Earn Real Money with These 6 NFT Games in 2024

Elijah Henry
Published in
11 min readApr 15, 2024
NFT Game Development

The convergence of blockchain technology and gaming has ushered in a new era of opportunities with the rise of Play-to-Earn NFT games. This innovative concept allows players to earn real money or valuable digital assets while immersing themselves in captivating virtual worlds. In this dynamic landscape, players can explore diverse gameplay experiences, from breeding and battling creatures to collecting unique digital cards. With the increasing popularity and adoption of NFT games, players have unprecedented opportunities to profit from their gaming passion like never before.

Growth of Play-to-Earn NFT Games

Play-to-Earn NFT games have witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by the convergence of blockchain technology and gaming. These innovative games allow players to earn real money or valuable digital assets by participating in various in-game activities. The concept of play-to-earn has revolutionized the gaming industry, offering players financial incentives and ownership over their in-game assets. As a result, the popularity of play-to-earn NFT games has surged, attracting a diverse audience of gamers and investors alike. This growth trend is expected to continue as more developers explore the potential of NFTs in gaming and introduce exciting new titles to the market.

Overview of the Top NFT Games for Making Money

The landscape of NFT games for making money is diverse, with a multitude of options available to players. These games leverage blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens to offer unique gaming experiences and lucrative opportunities for players. From virtual worlds filled with collectible creatures to trading card battles and strategic gameplay, the top NFT games cater to a wide range of interests and preferences. In this overview, we’ll explore some of the most popular and profitable NFT games, highlighting their key features, gameplay mechanics, and earning potential. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the world of NFTs, there’s a game out there waiting for you to explore and profit from.

Join the NFT Game Development Adventure!

Top 6 NFT Games Paying Real Money



→ Overview and Features: Chainers is a next-generation NFT game powered by Polygon, offering players a social and imaginative gaming experience. With a community of over 200 thousand active players worldwide, Chainers allows gamers to unleash their creativity by crafting various items, including clothing, accessories, and housing. The game boasts seamless integration of NFT gameplay, allowing players to claim free NFTs daily and bring them to life using AR mode. Additionally, players can purchase unique items like NFT cards using the in-game currency, $FRI.

→ Gameplay Mechanics: Chainers offers a straightforward gameplay mechanic focused on farming NFTs. Players can visit the “Chainers Farm,” grow plants, and await the harvest. Once harvested, players can exchange their produce for rewards. It’s important to note that the reward pool resets every 12 hours, providing players with regular opportunities to earn valuable NFTs and in-game currency.

→ Reward System: Chainers’ reward system incentivizes players to engage with the game regularly. By participating in farming activities and claiming daily NFTs, players can accumulate rewards such as unique NFTs, in-game currency ($FRI), and other valuable items. This reward system encourages player retention and engagement while enhancing the overall gaming experience.



→ Introduction to Dreva and Pikamoons: Pikamoon, created by Kevuru Games, is set in the virtual world of Dreva, inhabited by unique Pikamoon creatures. Each Pikamoon is an NFT with distinct traits and abilities, making them valuable assets for collectors and traders. Players explore Dreva to discover and collect Pikamoons, which can be used in battles against other players or AI opponents.

→ Collecting and Trading Pikamoons: Players can collect Pikamoons by exploring different regions of Dreva, each offering a chance to find rare and valuable creatures. These Pikamoons can then be traded with other players or sold on the in-game marketplace for the game’s native currency, $PIKA. Additionally, players can claim free Pikamoons with every $300 worth of $PIKA invested, providing additional incentives for participation.

→ Earning $PIKA Currency: Pikamoon offers multiple avenues for earning $PIKA currency. In addition to battling other players and completing quests, players can participate in various in-game activities to earn $PIKA rewards. These rewards can be used to upgrade Pikamoons, purchase items from the in-game shop, or traded for real-world cash or other cryptocurrencies. The game’s economy revolves around $PIKA, providing players with opportunities to earn and profit from their gameplay experience.



→ History and Concept: CryptoKitties, an OG NFT game, revolutionized the concept of digital collectibles by introducing the world to blockchain-based virtual cats. Launched in 2017, CryptoKitties allows players to collect, breed, and trade these adorable digital felines, each represented as a unique non-fungible token (NFT). The game gained widespread popularity for its innovative use of blockchain technology and the potential for players to earn real crypto through breeding and trading rare cats.

