GamingBlock Commercial White Paper

Rais Busom
GamingBlock Blog
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2018


(Short Version, English 9/10/2018 v1.3)
play fair, play secure,

1. Our Approach

The explosion of Blockchain-based solutions in the gaming sector has increased dramatically in recent years.

The vast majority of the solutions offered nowadays are focus on disruptive solutions, which improve many of the interactions that occur between the various players in the gaming industry.

In the regulated gaming world, establishing consensus can only be achieved through agreement and discussion with industry associations, regulators and other stakeholders. This sort of processes require time.

Establishing a consensus formula based on Blockchain, that is to say mathematically, but decided by a company or a series of experts, however brilliant, is something destined to non-regulated environments.

It’s difficult for a regulator to adopt a consensus formula not agreed between the parties and not published, nor supervised by them. Blockchain-based solutions for the gaming sector, which have tried to impose a possible consensus, have been rejected by regulators, as has happened recently in the United Kingdom.

Our approach is to work on improving the existing processes within the current regulations and to evolve them, together with all the players in the industry, towards a greater adoption of the Blockchain technology, whose benefits are indisputable.

Therefore, all current GamingBlock solutions work with current regulations and with any existing technology platform.

Looking ahead, our roadmap will include all those agreed solutions, which will be achieved.

2. Use cases and benefits

2.1. Players

In the case of the players, the benefits are to have the mathematical certainty that the game is fair and without any fraud. Despite the existing level of play fairness, most players think that the game operators cheat. GamingBlock solutions allow you to mathematically guarantee fair gaming.

The end-to-end benefits that the Blockchain provides with respect to gaming transactions and the generation of random numbers are:

● transparency ● traceability ● immutability ● multiple validation ● security ● strong authentication

2.2. Operators

The use case for the operators, can benefit from some generic solutions, which can considerably increase the security of operating in a highly regulated environment, especially with regard to KYC and AML.

● the possibility of guaranteeing that each login is made by a person not in legal underage, which coincides with the player registration ● the possibility of recognizing each login if it is a self-excluded
● the registration in Blockchain of the game transactions and the generation of random numbers for judicial evidentiary defense, in front of demands of players, beyond what is demanded by the Vault of the regulators ● the ability to perform a data transfer compatible with the GDPRS, for Robinson list, new versions of terms and conditions, etc. ● the ability to sign contracts electronically with players and suppliers in a completely legal manner ● the ability to geolocate and register Blockchain simultaneously at a given moment, of photos and videos of sporting events, live casino, etc. ● possibility of realizing a bonusing system and a loyalty system based on tokens and wallets with players and affiliates

2.3. Platform providers

In the case of use of platform providers for the gaming sector, GamingBlock offers its technology so that they can quickly incorporate all the advantages that Blockchain offers to players and operators, which we have seen previously.

GamingBlock allows you to use your technology as a service, both in white label mode and with our own brand, through a seamless integration through our API-REST.

2.4. Laboratories

The benefits for laboratories are the ability to improve the level of certification to ensure fair gaming, through the technology of GamingBlock.

To the certification of the algorithm of generation of random numbers made by the laboratories, GamingBlock offers the ability to register Blockchain the outcome of the algorithm and also offer the operator a digital certificate, so that the player can be completely sure of the randomness of the transaction publicly traceable.

This service is also offered in a white label mode or with our own brand. This is one of the services that it is proposed to develop in the roadmap with many more new features.

2.5. Industry associations and Regulators

We are in a phase where many people know technically how it works, but few what is it used for, because they have only seen abstract approaches.

Thanks to the availability of GamingBlock technology, we can demonstrate the actual operation of the Blockchain and the concrete benefits for the sector.

We offer advice, training and, above all, work sessions to be able to advance in new services for the sector.

We are willing to develop a sectorial consensus of common practices for the most important issues such as responsible gaming, working together with associations and with regulators to achieve it.

3. How it works

3.1. Solution structure

The solutions for the gaming world of GamingBlock are flexible and customizable. We have made a graphic to better understand how all the solutions can be integrated in a unique player journey.

GamingBlock solutions secure end-to-end gaming processes. From the moment of registration, at each login and throughout the document management between operator, player and public administration. It also makes it possible to secure gaming transactions at several levels and, finally, allows the establishment of complex and personalized loyalty-based systems, as well as the exchange with real money.

3.2. Dashboard of main services


3.3. File certification


3.4. Encryption and messaging certification


3.5. Digital signature


3.6. Certification of geolocated photos


3.7. RNG Certification


4. Technology

GamingBlock uses Ethereum and Solidity technology to develop its applications.

We use the public network of Ethereum, but we also have the possibility of using private networks, as well as developing proprietary networks for clients or for gaming consortiums.

All GamingBlock transactions can be viewed at Etherscan.

5. Roadmap

GamingBlock has the will to develop its solutions at the pace required by the industry, always trying to solve existing problems and proposing significant solutions, to improve business fundamentals.


6. Final remarks

This is a commercial document, it has no legal validity. For any clarification of the content, commercial contact, proposal of speeches, or relations with investors, send an email to:

Rais Busom



Rais Busom
GamingBlock Blog

Pensamiento crítico transformador y competencias filosóficas para el liderazgo