefits to their biggest fans.
  • We released benefit automation systems, integrated with popular tools like TwitchAlerts and StreamPro, and got to know a lot of you while building new revenue for your channel.

All of this is because of you, the creators, who have worked so hard on your GameWisp campaigns, and shared with us the things that work, the things that don’t, and everything in between. We grow when you grow, and lately there’s been plenty of it to go around. For that, we thank you.

So, now that we have moved on to a new year, what’s next for us?

In 2016, GameWisp is going to be doing even more to fulfill our vision of building everything you need to create reliable revenue streams and deeply engaged audience communities.

Our mission is two fold: 1) we will continue to develop and perfect the foundational platform of tools we built in 2015, and 2) we will begin to build upon that foundation to provide a place where you can even further transform your streaming career.

How does that look practically?

1)Our foundational subscription tools are going to keep getting better in both design and function. We’ve spent hours watching, asking and learning about what worked and what hasn’t over the past 6 months. We will be introducing improvements all across the platform.

2)We will add more automation in benefit fulfillment. The features we introduced in this space were revolutionary, and we have big plans to take them to the next level. As these come online, GameWisp will save you time every day and enable you to do amazing things with your fans that you never thought possible.

3)Our team will be working hard to enable even more GameWisp integrations with the tools you already use and love. There will be more about this in the coming weeks, but know we have some special things in store for you and the ecosystem on our roadmap.

4)Better educational resources are on their way to help you know how to best take advantage of our platform, make more money and engage with your fans.

5)Even More! Not only do we have some things that we can’t even mention yet that I know you will love, we are voracious learners here at GameWisp. We will be navigating this year similarly to last year: always listening to you, always learning, and always ready to adapt in whatever ways we can to better serve our users.

I am so thrilled with what we have been able to do this past year at GameWisp, and I am convinced that 2016 is going to be even more special, for all of us.

GameWisp gets better every day: a specially tailored platform designed to help business-oriented, gaming streamers build valid, sustainable careers as entertainers.

If you have been with us for a long time, thank you for your continued support. If you are just finding us, I hope you will join us in this journey that is, honestly, just getting started.

Let’s make 2016 great, together.

Originally published at on Feb 2, 2016

