Top 5 Games with Female Protagonist

Kabeer Jain
Published in
5 min readJan 14, 2016

Hey guys, so today I was wondering that almost all the games have a male protagonist. Almost all of them and that’s not a bad thing but you I and everyone knows that games with female protagonists are different. They are memorable and sometimes you can dwell so deep in them that you actually start to love the characters. Well, these are my top 5 games with a female protagonist. Let’s start the showdown.

5.) Alien Isolation

[caption id=”attachment_5843" align=”aligncenter” width=”1024"]

Alien Isolation

Alien Isolation[/caption]

Alien Isolation is a thriller game where you have to well as the name says, survive among Aliens. Well, they are around you (almost all the time) but they are not on your side. Cool thing is, no one is on your side. You’re alone and all on your own. Well, one of the cool things about the game was how in they way Alien’s appeared. No, am not laughing on them or anything, they were actually good. Aliens could come through vents, maybe just roaming in the place you are or stuff. They could more than 1 or 2 and they were brutal. Like real brutal. Anyways it’s actually a pretty good game and despite it not being a horror game, it can almost scared (I mean I got scared… And I stopped playing the game, well that’s just me but anyways). It is not like that the game is scary but the constant feeling of being chased is scary and I don’t like being chased.

4.) Life is Strange

[caption id=”attachment_5844" align=”aligncenter” width=”1024"]

Life is Strange

Life is Strange[/caption]

Life is strange (the weird thing is, the game itself is strange but anyways) It’s actually a pretty game. Graphical wise yes I mean it looks absolutely beautiful and the concept of the game is actually like really actually, pretty good. It’s almost as good as a movie can be made upon it. I won’t give you any spoilers but can let you know one thing, the girl has a power and everything revolves around that.
Sounds interesting yeah? Well, I thought the same thing any yeah somewhat it was like it but nothing too good. It’s just good — good. Good only when you play it for the first time.

3.) Mirror’s Edge

[caption id=”attachment_5845" align=”aligncenter” width=”1024"]

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst[/caption]

Mirror’s Edge probably the most different game in this list is a sort of FPS-like game. It is meant to be played by the eyes of the protagonist. Well, this time, the girl doesn’t have any powers to fight against the evil but she has some skills. Some real skill. She can do parkour like no other person in this world. Running on walls, jumping through buildings. She can do anything that is related to fast running or jumping. This game is also good graphical wise. I mean there’s nothing really more I can tell you about the game because I have never played it. I haven’t even see it story walkthrough (but have seen gameplay). I know what this game has and it can really keep you plugged for hours if you like parkour games.

2.) Tomb Raider

[caption id=”attachment_5846" align=”aligncenter” width=”1024"]

The Rise of the Tomb Raider

The Rise of the Tomb Raider[/caption]

Well, a female protagonist list would be incomplete without this game huh. Probably the most famous female protagonist game out there. Popular so much that Microsoft have bought the license of the game and from now it will release like 2–6 months before PC and PS4 on Xbox One. One of thing I like about this game is that it is the only game that competes with Hitman and Uncharted series. That too alone. It’s seriously groundbreaking in terms of situations or destinations or her parkour skills or shooting. Even graphics are really beautiful. Well, I have started to believe that most games with female protagonist have beautiful graphics well because females are beautiful but anyways, a really good game. It got everything.

1.) Beyond Two Souls

[caption id=”attachment_5847" align=”aligncenter” width=”1024"]

Beyond Two Souls

Beyond Two Souls[/caption]

Beyond Two Souls is my favorite game. For me, it is actually the best game out there and it will be, forever. It has a story so good and so intense that I cried while watching only the walkthrough’s of the game. I mean seriously if you ever wanted to play a movie. Nothing gets better than this. It just truly outshines all other games because of how good the story was. Not only the story was good but the graphics were pretty awesome for their time. How good? The game was made on PS3 but with a PS4! Engine. Like that’s some serious thing. It pushed PS3 to it’s limited. (almost crossed it) Gameplay is also very interactive. Umm, let me give you an idea. In this game, a girl has a power (sort of) and the story is dependent on your choices. You might think that is normal nowadays, dude this game has 21 different endings. I mean I think you won’t see all of the endings, at least, that is what I believe. Plus the best part about the game was that it was made by Quantic dreams. Hands down the best story based developers/publishers out there. They made Heavy Rain which was a really big hit. Fahrenheit was just plain stupidly good. Each one of their games has been really good. This one’s no exception.

In the end, I just wanna say, don’t worry. This list isn’t some official thing or something, these are just my favorite. If you have a game that you believe should have been included. Let us know about it in the comment section below and we will take a look at it and maybe feature it in the next list. Anyways, it’s time for me to leave and so I will meet you next time. See ya :)



Kabeer Jain
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