How to Become a Writer for The Gaming Freaks

An Invitation to Gaming Enthusiasts

Dr. Jason Benskin
Gaming Freaks
4 min readJun 18, 2024


How to Join

Becoming a writer for The Cursed Manuscript is straightforward. Follow these steps to get started:
Respond in the comments with why you want to join, and include your Medium ID.
✨ Please also Follow and Subscribe today before applying.

Gaming Freaks has a strict policy on no AI, we all know the passion and drive of gaming so just bring us raw dialouge from the game obsession.

See you in the realms of creativity!

**Table of Contents:**

1. Why Share Your Voice With Us?
2. How to Get Published
3. Our Promise to You
4. Themes That Resonate
5. Ready to Contribute?
6. How to Write a Good Article
7. Connect With Us
8. Embark on a Journey of Discovery

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Why Share Your Voice With Us?

Your unique insights can enlighten and inspire our global audience, contributing to a diverse and rich conversation. The essence of Gaming Freaks is its commitment to unveiling the layers of life through the lens of gaming. By contributing your articles, you join a forward-thinking community eager to explore the depths of gaming experience and its impacts across various domains.

How to Get Published

- Quick Responses: Our dedicated team aims to review submissions swiftly, usually within a week.
- Submission Process: Follow our simple guidelines to submit your article.
- Collaboration: Upon approval, our team will welcome you aboard as a contributing writer, ensuring your work is showcased to a broad audience.
- Promotion: We take pride in promoting your articles across social platforms, enhancing visibility within and beyond our community.

Our Promise to You

- Visibility: Collaborate with us and see your views increase tenfold, thanks to our concerted promotional efforts.
- Ownership and Freedom: Your articles remain yours. While we help edit and amplify your message, you retain the freedom to share your work across multiple platforms.

Themes That Resonate

We’re looking for pieces that resonate with our audience’s curiosity and passion for gaming. Your submissions should be original, thought-provoking, and emotionally engaging.

Ready to Contribute?

If you’re passionate about sharing your gaming insights and experiences, Gaming Freaks is your platform. Your insights are valuable to us and our readers.

How to Write a Good Article

Crafting compelling narratives requires clarity, passion, and a touch of creativity. One of the top publications offering guidance is Medium’s Quality Guidelines.

Connect With Us

Stay updated and engage with our community. You must be a follower of Gaming Freaks to be a writer.

Embark on a Journey of Discovery

Your writing can illuminate the path for others navigating the gaming landscape. Share your story, join our mission, and let’s explore the future together.

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Join Us Today!

Gaming Freaks is more than just a publication; it’s a community where gaming writers can grow, learn, and thrive together. If you’re ready to share your gaming tales with the world, we encourage you to take the first step and join us today.

1. Submit Your Application: Once you’ve familiarized yourself with our guidelines, submit your application. We’re looking for writers who can contribute original, well-crafted, and engaging gaming articles. Share your most exciting work with us! Just add a comment on this article stating you want to be a writer. We will add you as a new writer, all are welcome!

2. Get Published: After your application is reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to submit your stories for publication. Our editorial team will work with you to ensure your tales are polished and ready to captivate our readers.

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What We’re Looking For

- Original Gaming Content: We value originality and creativity. Your stories should bring fresh perspectives to the gaming genre and leave readers with a sense of excitement and curiosity.
- Quality Writing: Clarity, coherence, and a gripping narrative are essential. We appreciate well-structured articles free of grammatical errors, with a pace that keeps readers engaged.
- Variety of Gaming Themes: From in-depth game reviews and previews to personal gaming experiences and industry analysis, we welcome a wide range of gaming sub-genres. If it’s related to gaming, it belongs here.

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Join Us Today!

Gaming Freaks is more than just a publication; it’s a community where gaming writers can grow, learn, and thrive together. If you’re ready to share your gaming tales with the world, we encourage you to take the first step and join us today.

For more information and to submit your application, we can’t wait to read your stories and welcome you to the Gaming Freaks family.

Prepare to engage, and happy writing!

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Best Regards,

Chief Editor, Dr. Jason L. Benskin

