Isa Boss Walkthrough | Jotun: Valhalla Edition

A Guy
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2021

Isa the Ice Jotun is large, powerful and able to manipulate the ice around the battlefield but Isa has one huge weakness, he is very slow.

🔸Main attacks🔸

🔹Double Hammer Fist🔹
▪️Isa raises his fist high into the air for two seconds, then slams them down near his feet causing icicles to rise up in front of him, creating a 180 degree barrier of ice.

🔹Face First🔹
▪️Is will standing blankly ahead with his arms by his side for two seconds, then fall Face First into the ice in front of him.

▪️Isa will turn towards you, hunched over, wait two seconds then Charge in the direction he’s looking until he reaches the edge of the battlefield.

🔹Ice Breath🔹
▪️Isa will pull his arms back while puffing out his chest for two seconds, then he’ll breathe out a far reaching Ice Breath attack in a 180 degree arc from his right to left. This attack typically occurs after he does Charge. Also note that after the attack ice spikes will appear around the battlefield.

🔸The Battle🔸

🔹Pre-50% Boss Health🔹

▪️To make Isa appear you must run up to the spiked ice ring around his head and attack it to make it slide into Isa. This will cause him to rise up and fight.

▪️Isa will only attack you if you are close enough for him to hit.

▪️When Isa is preparing to do Double Hammer Fist, dodge in between his legs to get behind him and continue to do heavy attacks until he stands back up.

▪️It’s important to not dodge stay near him if he does another Double Hammer Fist because you will end up trapped inside a ring of ice and in danger of getting hit by Charge. Instead after the second Double Hammer Fist, break one of the icicles and retreat.

▪️When Isa is preparing to do Face First, dodge between his legs to get behind him and be ready to dodge again as he hits the ground to avoid being pushed back.

▪️When Isa is preparing to do Charge, either dodge between his legs to get behind him or run off to the side, whichever you can do quickly. Afterwards run to his right side to avoid the Ice Breath attack.

▪️When Isa is preparing to do Ice Breath make sure you get to either his right or left side as quickly as possible. As he is doing Ice Breath continue to hit him with heavy attacks until his attack is finished.

▪️As the battle goes on you will see ice spikes appear on the battlefield. Use a heavy attack on those while aiming at Isa to slide them towards him and cause damage roughly the same as a light attack.

🔹Post-50% Boss Health🔹

▪️Once Isa reaches 50% health he will Roar and the vast majority of snow will disappear revealing black ice which causes you to slide around the battlefield. Learn how far you slide and figuring out the timing becomes important at this point as getting hit is very likely to happen at this point.

The attack pattern is the same as Pre-50% Boss Health so continue following those strategies.

▪️The battle will be over once Isa loses all his health and becomes frozen. You must shatter Isa at this point to end the battle as he will not shatter by himself.

▪️If you’re not trying for the Shun The Gods Achievement then this is where you can start using your God Powers. stand near the edge of the battlefield and lure Isa over. Position yourself so Isa’s back is to the edge. As Isa uses his first Double Hammer Fist, dodge between his legs. Next, use Loki’s Decoy and dodge between his legs once more. Use Freyja’s Speed, Thor’s Hammer and heavy attack as much as possible, using Heimdall’s Shield while continuing the attack. When you’re finally forced to dodge use two Gungnir’s. At this point if he isn’t already dead then repeat the attack combo again and that should finish him off.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.