Bitcoin’s Layer 2 Ecosystem Flourishes as Bitcoin Leads the Pack

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6 min readMay 13, 2024
Bitcoin Layer 2
Fig: Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s remarkable outperformance in the broader market rally has propelled the importance of Layer 2 solutions to enhance the scalability and utility of the Bitcoin network. As Bitcoin’s dominance grows, so does the need for efficient and cost-effective transaction processing.

This article provides an overview of the evolving landscape of Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, ranging from state channels to sidechains and rollups. By exploring the key players and technologies in this space, we aim to understand how Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions are shaping the future of cryptocurrency infrastructure and unlocking new possibilities for the world’s leading digital asset.

Bitcoin’s Superior Performance Sparks Bitcoin Layer 2 Popularity

Bitcoin’s performance has been characterized by a notable surge in its dominance ratio, rising steadily from approximately 40% in 2022 to 51.1% as of May 7, 2024. This growth in dominance reflects Bitcoin’s increasing prominence within the broader cryptocurrency market. Simultaneously, there has been a significant uptick in Bitcoin trading volume, with data from Bybit indicating a substantial increase in both the volume of Bitcoin held by users and the percentage of Bitcoin trading volume relative to total trading volume.

This surge in Bitcoin trading popularity is closely linked to the rising interest in Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, as evidenced by the growing adoption of technologies such as state channels, sidechains, and rollups. As Bitcoin continues to assert its dominance and attract greater trading activity, the development and adoption of Layer 2 solutions are poised to play a pivotal role in enhancing the scalability, efficiency, and utility of the Bitcoin network.

What is Bitcoin Layer 2?

A Bitcoin Layer 2 refers to a secondary network closely connected to the Bitcoin blockchain, designed to address various scalability and efficiency issues while enhancing its functionality. These Layer 2 solutions aim to improve transaction speed, reduce costs, and introduce features such as smart contract capabilities to the Bitcoin network. They operate alongside the main Bitcoin blockchain, either through bridges or other integration methods, providing users with additional options for conducting transactions and interacting with the Bitcoin ecosystem. Examples of Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions include state channels, sidechains, rollups, and related protocols like Lightning Network and RGB.

Key Players in the Bitcoin Layer 2 Space

As per BTCL2.INFO, there are presently 74 Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, with the majority emerging in the last two quarters. Despite the high level of competition in this sector, Bitcoin Layer 2s can be broadly categorized based on the technology they employ. In essence, there are three main solutions: state channels, sidechains, and rollups. Additionally, we will discuss Bitcoin-related protocols in this context.

State channels

A state channel is a solution designed to enhance scalability and efficiency in cryptocurrency transactions. These networks establish separate channels between transacting parties, enabling off-chain communication and state updates. Within a state channel, a new channel is created between the parties involved in a transaction, serving as a communication layer that allows them to exchange information and update the state of their wallets off the main blockchain. Once the communication session is complete, the final state, including updated wallet balances, is submitted to the mainnet as a single transaction for verification and incorporation by Bitcoin miners.

State channels offer several advantages, including faster transactions since parties don’t need to wait for block confirmations on the main blockchain. Additionally, by batching multiple transactions into a single submission, users can save on transaction fees, especially when conducting multiple transactions within a single session. This batching process also enhances scalability by reducing the number of transactions processed directly on the main blockchain.

Highlighting the chart, Lightning Network faces adoption challenges due to its limited capacity, standing at $305 million, a fraction of Bitcoin’s daily transactions on centralized exchanges. Additionally, state channels lack smart contract capability, hindering token exchange. RGB emerges as a promising solution, aiming to introduce smart contracts to Bitcoin via Lightning Network, though adoption remains limited. However, without native tokens, retail user investment in Lightning Network and RGB is unlikely in the near term.


Sidechains are independent networks that operate alongside the main blockchain, communicating with it through bridges. They employ their own consensus algorithms and smart contracts, facilitating asset transfers between the main network and themselves. Sidechains vary in design, some maintaining separate security systems while others integrate the main network’s security features. Major players in this space include Stacks, Liquid Network, and Rootstock, each offering unique features like merge mining and compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVM). These solutions aim to enhance Bitcoin’s scalability and functionality by offloading transactions onto separate chains.


Rollups serve as an execution layer that operates alongside the Bitcoin network’s consensus layer. They are designed to enhance transaction processing by organizing transactions into batches and submitting them to the mainnet’s consensus layer for settlement. Rollups come in two types: optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge rollups (ZK rollups). Optimistic rollups batch transactions without initial validation, while ZK rollups conduct preliminary validations using zero-knowledge proofs. This allows for faster transaction speeds and reduced fees compared to on-chain transactions.

Optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge rollups (ZK rollups) are two types of rollup solutions in Layer 2 scaling. Optimistic rollups execute transactions off-chain and rely on a challenge period for validation, allowing for scalability without sacrificing security. On the other hand, ZK rollups use zero-knowledge proofs to validate transactions on-chain instantly, offering efficient scalability and privacy features.

Ethereum’s experience with optimistic and ZK rollups has influenced Bitcoin’s Layer 2 development, with ZK rollups emerging as the preferred solution due to lower transaction costs. Merlin Chain leads with a $1.1 billion TVL, benefiting from its early entry and vibrant community. B2 Network, though in testnet phase, shows promise with potential inflows from its airdrop and mainnet launch. Tuna Chain’s innovative dual architecture of optimistic and ZK rollups sets it apart, leveraging Celestia’s data availability solution and planning to introduce a stablecoin in 2024.

Bitcoin-related protocols

Bitcoin-related protocols, such as Mirror, Runes, and Ordinals, operate as decentralized applications (DApps) on the Bitcoin mainnet rather than having their own blockchain networks. Mirror provides BTC staking solutions with its Mirrored Bitcoin (mBTC), while Ordinals facilitates the creation of Bitcoin NFTs by ordering satoshis, the smallest units of Bitcoin. Runes addresses congestion issues in the Ordinals ecosystem by utilizing Bitcoin’s native UTXO transaction model. These protocols aim to expand the utility of Bitcoin by introducing innovative functionalities and services directly on its blockchain.

Is Bitcoin Layer 2 a Competitor for Ethereum Layer 2?

Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions have the potential to challenge Ethereum Layer 2 solutions, although they face several hurdles. While Ethereum’s Layer 2 ecosystem has seen significant growth and adoption, Bitcoin’s Layer 2 development is still in its early stages. However, with advancements in technologies such as rollups, Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions could catch up. The main challenge lies in Bitcoin’s design, which lacks smart contract capability and has slower throughput. Nevertheless, the security offered by Bitcoin’s proof-of-work consensus and the ongoing development in Layer 2 solutions could position it as a contender in the long run.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions represent a significant advancement in the utility and scalability of the Bitcoin network. By leveraging Layer 2 technologies such as state channels, sidechains, and rollups, Bitcoin has the potential to expand its use cases beyond its current status as a store of value. However, challenges remain, including the need to address scalability issues, security concerns, and the lack of smart contract functionality inherent in the Bitcoin blockchain. Despite these challenges, the ongoing development and innovation in the Bitcoin Layer 2 space show promise for the future of the network. As the ecosystem continues to evolve and mature, Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of decentralized finance and blockchain technology.

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Passionate wordsmith fascinated by Layer 2 Ethereum and blockchain tech. Eager to contribute to innovation and adoption in the evolving world of DeFi.