Gangsters And Open World !! Top 5 Games Like GTA

1. Saints Row (Series)

Kabeer Jain
4 min readMay 23, 2015


Publisher: THQ
Year: 2006

Saints Row

If you are a GTA fan, you are going to certainly like this game, Saints Row series is also open world game which has some amount of comic book feel to it. It offers us similar gameplay as offered by GTA series, but it has its own advantage when it comes to imagination and creativity.
It has tremendous vehicles, better combat style than GTA, its own story line and also the missions of the game are quite amazing and interesting. Some of the mission will leave you awestruck ; you will have a great laugh playing crazy and amazing missions.

The game has focused a lot on customization of character, from visual appearance to the voice of your character and even taunts can be chosen by you. Saints row has gained much popularity nowadays, it has released its 4th title recently, Saints Row The 4th

2. Sleeping Dogs

Publisher: Square Enix
Year: 2012

Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs allow us to have same experience of GTA but not in imaginary places like Liberty City or San Andreas but in Hong Kong!! WOW! Have you ever imagined running around, playing gangster in Hong Kong ?! Sleeping Dogs’ lead character is very intense and is a local, who know Martial Arts (KickBoxing). Again, Wow!!

Our Lead Character is a undercover policeman, who is working with bad people to get some leads and solve a case. This games has a gripping story line, and there is much more focus on hand to hand combat systems rather than guns. There is no lack of guns though. But hand to hand street fighting action makes us completely go crazy. Brutal takedowns are the best thing to do with your enemies.

3. The Mafia

Publisher: Gathering of Developers
Year: 2002


Mafia series is one of the most classic games you will ever play. The game has set up in the era where gangsters wore classy suits, oiled their hair and comprised of organized crime syndicate and called themselves “Family”. They were the biggest headline grabbers in the country then.

Mafia gameplay is similar to GTA series, as it is an open world game, with quite interesting vintage cars, old weapons and the visual appearances of characters are astonishing. The old suit, hat and a gun gives a great visual treat. It is a must play even if you are not a GTA fan.

4. Scarface:

Publisher: Vivendi Games
Year: 2006


Scarface is one of the most amazing games you will ever play; Scarface Game is a sequel to the movie which came in 1983. This game has won many hearts and also gained tremendous popularity, now days it’s one of those games which are regarded as classic games.

If you have not seen the movie, I would suggest watch the movie as the movie has its own amazing popularity and even if you don’t intend to watch the movie you would find the game amazing. The only problem will be you will be not able to relate the story as quick as you would if you had watched the movie.

The lead character of the game is a famous underground gangster which has lost its empire, help him to rebuild its empire and get back what was yours. Be a gangster, have fights on streets, kill people and regain your empire. The World Is Yours.

5. L.A. Noire

Publisher: Rockstar
Year: 2011


L.A. Noire is setup in the city of Los Angeles in the early 1940s, where we play as a detective of LAPD. This game is quite a thriller with intense soundtrack; it gives you a perfect feel of being in 1940s while solving various cases.
The game allows us to focus on each and everything for solving the cases, your choices has different consequences in the game, one of the best part of the game is interrogating the suspects, it explains in how much depth the developers have gone in making this game a classic. You can observe whether suspects are saying truth or a lie by just observing their facial expressions, or even by their behaviour. The game has gun fights, car chases, combat fights and much more. This game is not just for GTA fans but for every one

If I have missed out on any titles which you feel is as awesome as GTA and gives you a intense experience of an open world filled with good and evil, please feel free to mention them in comments.

You can buy All of these games here



Kabeer Jain
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