What is Base Chain and Its Role and Functionality?

Zara Zyana
Published in
7 min readApr 4, 2024
base chain

In the realm of blockchain technology, understanding the fundamental concepts is crucial for navigating the intricacies of decentralized systems. One such concept that holds significant importance is the notion of a base chain. Whether you’re a newcomer to blockchain or a seasoned enthusiast, grasping the concept of a base chain is essential for comprehending the architecture and functionality of blockchain networks.

In this article, we embark on a journey to demystify base chains, exploring their definition, purpose, and significance within the broader context of blockchain technology. From its role as the foundation of decentralized networks to its implications for scalability and interoperability, we delve into everything you need to know about base chains. So, let’s dive in and unravel the mysteries surrounding this fundamental aspect of blockchain technology.

What is Base Chain?

Base Chain, also simply called Base, is an Ethereum Layer 2 Scalability Solutions launched by cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase in August 2023. It aims to address scalability issues on the Ethereum mainnet by offering faster transaction speeds and lower fees.

Here are some key points about Base Chain:

  • Built on Optimism’s OP Stack: Base leverages the security and functionality of the OP Stack, a set of open-source tools developed by Optimism for building scalable L2 solutions . This makes Base a secure and reliable platform for developers.
  • Faster Transactions and Lower Fees: By processing transactions off-chain in batches and inheriting security from the Ethereum mainnet, Base offers significant improvements in transaction speed and cost compared to the mainnet .
  • Designed for Developers: Base is built with developer-friendliness in mind. It provides compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing developers to easily deploy existing Ethereum applications on Base. Additionally, Coinbase offers developer tools and integrations to streamline the development process.
  • Focus on User Adoption: Base aims to bring more users onto the blockchain by making it easier and cheaper to interact with decentralized applications (dApps). It leverages Coinbase’s existing user base and on-ramp capabilities to facilitate user onboarding.
  • Planned Decentralization: While currently incubated by Coinbase, Base has plans to progressively decentralize over time. This means the network governance and control will gradually shift towards the community.

Benefits of Base Chain’s modular approach in scaling Ethereum

Base Chain’s modular approach to scaling Ethereum offers several significant benefits to the broader blockchain ecosystem:

  1. Enhanced Scalability: By adopting a modular architecture, Base Chain can effectively scale Ethereum’s transaction throughput and reduce network congestion. This modular design allows for the delegation of specific tasks to other blockchains, thereby distributing the computational load and improving overall system performance.
  2. Improved Efficiency: The modular approach enables Base Chain to optimize various components of Ethereum’s infrastructure, making certain processes more efficient. By delegating tasks to specialized blockchains, Base Chain can streamline operations and enhance the overall user experience, resulting in faster transaction processing times and lower fees.
  3. Flexibility and Adaptability: Base Chain’s modular architecture provides flexibility and adaptability to accommodate changing market demands and technological advancements. Developers can easily integrate new features and functionalities into the platform by leveraging modular components, allowing Base Chain to evolve and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.
  4. Interoperability: The modular design fosters interoperability between Base Chain and other blockchain networks, enabling seamless interaction and data exchange. This interoperability enhances the usability of Base Chain and facilitates the integration of decentralized applications (DApps) and services from different ecosystems, further expanding its utility and reach.
  5. Ecosystem Growth: By offering a modular approach to scaling Ethereum, Base Chain encourages innovation and fosters the growth of the broader blockchain ecosystem. Developers can build complementary solutions and services on top of Base Chain, contributing to the development of a vibrant and diverse ecosystem of decentralized applications, protocols, and technologies.

How Does Base Chain Work?

Base Chain utilizes an optimistic rollup mechanism to achieve faster transaction speeds and lower fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Core functionalities:

Off-chain transaction processing: Similar to other optimistic rollups, Base Chain moves a significant portion of transaction processing off the Ethereum mainnet. This significantly reduces the load on the mainnet, allowing it to focus on securing the overall network and finalizing transactions.

Batching transactions: Transactions submitted by users are grouped into batches. Processing transactions in batches leverages economies of scale, spreading the fixed costs associated with each transaction across a larger group. This results in lower fees for users compared to processing each transaction individually on the mainnet.

Fraud proofs and security: Base Chain inherits security from the Ethereum mainnet through the optimistic rollup mechanism. Transactions are assumed to be valid by default. This allows for faster processing speeds. A challenge period exists after a block of transactions is submitted to the mainnet. During this period, anyone can dispute a fraudulent transaction by submitting a fraud proof.