→ Breeding and Trading Cats: The core gameplay mechanic of CryptoKitties revolves around breeding and trading cats. Players can purchase or breed two cats to produce a new offspring with traits inherited from its parents. Certain traits are rarer and more valuable, contributing to the cat’s overall worth. Players can then sell their cats on the CryptoKitties marketplace, where prices fluctuate based on demand and rarity. Successful breeding and trading strategies can lead to significant profits for savvy players.

→ Potential Profits and Community Features: Despite inspiring many copycats, CryptoKitties remains a top earner in the NFT gaming space. The game’s potential for profit, combined with its engaging gameplay mechanics and strong community features, attracts players from around the world. In addition to breeding and trading, CryptoKitties hosts auctions for rare cats and community events where players can showcase their prized felines and compete for rewards. The game’s thriving community fosters camaraderie and collaboration among players, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity

→ Gameplay and Concept: Axie Infinity is an Ethereum-based game that combines elements of breeding, battling, and collecting adorable creatures known as Axies. Players assemble teams of Axies and engage in turn-based battles against other players or AI opponents. Each Axie possesses unique traits and abilities, allowing for strategic gameplay and diverse team compositions.

→ Breeding and Battling Axies: Breeding Axies is a key aspect of Axie Infinity’s gameplay. Players can breed their Axies to produce offspring with desirable traits, which can then be used in battles or sold on the in-game marketplace. Successful breeding can lead to the creation of highly sought-after Axies, fetching high prices on the marketplace. Additionally, players can earn rewards in the form of SLP (Smooth Love Potion) and AXS (Axie Infinity Shards) tokens by winning battles and completing in-game tasks.

→ Earning SLP and AXS Tokens: Winning battles in Axie Infinity rewards players with SLP tokens, which can be used for various purposes within the game, such as breeding and upgrading Axies. Additionally, players can earn AXS tokens by staking their SLP or participating in governance activities on the Axie Infinity platform. These tokens can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges for real money or other digital assets, providing players with opportunities to monetize their gameplay experience.

Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained

→ Introduction to Trading Card Battles: Gods Unchained offers a unique blend of classic trading card game battles and blockchain technology. Players collect and trade digital cards, each represented as an NFT with its own rarity and strengths. The game’s mechanics are similar to traditional trading card games, where players build decks of cards and engage in strategic showdowns against opponents.

→ Collecting and Trading Unique Digital Cards: Collecting and trading cards is at the core of Gods Unchained gameplay. Players can acquire cards through gameplay rewards, purchases from the in-game marketplace, or trading with other players. Each card possesses unique attributes and abilities, making strategic deck-building essential for success in battles. Players can also buy, sell, and trade cards on external platforms, leveraging the NFT aspect of the game to own and profit from their digital assets.

→ Play-to-Earn Mechanics and Community Engagement: Gods Unchained offers a play-to-earn model, allowing players to monetize their gameplay experience. Victories in battles reward players with new cards, which can be used to build stronger decks or sold for profit. Rare cards can become valuable investments that appreciate over time, further incentivizing players to participate in battles and collectible card trading. The game’s active community fosters engagement through friendly matches, tournaments, and online communities, providing players with opportunities to connect, strategize, and compete in a supportive environment.

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds

→ Overview of the Metaverse and Trilium Currency: Alien Worlds immerses players in a unique NFT card game set within a vast metaverse spanning multiple blockchains, including Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. The game’s economy revolves around Trilium (TLM), a dual-purpose currency used for both in-game transactions and advanced DeFi features. Players explore planets, mine resources, own or lease NFT land, complete missions, and participate in interplanetary governance using TLM as the primary currency.

→ Mining, Land Ownership, and Mission Completion: Mining is a central gameplay mechanic in Alien Worlds, where players extract resources from planets to earn TLM rewards. Land ownership allows players to stake their TLM on planets, gaining influence and a say in their governance. Completing missions and participating in various activities further enhances players’ earning potential, providing additional avenues for accumulating TLM and valuable NFTs.

→ Staking TLM for Influence and Governance: By staking TLM on planets, players can influence the game’s governance and shape its future development. Each planet operates as a competitive DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), where players with the most TLM holdings wield significant influence over decision-making processes. This innovative governance model incentivizes players to actively participate in the game’s ecosystem, contributing to its growth and evolution over time.

