‘PlayStation, Buy Ubisoft!’

God of War’s Jaffe to PlayStation: ‘Acquire Ubisoft to Stay Ahead!’

‘Hey PlayStation, Get Ubisoft!’ — God of War Creator David Jaffe’s Latest Suggestion

Dr. Jason Benskin
Gaming Freaks


Imagine waking up to see a tweet from David Jaffe, the creative force behind God of War, suggesting an earth-shattering move for PlayStation. That’s exactly what happened recently when Jaffe proposed that Sony should purchase Ubisoft to stay competitive. This audacious idea has definitely caught the attention of the gaming community, stirring discussions and debates everywhere.

“Hey PlayStation, here’s how you compete. Buy Ubisoft.” — David Jaffe

Jaffe’s blunt recommendation comes at a critical time, with industry giants constantly vying for dominance. If you’re wondering how this could impact you as a gamer or what it means for the industry at large, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into Jaffe’s rationale and explore the potential outcomes of such a monumental shift.

According to Jaffe, buying Ubisoft could be a game-changing move for Sony. Why? Because Ubisoft’s extensive library of franchises like Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and Tom Clancy series could massively bolster PlayStation’s already impressive lineup. It’s a proposal that ignites the imagination, envisioning a unified powerhouse combined with PlayStation’s existing IP giants such as God of War and Uncharted.

So, what’s his argument? Jaffe believes that this acquisition could level the playing field with Microsoft’s increasingly aggressive acquisition strategy, such as their high-profile purchase of Bethesda. It’s all about consolidating strength to enhance PlayStation’s competitiveness in a rapidly evolving market.

For you, the player, this means a potential avalanche of exclusive content and polished releases. Imagine having those beloved Ubisoft titles optimized to the hilt, leveraging PlayStation’s cutting-edge tech. However, such a dramatic change doesn’t come without its hurdles. The integration of a massive entity like Ubisoft brings its own set of challenges, from management to maintaining the creative integrity of its diverse studios.

What’s clear is Jaffe’s relentless pursuit of pushing boundaries in the gaming industry. Whether or not Sony will entertain such a bold strategy remains to be seen, but the conversation sparked by Jaffe’s suggestion brings critical attention to the future dynamics of gaming. This is not just corporate maneuvering; it’s about shaping the future landscape of the games you play and love.


When it comes to the ever-competitive world of gaming, acquisitions can make or break a company’s standing. David Jaffe, the brain behind “God of War,” recently made waves with a bold suggestion: PlayStation should buy Ubisoft. This unsolicited advice from Jaffe has sparked conversations across the gaming community, showcasing the influence of industry veterans.

Jaffe’s recommendations often come from a place of deep understanding and passion for the industry. But should Sony really take his advice? Let’s break down Jaffe’s main points:

  • PlayStation needs to bolster its game library to stay competitive.
  • Ubisoft has a diverse and compelling portfolio of games.
  • Acquiring Ubisoft could give PlayStation a significant edge over its rivals.

Jaffe is no stranger to controversy, and his suggestion mirrors his typical out-of-the-box thinking. After all, acquisitions are always a risky move, but they often lead to unprecedented growth and innovation.

“The best defense is a good offense. PlayStation needs to strike before the competition does” — David Jaffe

In conclusion, while Jaffe’s recommendation for PlayStation to buy Ubisoft is bold, it underlines an important truth in the gaming industry: the quest for dominance is relentless. If PlayStation aims to maintain its stronghold, considering such bold moves might just be the way forward.

