Final Vision: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
8 min readMay 31, 2021

“As you return to the Prism Corridor you find that all the leaders: Balue, Granny, King Seadoph with Pamela and Karal, High Priest Moire have been awaiting your return. Each congratulate Klonoa for stopping Ghadius. Queen then arrives and is glad to see both Klonoa and Huepow safe.

As they celebrate their victory Ghadius reveals that the Egg has already received enough nightmare energy to corrupt Lephise’s body and release Nahatomb. He reveals that as long as dream energy passes through the Prism, Nahatomb can never be destroyed. In his dying breath, he tells Klonoa that Nahatomb will destroy the strange dream. As Nahatomb breaks free the Queen reveals that an ancient weapon has the ability to combine the strength of the five tribes across Phantomile.

The leaders then ride up above to recover the weapons and confront Nahatomb. Huepow then reveals that Nahatomb is after Klonoa because Klonoa himself is the strange dream. As the room collapses they retreat with Karal, flying above Cress to meet up with the leaders and face Nahatomb.”

“The Queen reveals the Moon Cannons are useless unless they’re fired at the same time. So Klonoa must fill the Moon Cannons with ammunition, which Balue reveals as inflated enemies. As Nahatomb emerges the leaders take up their positions and the final battle to save Phantomile begins.”

Boss: Nahatomb (1st Phase): 5HP

Launch: Nahatomb will launch three Armored Death Moo’s and one Death Moo out of it’s back

Tongue: Nahatomb open its mouth and stick out his tongue, swiping four times at Klonoa to eat him

Shockwave: Nahatomb’s fist will glow and then slam onto the platform creating a shockwave across the entire platform

Boss: Nahatomb (2nd Phase): 6HP

Eye Laser: Nahatomb will unleash an eye laser on the platform moving from one edge of the platform to the other

Boss: Nahatomb (3rd Phase): 5HP

Absorb: Nahatomb will absorb platforms in front of him causing them to shatter temporarily depending on how many Moon Cannon’s are loaded

  • 2 Platforms: 0–1 Moon Cannon loaded
  • 3 Platforms: 2–3 Moon Cannon’s loaded
  • 4 Platforms: 4 Moon Cannon’s loaded

Rainbow Rain: Identical to Rongo Lango’s attack, Nahatomb will release a number of Rainbow Ring’s depending on how many Moon Cannon’s are loaded

  • 2 Rings: 0–1 Moon Cannon loaded
  • 3 Rings: 2–3 Moon Cannon’s loaded
  • 4 Rings: 4 Moon Cannon’s loaded

Launch: Nahatomb will launch Armored Death Moo out of its back

“The first and third phase of the battle rely only on Klonoa filling each of the Moon Cannons with ammunition in order to one-shot Nahatomb.”

Phase 1

As the battle begins Nahatomb will hunch over and Launch three Armored Death Moo’s and one Death Moo. You’re objective is to Wind Bullet the Death Moo while dodging both the Armored Death Moo’s and Nahatomb’s attacks. Immediate run toward the direction the Death Moon was thrown, chase and Wind Bullet it and throw it at an unloaded Moon Cannon.

After loading the first Moon Cannon stay near the Armored Death Moo and wait for Nahatomb to use Shockwave and break all the Armored Moo’s armor. At that point Wind Bullet each of the Death Moo’s and throw them at the unloaded Moon Cannon’s before Nahatomb uses Shockwave. During this make sure to avoid his Tongue because if you get caught you will not have enough time to load the Moon Cannon’s before he uses Shockwave killing the remaining Death Moo’s.

“Once all Moon Cannon’s are loaded the Leaders will aim and fire. Nahatomb will send out a shockwave knocking all the leaders away from the battlefield. It will the begin absorbing the environment along with Klonoa into itself leading to Phase 2.”

