Dauntless, Your Monster Hunter Replacement.

If you’re a fan of the Monster Hunter series , but don’t like how complicated it can be to play, then Dauntless is your new best friend.

A Guy
3 min readOct 30, 2019


Dauntless is a free-to-play, just exited beta and still on version 1.0 game that is found on PC, XONE and PS4. The overall goal of the game is simple, kill giant (not REALLY) elemental creatures, known as Behemoths, as a slayer hunting them on the Shattered Isles (floating islands) powered by the mysterious energy called ‘Aether’. It’s very simple and if you ask me, easy to get into.

Here’s the basic story. You, the slayer are shown a neutral (no element) behemoth. You are then told by your superior, go kill it. You as a brainless hunter do as your told. You kill it and then are shuttled off to a safe city called Ramsgate.

That’s it, your left to fend for yourself. Pretty, short and non-hand-holding tutorial which is my preferred way of having one.

What makes Dauntless a good game by the way?

If you’re into the art style of Fortnite then Dauntless is pretty much identical, both in the way of characters, but also in the way of the emotes. You could literally put both games side by side and call them twins.

Another is that your rewarded for playing skillfully through both the ranking system and by surviving the hunt. Let me tell you, for everything after the lesser behemoths, you better be skilled or your dead meat.

Is there anything bad about it?

Of course! What modern game doesn’t have a bad side. The most obvious is Ramsgate because its so empty, dark and bland compared to the isles you’ll be hunting on.

The NPCs are generic, offering quests and allowing you to craft once you have the rights materials, but still bland.

The chat is pretty dead (from PC perspective) even during hunts.

The worst, IMO, is when your on a hunt and some leech AFKs. This is a huge problem because Behemoth stats scale with the number of slayers. So if your on the Riftstalker hunt, then count your prayers because you might as well abandon the huntIf you and the non-AFK slayers aren’t yet fully geared for it, or know it’s attack patterns, your dead. This wouldn’t be a problem if you could kick but alas, it doesn’t exist.

I want to say, this game is fun, sure it has its own sour grapes but overall it does a good job of being a Monster Hunter replacement. The materials aren’t overly difficult to get so crafting and upgrading your gear doesn’t take too long. The hunts are fun because you have to be engaged, no tank and spank here. The hunter pass ladder is easily climbed thanks to the bouties that you can complete.

You should definitely play it and not let the easy lesser Behemoths make you think this game is for chumps. Here’s a piece of advice once you reach Riftstalker, use the REPEATERS. Let me know how you fare.. Good luck.

Find Dauntless (Remember it’s free):

PC: EPIC Store

If you are set on playing Monster Hunter: Amazon



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.