Vision 2–2: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
8 min readMar 29, 2021
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~

Run right and Wind Bullet Moo on top of the Green Ball. From there continue running and ride the Rock Platform up to the area above. Run left and jump up the platforms dodging the first Dabby and it’s Spiked Balls. Then, the second Dabby and it’s Spiked Balls as you run jump right onto the platform and run onto and past the Water Jug shooting out a water stream leading to a nice scene of a waterfall.

Klonoa and Huepow will notice how the waterfall has reversed course and is riding up the fall rather than down. Now knowing why Forlock Forest has withered they set off toward Jugpot Castle.”

Run right and continue jumping up the platforms until you see a Shielded Moo. Wait for it to turn around and Wind Bullet it. Then run left back down the platforms until your back in front of the waterfall. Align yourself with Phantomilian Prisoner 1 and throw Shielded Moo at it to free it. Now run right back up the pathway past where you used Wind Bullet on Shielded Moo.

Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 1
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 1

Activate the Memory Clock and then jump up to the next platform on your left. Wait there for the Moo on the Green Ball. When it comes close Wind Bullet Moo and jump on the Green Ball. When the Green Ball is directly below the Dream Stone (Green) Double Jump straight up, making sure land on the ledge. Fall off to the right and Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 2 to free it.

Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 2
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 2

Jump back down the ledge and run left jumping on the rocks in front of the waterfall. Wait on the second rock for Fifi to jump in front of you. Wind Bullet Fifi and throw it at the Dabby one the other side of the waterfall. Now that it’s clear, continue jumping onto the rocks to the left making your way upwards, going through the door.

Activate the Memory Clock to your right and run left along the pathway. Drop down the ledge and wait for Dabby to throw it’s Spiked Ball. Wind Bullet it to get rid of it and jump down to the bottom pathway. Wind Bullet Moo and ride the Green Ball to the upper left pathway.

“If you lose Moo then run right, drop down onto the lower pathway and continue until you reach the ledge in front of a small waterfall. Wait for Fifi to jump up and Wind Bullet it. Repeat this as many times as needed”.

Run left stopping before the end of the narrow corridor. When Spiker is out of the way run out of the narrow corridor and Double Jump toward the 1UP and Phantomilian Prisoner 3. Collect the 1UP and Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 3 to free it. Jump off the ledge and continue running left along the path. Wind Bullet the next couple of Moo’s and ride the Green Balls up to the highest platform. Activate the Memory Clock and go through the door to exit the cave.

Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 3
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 3

Jump to the upper right rock and then walk off it to the right to land on a rock under you. From there walk off to the left and enter the door to re-enter the cave.

Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 4 to free it and exit the cave.

Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 4
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 4

Moo will hop away and through the cave door above. Jump onto rocks and jump to the upper right pathway. Run right, Wind Bullet Moo on the right side of the Rock Platform. Ride the Rock Platform up and jump on the platform to your right. Jump across the platforms and Double Jump to where two Flying Moo’s are floating. From there run right and activate the Memory Clock.

Run down the pathway and ride the Rock Platform to the top of the stone arch. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump as you pass over the Mirror Spirit. Continue right dodging Giant Spiked Balls, jumping past Fifi and landing on the pillar ahead. Wind Bullet Fifi and Double Jump across the Moo’s onto the Rock Platform. Run across the stone arch and Wind Bullet the next couple of Moo’s on the Green Balls in your way to get rid of them. On the last stone arch, Wind Bullet Shielded Moo and Double Jump to the above pathway, entering the door to enter the Jug.

Activate the Memory Clock in foreground and follow the path left until you drop down in front of a small waterfall. Run left and wait for the Green Ball to come near you. Jump onto the Green Ball and ride it to the other side. Jump on the platform to the left and free Phantomilian Prisoner 5. Ride the Green Ball back to the other side and continue along the pathway running right. Ride the Rock Platform up to the upper pathway. Run left and through the door into the next area.

Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 5
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 5

Activate the Memory Clock and then ride the water stream, dodging the Spikers who are stretched along it. At the bottom of the water stream activate the Memory Clock. Jump over the Shielded Moo and wait until the Giant Shielded Moo is turned away from you. Wind Bullet it to stun it as it’s just about to go under the upper pathway and quickly Wind Bullet the nearest Shielded Moo. Jump onto Giant Shielded Moo and Double Jump to the upper pathway.

At the top, run left and fall of the ledge. Free Phantomilian Prisoner 6, Wind Bullet Shielded Moo and jump back onto the upper pathway, running right and off the ledge back to the lower pathway. Run left and wait for the Shielded Moo to come through the narrow corridor and turn around. Wind Bullet it and use it to Double Jump up to the upper pathway ahead. Ride the Rock Platform up to the next pathway and activate the Memory Clock. Ride the water stream past a few Spikers.

Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 6
Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~ Phantomilian Prisoner 6

At the end, jump onto the platforms to your left collecting the 1UP and you make your way to the door exitting the jug.

Run left and you’ll find Karal trapped in a cage. Continue left and Wind Bullet the Switch next to Karal to free him.

Karal will thank you for your help and ask that you save it’s Mommy who is under an evil spell Ghadius cast. In return, he’ll take you to the castle. Once at the castle King Seadoph assumes you’re the intruder Ghadius spoke of. He calls Pamela, Karal’s mother and the two aim to kill you in Ghadius’s name”.

Boss: Evil Seadoph and Pamela in Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~
Boss: Evil Seadoph and Pamela in Vision 2–2: Beyond the Backwards Waterfall ~The Kingdom of Jugpot~

Boss: Evil Seadoph and Evil Pamela: 4HP
Lunge at 4HP: Pamela, with or without King Seadoph, Pamela will lunge toward you from the centre of the battlefield
Bubble at 4HP: Pamela will shoot a flurry of bubbles into the air which drop down on your location

This battle can be tricky because of the Giant Spiked Balls that are coming out of the walls. Make sure you jump over them while waiting and dodging until Evil Seadoph hops onto one of them. Only Pamela can take damage from this battle and that requires using King Seadoph as the weapon.

You have three opportunities to Wind Bullet Evil Seadoph.
1. As he’s riding a Giant Spiked Ball,
2. waiting until the Giant Spiked Ball falls off into the water at which point Evil Seadoph will float over the gap or,
3. when Evil Pamela Lunges at you with Evil Seadoph riding her.

Whichever you choose, run toward the center with Evil Seadoph on either pathway and wait for Pamela to Lunge at you. As she leaps out of the water, throw Evil Seadoph at her.

Evil Seadoph and Pamela Lunge attack
Evil Seadoph and Pamela Lunge attack

If Pamela hasn’t used Bubble, she will start. Bubble is easy to dodge as long as you walk off a little left or right out of the bubbles downward path.

Pamela Bubble attack
Pamela Bubble attack

That is it, follow that strategy and they’ll be defeated quickly.

“With the battle over Joka appears and berates King Seadolph for losing. Klonoa, knocks Joka away with Wind Bullet into the water below as King Seadolph awakens. Klonoa and Huepow explain that he was put under a spell by Ghadius. King Seadolph explains that he suspects Ghadius is in search of the Moon Kingdom. Then he explains that they should speak to Granny in Forlock Forest because of her expertise in ancient legends. King Seadolph calls upon Karal to rush them to Forlock Forest to meet Granny using the restored waterways.

Klonoa heading off to Vision 3–1: Rebirth of the Forest ~Forlock, The Tree Village~ onboard Karal

As they reach Forlock Forest, Karal wishes Klonoa and Huepow a safe journey marking the beginning of Vision 3–1: Rebirth of the Forest ~Forlock, The Tree Village~”.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.