Phase 2

Nahatomb will summon four Crystals and send them to the upper left and right and lower left and right. He will use Eye Laser, which can be avoided by jumping over or running between it. Death Moo’s will appear at the middle the platform which you must Wind Bullet and throw at the four Crystals. Once all the Crystals are destroyed Nahatomb will summon one final Crystal which floats across the battlefield.

Follow the same strategy as before and Wind Bullet Death Moo’s while dodging the Eye Laser. Throw two Death Moo’s at the final Crystal to destroy Nahatomb’s belly.

“With the final Crystal destroyed Nahatomb’s belly explodes, launching Klonoa outside onto the now shattered platforms. The leaders all reappear hiding behind the shattered platforms with their Moon Cannon’s. Nahatomb now severely weakened with the loss of its belly and ribs exposed roars leading to Phase 3.”

Phase 3

Nahatomb will begin with Absorb. Death Moo’s appear whenever a Death Moo isn’t present on the platforms. Run toward the Death Moo’s and avoid any platforms that are flashing white because Nahatomb is using Absorb on it and will soon shatter. Wind Bullet Death Moo and Double Jump over a gap whenever a Moon Cannon is about go beneath it to load it.

It will then start using Launch so be careful not to jump a gap when Armored Death Moo is about to jump toward you.

Rainbow Ring is identical to Rongo Longo’s attack all the way back from Vision 1–2: The Diva and the Dark Spirit ~Gunston Mine~ so just jump over like you did before.

Keep in mind that the number of platforms that are shattered with Absorb and Rainbow Rings shot increase as the number of Moon Cannon’s loaded increase, with a total of 4 each respectively.

Continue loading the Moon Cannon’s with Death Moo’s and the battle will be over quickly.

“With all five Moon Cannon’s loaded the five Leaders fire sending Nahatomb to death’s door. Huepow then tells Klonoa to fire him at Nahatomb with a Wind Bullet to bring an end to this battle. Klonoa hesitates but Huepow assures him they’ll be together after the battle causing Klonoa to put aside his fear. Klonoa then aims a Wind Bullet at Nahatomb and fires Huepow. As they collide Nahatomb explodes and is finally destroyed forever.

As everyone stares toward the area of the explosion, Lephise appears explaining the nightmares have all disappeared. As the Leaders cheer for their victory, Klonoa afraid that Huepow is gone forever suddenly hears his voice behind him. As Huepow returns to his true form, he floats toward Klonoa. Klonoa grabs Huepow before he falls down toward Cress. Huepow’s energy nearly depleted thanks to the final attack is assured by Klonoa that he’ll never let him fall and that they’ll never be apart.

Time passes and everyone returns to respective places across Phantomile awaiting the Diva, Lephise’s Song of Rebirth so Phantomile can return to it’s glorious self.

Klonoa and Huepow return to Breezegale and look out into the horizon. Klonoa asks whether Huepow is going back to the Moon Kingdom but soon lets him know that they can still meet up and play like they used to. Huepow racked with guilt of the truth finally let’s Klonoa know the secret of what the strange dream is.

Klonoa himself was never truly a part of Phantomile and instead is a dream called into the world by Huepow to save Phantomile. His memories of the past created by Huepow himself. The goal was to prevent the destruction of Phantomile from the Dark Spirit, Ghadius. Klonoa refuses to believe this but Huepow makes sure to let him know that once Lephise sings her Song of Rebirth, he will be sent away and back to his world.

Lephise begins her song in the Corridor of Prisms and the world of Phantomile begins to restore itself. A vortex appears at the edge of the sky and pulls at Klonoa. Klonoa attempts to resist but can’t stop it. Huepow then runs toward Klonoa trying to stop it from happening. He fails and Klonoa is pulled along with the Wind Bullet away from Phantomile. Once Klonoa is gone Phantomile is reborn, and Huepow stares regretfully but satisfied toward the sky where his best friend Klonoa was taken from him.

As the credits roll, an unknown person is reading a story book featuring the entirety of Klonoa and Huepow’s adventure to stop Ghadius.

‘Was the reader Klonoa himself?’”



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.