There is no place for one who lingers about.. no rest in peace either.’ After the disurbing cutscene in which we see Ivry walking through a dark hallway only to find a coffin containing and girl as well as a myterious headless person reaching out for him we appear in Iva’s bedroom in which Ivry has awakened from the nightmare.

A Guy
5 min readMar 18, 2020


Map for Iva’s Room — Part1: ECIRP
Map for Iva’s Room — Part1: ECIRP
  1. Locked Door
  2. Hearth
  3. Broken Music Box
  4. Cuckoo Clock
  5. Left Book Stack
  6. Right Book Stack
  7. White Table
  8. White Wardrobe
  9. White Dresser
  10. Flowers
  11. Basket
  12. Night Stand
  13. Iva’s Bed


Once you gain control of Ivry walk over to the door at the far right side of the bedroom. Next turn left and click on the flower vase on the floor. You will acquire a Key Part From there take another step to the left and click on Puppet on the Sofa sitting on the chair beneath the fiver photo’s handing on the wall. You will then acquire Puppet on the Sofa Look up at the five photographs above the chair and click on the far right photograph. The magnifying glass will then move rapidly across the screen and you’ll enter the pause menu.

This is what is meant to happen so don’t freak out.

After you regain control of Ivry, look at the five photographs again and click on the small rectangular on that is horizontal to investigate the Doodle to acquire Child’s Doodle. Walk in front of the Hearth and inspect the broken music sitting on top of it to the top left corner. From there look above the Hearth and inspect the landscape painting. Walk left to the edge of the screen and inspect the Cuckoo Clock hanging on the wall. Inspect the painting to the right of the Cuckoo Clock and to the left of the Broken Music Box.

Move the screen over to the left and inspect the Left Book Stack on the White Table beside the White Wardrobe. Here you will find the Illusion Spell. To the right of the Left Book Stack click on the Censer to acquire it. To the right of the Censer click on the Right Book Stack. Next click on the White Wardrobe to investigate it. Walk left to the White Dresser and click on the top drawer to acquire a Knife. Looking at the same White Dresser click on the bottom shelf to find the Tarot Card 1: The Lovers. Now look on top of the White Dresser and click on the Flowers to pluck off a Petal. Still look at the White Dresser click on the Basket to the left of the Flowers to find a packet of Powder. Beside the Basket click on the Teddy Bear to acquire it. Look to the left of the White Dresser and click at the bottom of Iva’s Bed to acquire Gear 1. Move the screen to the right until you see Puppet on the Sofa. Equip the Knife and click on Puppet on the Sofa to cut out the eye and acquire Gear 2.

Open up the Clue Menu and combine Teddy Bear and Child’s Doodle to acquire Dad’s Gift. Exit the Clue Menu. Equip Gear 1, walk to the Hearth and inspect the Broken Music Box again. You will automatically fix the Broken Music Box which will reveal a Secret Code 1.

Secret Code 1: 3725

Looking at the opening at the bottom half of the Hearth, click on the top section of the opening to acquire Component 2. Equip Component 2 and click on the Cuckoo Clock above the White Table to fix it and acquire Tarot Card 2: The Hanged Man. Move the screen to the left until you see the White Dresser. Click on the middle Dresser and input the Secret Code you received from the Broken Music Box to acquire the Piccolo and Half a Piece of Sheet Music: Requiem.

Secret Code 1: 3725

Equip the Petal and look at the nightstand to the left of Iva’s Bed. Inspect it to receive Secret Code 2.

Secret Code 2: 666

Equip Tarot Card 2: The Hanged Man and move the screen right until you see the Puppet on the Sofa. Inspect it to acquire the Small Key. Look to the White Table with the Right Book Stack beside the Hearth. Inspect the Right Book Stack to acquire the Resurrection Spell. Move the screen to the left until you see the White Wardrobe. Inspect it and you’ll be asked to free the trapped creature within. Once you regain control of Ivry, inspect the White Wardrobe once more and input Secret Code 2 to acquire Key Part 2 and the Cat in the Closet.

Open up the Clue Menu and combine Censer and Powder to acquire Fragrance. Combine Fragrance and Illusion Spell to acquire Illusion Incence. Combine Illusion Incence and Cat in the Closet to acquire Truth. Combine Puppet on the Sofa and Resurrection Spell to acquire Iva.

After you regain control of Ivry, open the Clue Menu again. Combin Half a Piece of Sheet Music and Dad’s Gift to acquire Childhood.

After you regain control of Ivry, open the Clue Menu again. Combine Iva and Truth to acquire the Completed Key.

From here walk to the Locked Door to automatically open it complete Part 1: E.C.I.R.P and unlock Part 2: P.R.I.C.E.

Video Walkthroughs

YouTube — Part 1: ECIRP
YouTube — Part 2: PRICE

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A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.