How to get published on Gaming Arena?

Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023

Process of publishing a story on Gaming Arena

  • Send me your draft/story at
  • We will add you as a writer on the publication
  • Once added, you can submit your draft/story using the following steps.
    Go to your story
  • Bottom right on your story there will be 3 dots. Click on them.
    You will see “Add to publication”
  • Select Gaming Arena and submit

What we publish?

In one short line, we only publish gaming-related educational content.

  • Tech Tutorials, Game development stories (Related to decentralized tech only)
  • Ideas, Insights and futuristic view on Gaming
  • Gaming Project insights and analysis (Educational content only)
  • Opinion pieces related to above
    ❌ No news and flashy articles❌

✔️ Original content (Written by you) ✔️

Wrote something useful around gaming? mail us, do not hesitate.

Tips on making your story better

Choose an attractive title and subtitle

The first thing which a reader reads is a title. It’s similar to movies; a great title helps to get more audience, Titles are entry points. Use this tool for analyzing your title.

Images are the best

Images say a lot of things so choose them wisely, think like movie posters, how important they are? Don’t shy while using images. If you are using stats, use bigger images as they are helpful while reading on mobile.

Use Gifs to make your expression more clear and bold, they make stories more visually appealing.

Content is the soul

  • Get into the topic right away, explain why and what.
  • Add links to the prerequisite, attach your previous stories if necessary.
    Make it natural, express yourself, give examples.
  • Use simple sentences, Even complex topics can be written in 6-grade level English. Hemingway App will assign a “grade level” for your writing. Use proper punctuation.
  • You can add links to make your websites or even affiliate links if your story demands it.
  • Add stats and back your statement with links. Example — The Internet is reaching 4 billion users.
  • Give credits, add sources.
  • Abbreviation like “www”, ”https” doesn’t need an explanation but IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) needs it, attach links to the abbreviation.
    Tags are important as they give you visibility. You can add up to 5 tags in a story. Use tags that reflect keywords in your article.
  • Embed media, You can embed Tweets, YouTube videos, and other media by pasting their URLs into Medium on a new line, then pressing enter.
    To use bullet points and list read this article.

How to submit?

Send us your stories at

We will help you to polish your story and promote it.

Happy writing!!

