Fe Boss Walkthrough | Jotun: Valhalla Edition

A Guy
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2021

Fe is the Cave Jotun specializing in using her immense strength to drop boulders down from above, Summon Dwarves to assist her in battle and attacking you personally with her immense shield.

🔸Main attacks🔸

🔹Summon Dwarves🔹

▪️Anytime Fe slams either her hand or shield onto the ground she will summon a large amount of Dwarves including Large Dwarves from the beginning of the battle.

🔹Shield Slam🔹

▪️Fe lifts her shield above her head and slam it down vertically into the ground after three seconds. This also has a pushback effect which affects both you and the Dwarves.

🔹Shield Toss🔹

▪️Fe turns her torso to the side and tosses her shield towards you three seconds later. The shield will follow a straight line towards the edge of the battlefield before teleporting back onto Fe’s left arm. Shield Toss will also damage anything it comes into contact with, including Dwarves.


▪️Fe will lean back and Roar. As she does this any Dwarves present will immediately rush to attack you.

🔸The Battle🔸

🔹Pre-50% Boss Health🔹

▪️As you near Fe she will stand up from her throne, pick up her shield and uses Summon Dwarves.

▪️Fe always starts with Shield Slam so just like the first boss in Barrow Mound, dodge between her legs to get behind her as she raises her shield. From there use heavy attacks until she or her Dwarves begin to attack you.

▪️As Fe moves around continue to use light attacks on her legs and nearby Dwarves. Continue this until you see her begin another attack; Shield Slam, Shield Toss or Roar.

▪️When Fe uses Roar, run close to her and use light attacks on the incoming Dwarves because you want to get rid of as many as possible before Fe launches her next attack.

▪️When Fe uses Shield Toss either dodge between her legs to get behind her if you’re able or run around her right side to get behind her. In either case use heavy attacks until you’re not able to land anymore.

🔹Post-50% Boss Health🔹

▪️At this point Fe will stop near the center of the hexagon design in the middle of the battlefield and slam her hand onto the ground to raise six pillars around the edges of the battlefield. You can tell where they’re going to rise from the lines connected to the hexagon design. To prevent yourself from being overwhelmed, hit any hammer that a Large Dwarf throws at you to cause you to ricochet it back in the direction of your attack in a line. This means any enemy in the path of the attack will get hit, quickly reducing the number of Dwarves.

▪️The pillars at the edges are destructible either by you attacking it four times or having Fe use her Shield Toss to immediately destroy it. As soon as a pillar is destroyed spiked rocks will fall from damaging anything, including you, hit by it.

As you light up the pillar with each hit, it will reduce the number of lights every five seconds until no lights are active.

▪️From 50% and below you can be easily overwhelmed because of all the Large Dwarves that will be appearing.

▪️In order to counter this:

Make sure to hit back any hammer they are throwing at you back towards them,
try to have Fe use her Shield Toss so it hits a large group of Dwarves or destroy pillars to have spiked rocks fall to quickly clear the field,
use Loki’s Decoy between Fe’s legs so they all bunch together for the explosion.

▪️If you’re not trying for the Shun The Gods Achievement then this is where you can start using your God Powers. Use Loki’s Decoy between Fe’s legs after she Roars. Then use Freyja’s Speed, Thor’s Hammer and Heimdall’s Shield and heavy attack as much as possible not worrying about the damage you take as Frigg’s Healing will be used once you’re not able to safely attack anymore. After you’re forced to back off, use two Gungnir’s while in line with a Pillar. At this point if she isn’t already dead then repeat the attack combo again and that should finish her off.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.