Get To Know ‘Applications,’ a Community Manager’s Best Friend

Have content creators come to you, and get to know them and their platform instantly using the ‘Applications’ feature.

Greg Rozen
GameWisp’s Game Whispers
4 min readJun 1, 2018


What are Applications?

Applications are an easy, efficient way to draw in more content creators with whom to work. As the name implies, this feature lets you generate and share portals through which creators can apply for your influencer program, access to beta keys, or other perks and relationships. Every application created through GameWisp Connect is given its own unique url, so it’s simple to get it out and into the world for creators to find.

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Creating an Application

​To begin, select the “New Application” button in the upper right hand corner of the applications page. A pop-up will prompt you to title your application and designate its url, at which point you can select “Create Application” to move on to the next step.

​From the “General” tab you’ll be able to change the application’s title. Under “Privacy Settings,” you can choose to make your application accessible to any ‘GameWisp Subscriptions’ user through their dashboard by selecting “Public.” Thousands of content creators use the Subscriptions product to deliver extra rewards to their fans, making this a great way to get your offering in front of potential partners. If, however, you’d like more control over the distribution of your application, you can select “Private,” and the application will only be accessible through a direct link.

Introduce yourself and your program in the “Description” section. This is where potential applicants get the most insight into who you are, what you’re looking for, and what might be expected of them should they be accepted, so don’t neglect it. But, don’t overdo it. A good description is both informative and concise.

​Add as many questions as you’d like to the application by selecting the blue “Add Question” button. Questions can be either in a Yes/No format or short answer. Be sure to mark any questions you absolutely must have answered as “Required.” Beneath this section, under “Properties,” you can select what pieces of biographical information your application will request. Data collected in this manner will populate the relevant fields for applicants who are also contacts, but till not overwrite any fields which are already known. Applicants who become contacts will have this information listed automatically on their contact page.

​Under “Content or Social Platform Requirements” you can specify minimum performance metrics for applicants. After selecting whether a creator needs to meet just one requirement or all of them, clicking “Add Requirement” allows you to add as many parameters as you wish, automatically disqualifying creators who haven’t reached the numbers you’re looking for. If your problem is that you’ve got too many creators vying for limited partnerships, this is a great way to keep your flow of applicants manageable.

Finally, if you require applicants to agree to a Terms of Service, you can link it to your application by inputting the url of said terms in the final field. When you’re done, select “Save Application.”

Publishing/Archiving Applications​

​Don’t leave just yet! You’re not quite done. Your new application should now be visible, alongside the others, on your main Applications page. It won’t be visible to creators, however, until you select the “Publish” button beneath its url. This will make public applications available via the GameWisp Subscriptions dashboard, and activate the url for both public and private applications. Once an application is published, meanwhile, you’ll still be able to make changes to the application by selecting “Edit,” or you can take it down by selecting “Unpublish.”

Any unpublished applications can be removed from the page by selecting “Archive.” Archived applications can still be found by selecting the link at the bottom of the page.

Once someone has filled out your application, you’ll be able to scroll through their information and view their applications by selecting the “Applicants” button that appears beneath the url. From here you’ll also be able to approve or deny individual applications. Note that you can pull up an individual creator’s applications from their contact page.

Head on over to GameWisp Connect to find out more about the first discovery and management tools built specifically for working with gaming content creators, and be sure to follow us here and on Twitter for all the latest in influencer news and GameWisp updates.



Greg Rozen
GameWisp’s Game Whispers

Business Narrative Designer and Content Marketing Expert. Also gamer, aspiring novelist, middling cook, and popular man-about-town.