The Heart of GameWisp Connect: A Content Creator’s Entire Story, All On One Page

The Individual Contact Page. Every interaction, every metric, all in one place. Learn all about it…

Greg Rozen
GameWisp’s Game Whispers
5 min readJun 8, 2018


Each individual contact page on GameWisp Connect is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know or do relating to that particular creator. The page is filled with tools that help you to communicate both externally, with the creators themselves, and internally with other team members, while also giving you access to performance data and metrics from every connected platform. Today, we’re going to take a detailed look at everything this important feature has to offer.

First, on the left side of the page, we have your…

Administrative Tools

​When it comes to communication regarding a single creator, whether it’s conversations with them or information about them, it all takes place here. Beneath the creator’s logo and links to their connected pages, you’ll find the tools for Tags and Lifecycle Stage. Tags can be used to create custom categories, groups, or sub-divisions within your greater contact pool. Any tags you create can then be used on the Contacts page as filters to create segments or to generate reports. (We’ll be talking more about reports soon.) Lifecycle Stage, meanwhile, can be used to make sure every team member is on the same page in regards to where a potential partner is in the acquisition process. These stages are fully customizable, as well.

Activity is where you’ll be communicating with creators. You can send and receive both emails and Twitter DMs from this tab and see those conversations listed below, along with other members of your marketing team so that nobody is ever in the dark in regards to who spoke to who, when. You’ll also notice that any member of the team can also use this tab to create Notes, important internal messages that serve the same function: keeping the whole team informed.

The Applications tab will list any custom applications of yours this particular contact has or is in the process of filling out. You’ll be able to see the status of said applications, and links to the information they included. For more about ‘Applications,’ click here.

Finally, the Contact Info tab provides a central location for the team to find and update addresses, phone numbers, prefered contact methods, job title, etc. These are fully customizable, as well, so you can add as many fields as you’d like.

The other half of a creator’s contact page, meanwhile, features our…

Data Tools

Finding the right partners for your game or product, or truly understanding your current influencer program’s impact means understanding what creators are really doing, and who’s watching them do it. This is where you find out. After choosing a date range for the data you’d like to see along the top of the page, GameWisp Connect provides insights from the following platforms:


Using information directly from Twitch, you can quickly visualize and understand a creator’s stream performance. Our KPI graph for the platform features Avg. Concurrents, Total Views, and Total Followers.

Beneath our metric graph, you’ll also be able to see individual streams from within the specified date range. Using this tool, not only can you see average and max concurrent viewers, stream length, and estimated minutes watched, but you’ll also be able to see that same breakdown for each game played during the stream. How is a streamer performing while playing your game, in general? What happens when they switch to your game mid stream? What happens when they stop playing it? This is where these insights begin. To find out more about why these and other Twitch metrics matter, click here.


Keep track of your creators’ Twitter activity from insight GameWisp Connect. See follower count or number of tweets visualized in the graph to look for trends, and see their most recent tweets to get a more holistic feel for the current state of their platform without having to leave the site.


YouTube data populates the graph with a visualization of total subscriber count and view count for insight into the health and trajectory of a channel. You can also see recently published videos listed beneath, where you can see viewership and engagement numbers (likes, dislikes, comments) for each piece of content, along with direct links.​


Mixer support is currently under development. You can add a contact via their Mixer username, and you can view a small amount of data from the platform, but further functionality is still forthcoming.

Head on over to GameWisp Connect to find out more about the first discovery and management tools built specifically for working with gaming content creators, and be sure to follow us here and on Twitter for all the latest in influencer news and GameWisp updates.



Greg Rozen
GameWisp’s Game Whispers

Business Narrative Designer and Content Marketing Expert. Also gamer, aspiring novelist, middling cook, and popular man-about-town.