Summary of NFT Gaming Opportunities

The world of NFT gaming offers a plethora of opportunities for players to immerse themselves in immersive virtual experiences while potentially earning real money or valuable digital assets. From breeding and battling digital creatures to trading unique collectible cards, NFT games provide a diverse range of gameplay mechanics and monetization strategies. Players can explore virtual worlds, engage in strategic battles, and participate in community events, all while accumulating valuable NFTs and in-game currencies. With the growing popularity of play-to-earn models and the increasing adoption of blockchain technology in gaming, the opportunities for profit and enjoyment in the NFT gaming space are boundless.

Advice for Players Interested in Making Money through NFT Games

For players looking to capitalize on the lucrative opportunities offered by NFT games, it’s essential to approach the gaming landscape with a strategic mindset and a willingness to learn. Here are some key pieces of advice:

  1. Research and Choose Wisely: Take the time to research and evaluate different NFT games based on their gameplay mechanics, earning potential, and community engagement. Choose games that align with your interests and goals, whether it’s breeding rare creatures, collecting unique cards, or engaging in strategic battles.
  2. Understand the Economy: Familiarize yourself with the in-game economy of your chosen NFT game, including the value of NFTs, in-game currencies, and trading mechanics. Learn how to maximize your earnings through strategic gameplay, asset management, and market speculation.
  3. Participate Actively: Engage actively with the game’s community by participating in tournaments, events, and forums. Collaborate with other players, share strategies, and stay informed about game updates and developments.
  4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Consider diversifying your NFT gaming portfolio by investing in multiple games or assets. Spread your risk across different platforms and genres to mitigate potential losses and maximize opportunities for profit.
  5. Stay Informed and Adapt: Stay informed about the latest trends, updates, and regulatory developments in the NFT gaming industry. Be adaptable and willing to adjust your strategies based on market conditions and emerging opportunities.

By following these guidelines and staying proactive in your approach to NFT gaming, you can maximize your chances of success and potentially earn significant profits while enjoying immersive gaming experiences.

Benefits of Collaborating with NFT Game Development

Collaborating with NFT game development offers a multitude of benefits for various stakeholders involved in the gaming industry. Here are some key advantages:

Innovative Gameplay: NFT game development allows for the creation of innovative and immersive gameplay experiences that leverage blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens. These games often feature unique mechanics, such as asset ownership, digital scarcity, and play-to-earn models, providing players with novel and engaging gaming experiences.

Monetization Opportunities: NFT games provide players with opportunities to monetize their gameplay through the ownership and trading of valuable digital assets. By acquiring rare NFTs, participating in in-game economies, and engaging in player-to-player trading, players can potentially earn real money or valuable digital assets while enjoying their gaming experience.

Community Engagement: NFT games foster vibrant and active communities of players who share common interests and goals. These communities often collaborate, compete, and communicate within the game environment, creating a sense of camaraderie and social interaction among players. Community engagement enhances the overall gaming experience and contributes to the longevity and success of NFT games.

Decentralization and Ownership: NFT games operate on decentralized blockchain networks, giving players ownership and control over their in-game assets. Unlike traditional games where game assets are owned and controlled by the game developer, NFT games empower players to truly own their digital assets, allowing for greater freedom, transparency, and security.

Marketplace Dynamics: NFT games feature vibrant and dynamic marketplaces where players can buy, sell, and trade digital assets. These marketplaces operate 24/7 and provide players with opportunities to discover, acquire, and profit from rare and valuable NFTs. The decentralized nature of NFT marketplaces ensures fair and transparent transactions, fostering trust and confidence among participants.

Economic Incentives: NFT game development incentivizes players to participate actively in the game ecosystem through various economic incentives, such as rewards, bonuses, and incentives. Play-to-earn models, in particular, reward players for their time and effort invested in the game, creating a sustainable and rewarding gaming experience for players.

Overall, collaborating with NFT game development offers numerous benefits for players, developers, and other stakeholders, including innovative gameplay, monetization opportunities, community engagement, decentralization, marketplace dynamics, and economic incentives. As the NFT gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, collaborating with NFT game development presents exciting opportunities for all involved parties.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the growth of Play-to-Earn NFT games represents a significant paradigm shift in the gaming industry, offering players the chance to monetize their gaming experiences while enjoying innovative gameplay mechanics and vibrant communities. As the industry continues to evolve, collaboration with NFT game development presents numerous benefits for players, developers, and stakeholders alike, paving the way for a future where gaming and earning converge seamlessly in virtual worlds of endless possibilities.

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Elijah Henry

Experienced blockchain enthusiast and NFT writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and art through decentralized platforms.