The Best Hack-and-Slash Games of PS3

Kabeer Jain
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2015

The hack and slash genre has been around since the early days of video games. Here is a list of what we think are the best Hack-and-Slash Games of PS3:

1. God Of War: Ascension

Nothing like the inevitable prequel that arrives after a trilogy has been concluded. Ascension tells the tale of how our beloved vengeful Spartan became so, well, vengeful in the first place. It also adds multiplayer. And the usual shenanigans like tearing heads off of greek deities and having slightly off screen sex with nymphs and other delights you come to expect from the series. It was a worthy pre-conclusion, and we will see if there is still some juice left in this series, if you catch my drift.

2. Asura’s Wrath

There is insanity, there are over the top games, and then there is Asura’s Wrath. In the race for the biggest, craziest bossfights, this title throws entities at you that dwarf planet earth. It’s a game that’s mostly mentioned for its sheer sense of utter insanity and Japanese over-bravado. It may not have the stopping power of a Bayonetta or a Devil May Cry, but the style and the sheer craziness of it all make up for a lot. If you like character action games and the Japanese video game tropes of both these games as well as shonen anime series like Naruto and Dragon Ball, this game will be right up your alley.

3. Ninja Gaiden 3

One of the mainstays of the character action genre, and one of the allegedly hardest game series of all time, Ninja Gaiden 3 delivered mostly more of the same, but with much easier accessible gameplay, which obviously drew the ire of the fans of the original series. Sadly it is felt quite strongly that long time lead developer of Team Ninja (not to confused with Ninja Theory!) Tomonobu Itagaki has left for greener pastures, as this game is mostly treading water. Fans are still waiting for Itagaki’s Devil’s Third to be released, and until that happens, this here is the closest they get to a fix for their ninja itch.

4. Darksiders II

First there was War, now it’s Death’s turn. Darksiders, that Todd McFarlane inspired post biblical apocalypse universe, keeps featuring horsemen of the apocalypse in the lead. As the original Darksiders, this entry takes some hints from the Zelda games, while delivering a very distinct own sense of style. Death is a remarkably unique protagonist, the world is really well realized in both visuals and writing and the game itself is just a blast to play.

5. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

A fast-paced action game co-developed by PlatinumGames and Kojima Productions. It follows ninja-cyborg Raiden’s activities several years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4. It is a game with an epic story told through too many too long cutscenes, as is the series mainstay. It’s great package that comes with even more awesome in the DLC that adds more playable characters.

These are some of the best Hack and Slash games of PS3 according to us, if you think we missed any
game in the list above please mention it in the below comments section and also don’t forget to share.



Kabeer Jain
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