Fraud proof construction: A fraud proof is a cryptographic argument that demonstrates a specific transaction within a block is indeed invalid. Constructing a valid fraud proof requires knowledge of the optimistic rollup’s rules and cryptographic expertise.

Mainnet validation and finalization: If a valid fraud proof is submitted during the challenge period, the Ethereum mainnet can revert the entire block containing the fraudulent transaction. This ensures the security of the rollup system. If no valid challenge arises, the transactions in the block are considered valid, and the mainnet finalizes the block, updating the rollup’s state.

Base Chain vs. Other Blockchains

Comparison with Other L2 Solutions for Ethereum (e.g., Arbitrum, Optimism):


All are L2 solutions designed to address scalability issues on the Ethereum mainnet by processing transactions off-chain. They all inherit security from the Ethereum mainnet.


  • Technical approach: There are various technical approaches to L2 solutions. Both Arbitrum and Optimism (the foundation for Base Chain) utilize optimistic rollups, while other solutions might explore different mechanisms like zk-rollups (zero-knowledge rollups).
  • Decentralization: Current level of decentralization can vary among L2 solutions. Both Arbitrum and Base Chain are relatively young and have plans for gradual decentralization. Optimism, the foundation for Base Chain, is already more established in this regard.
  • Focus: While all aim for scalability, there can be a focus on specific use cases. Arbitrum might cater more towards high-performance DeFi applications, while Base Chain positions itself with a focus on developer experience and user adoption.

Base Chain vs. Ethereum

Core Purpose:

  • Ethereum: A well-established Layer 1 (L1) blockchain known for its smart contract functionality and fostering a vast ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps). However, it suffers from scalability issues leading to slow transaction speeds and high fees.
  • Base Chain: An Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution built on top of Optimism’s OP Stack. It aims to address Ethereum’s scalability limitations by processing transactions off-chain, offering faster speeds and lower fees.

Base Chain Metrics

Base Chain, being a relatively new entrant in the L2 space (launched August 2023), is still establishing its track record. Here’s a look at some key metrics to gauge its current state (as of April 3, 2024):

Total Value Locked (TVL):

  • TVL is a commonly used metric to assess the value of assets locked within a DeFi ecosystem.
  • Base Chain boasts a TVL exceeding $3.14 billion, placing it third among rollup solutions according to sources like BeInCrypto: [invalid URL removed]. This indicates a significant amount of capital flowing into the Base Chain ecosystem.
  • It’s important to note that the TVL growth for Base Chain has been remarkable, with some sources reporting a rise of over 1400% since launch in July 2023

Transaction volume and fees:

  • While specific data on daily or weekly transaction volume might be harder to find for Base Chain compared to established players, some positive signs exist.
  • Reports suggest Base Chain has surpassed other L2 solutions in terms of daily active address ratio, indicating a higher user engagement rate despite a potentially smaller user base . There are also reports of Base Chain processing transactions at a rate exceeding the Ethereum mainnet at times
  • Transaction fees on Base Chain are expected to be significantly lower compared to the Ethereum mainnet due to the L2 nature of the solution. However, specific fee structures might still be under development, so consulting official Base Chain documentation or community resources is recommended for the latest information.


Collaborating with Scaling Solutions for Ethereum presents a dynamic opportunity to address the network’s scalability challenges while maintaining its decentralization and security. By working alongside developers, researchers, and innovators in the Ethereum ecosystem, individuals and organizations can contribute their expertise to enhance existing Layer 2 solutions or develop new ones. This collaborative effort involves exploring various scaling techniques such as rollups, sidechains, and plasma, with the aim of increasing transaction throughput and reducing fees without compromising on-chain security.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while Base Chain showcases promising features such as its affiliation with Coinbase, optimistic rollup mechanism, and modular architecture, determining whether it is the best Ethereum layer-2 solution necessitates considering various factors such as scalability, decentralization, adoption, and community feedback. While Base Chain offers significant advantages, including high throughput and integration within Ethereum’s ecosystem, its current governance structure and centralization aspects may raise concerns for some users. Evaluating Base Chain’s performance relative to other layer-2 solutions based on specific use cases, requirements, and preferences remains essential in determining its suitability as the best Ethereum layer-2 solution.

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Zara Zyana

Passionate wordsmith, NFT-gaming enthusiast. Let's build a community around the future of play! NFTs, blockchains, and endless possibilities await.