Vision 3–1: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
8 min readApr 5, 2021

Run along the pathway, past two Jump Platforms and a gap. Once you reach the third Jump Platform, use it to jump to the upper pathway in between two Crates and continue running right until you reach the inactive Gondola. You’ll notice Moo and Armored Moo peeking out from behind the fence in the background.

Run left and they’ll hop onto the pathway in front of you. Wind Bullet Moo and jump over Armored Moo as you run left back to the Crates. Throw Moo at the left Crate leading to pathway wrapping around the tree. Run along that pathway to enter a hut with a Guard inside.

“The Guard will realise Klonoa is not one of the bad guys when Klonoa says mentions he’s from Breezegale. The Guard will let you know it’s the Guard of the Gondola leading to the next area above. The Guard then activates the Gondola. Joka and three Flying Moo’s nearby in the upper area observing Klonoa. In annoyance, Joka gives Keys to each Flying Moo and sends them off to hide it. The Guard then sends Klonoa off with well wishes”.

Run right back across the pathway, back to the Gondola. On the way you’ll see Dabby and Spring Moo, watch out for Spiked Balls and run under Spring Moo when it jumps up. Once on the Gondola, ride it to the area above.

Step onto the wooden platform and activate the Memory Clock. A Flying Moo will appear below you. Run left and step onto the Gondola to ride it to the tree in the background. Once there, run left or right, watching out for Armored Moo’s along the path until you find an opening to the above pathways. Wind Bullet Moo and Double Jump onto the left side. Wind Bullet Moo that appears next to you. Jump onto the right pathway and throw it at the Ngapoko Egg to find a Key.

Wind Bullet Moo as you return to the Gondola. Ride it back to the pathway in the foreground. Run left and jump over Armored Moo stopping below the upper pathway. Double Jump to the upper pathway and you’ll see Spring Moo. Run underneath it when it jumps. Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 1 to free it. Return to the bottom pathway and run left, unlock the Locked Door and go through it into the next area.

Activate the Memory Clock and ride the Gondola into the background. Once there, run right past the Spiker and Wind Bullet Dabby. Double Jump above the Crate the break it. Jump down into the hole and free Phantomilian Prisoner 2. Use the Jump Platform to return to the upper pathway. Continue jumping across the platforms to the right and ride the Gondola to the upper area.

Run right and activate the Memory Clock, dodging Spring Moo on the way. Wind Bullet the second Spring Moo near the end of the path and jump onto the platform to your right with three Armored Moo’s below you. Time your throw so that the Spring Moo will be tossed at the Crate in the tree in the background without hitting any of the Armored Moo’s below you. Once that is done the tree will break and the Crate will fly toward the pathway in the background.

Return to the Gondola and take the left path. Drop down into the hole and Wind Bullet Dabby to get right of it. Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 3 to free it. Wind Bullet Moo that appears and throw it at the Crate above to find the second Key.

Activate the Memory Clock and ride the Gondola to the area in the background. Run left and fall into the hole with two Shellie’s. Wind Bullet one of them and throw it at the Flower Bud in the background to reveal a Ngapoko Egg. Wind Bullet another Shellie and throw it at the Ngapoko Egg to free Phantomilian Prisoner 4. Wind Bullet another Shellie and Double Jump to the pathway on the left. Continue running left, using the next two Jump Platforms to reach to opposite pathway.

Turn around and jump back onto the Jump Platform closest to you and Wind Bullet Flying Moo. Jump back to the platform and Double Jump onto the archway at the start of the bridge. Wait for Flying Moo to come near and Wind Bullet it. Fall and run left across the bridge and throw Flying Moo at the Giant Armored Moo who appears. Wind Bullet Giant Armored Moo and jump over it to get across the bridge.

Activate the Memory Clock and run down the path, past two Armored Moo’s and down with the area with three Jump Platforms. From there use one of the Jump Platforms to jump onto the middle Jump Platform. Bounce high and Wind Bullet the Moo walking back and forth inside the tree. Now return to the platform with the closest Armored Moo. Double Jump over the Crate and fall down into the revealed space with a Jump Platform. Run to the right and wait for Moo to appear. Wind Bullet it and throw it at the Flower Bud in the foreground to find an 1UP.

When done, Wind Bullet another Moo and return to the end of the bridge you crossed earlier. Throw the Moo at the Flower Bud in the background to free Phantomilian Prisoner 5. Return to the space with the Moo and Wind Bullet another one. Now use the Jump Platform and jump onto the platform to the right underneath the overhanging pathway. Double Jump up to that overhanging pathway.

Run left and stop before the Spiker. Wind Bullet Moo and Double Jump to the next pathway and continue running left. Fall down onto the Crate and jump past Armored Moo who is jumping in front of you. Wind Bullet Moo and throw it Armored Moo. Wind Bullet Armored Moo and break the Crate behind you. Now run left and Wind Bullet Dabby to get rid of it. Pick up the Key and run back to the area with the three Jump Platforms. From there, run left and go through the Locked Door and into the next area.

You’ll fall down onto a Rail Car. From here activate the Memory Clock.
The first set of Spiker’s can easily be dodged by jumping over them as you get near.

The second set of Spiker’s need to be dodged by running left and right between them (they move at the same speed as Klonoa so timing them is subjectively easier).

The third set requires you to jump through space between a circle of Spiker’s.

The final set moves faster that Klonoa so stay on this side for each incoming group: right, left and right or left (doesn’t matter).

After you pass through that set you’ll be next to a Memory Clock. Activate the Memory Clock and go through the door to exit the tree.

Run right and jump the gap, continuing until you reach the Gondola. Spring Moo will appear. Wind Bullet it and Double Jump over the Crate you passed to reveal a Jump Platform. Wind Bullet another Spring Moo and Double Jump off the Jump Platform to reach the upper pathway. Run left and ride the Moving Platform to the background.

Jump onto the platform in front of Giant Armored Moo. Wind Bullet Dabby as it charges toward you and kill Giant Armored Moo, then throw Dabby at the Switch behind it to activate the Gondola. Jump down from the right ledge back onto the lower pathway.

“Be careful not to hold right as you’ll run right off the edge and into the chasm.”

Once on the lower pathway, run right and ride the Gondola up to the upper pathway next to where you killed the Giant Armored Moo.

Wind Bullet Flying Moo to your right and throw it at the Flower Bud in the background to free Phantomilian Prisoner 6. Wind Bullet Flying Moo again and Double Jump onto the Crate on the wooden tree to your right. Wind Bullet the next Flying Moon and Double Jump onto the pathway to your right. Continue running along the path until you reach a dead end.

Huepow will remark it’s a dead end and you’ll be left wondering how to proceed. The Guard whom you helped earlier will appear. Klonoa will wonder aloud of how they need to reach Granny. The Guard aims his weapon at Klonoa and Huepow but retracts it once it learns that they’re not the enemies.

Complaining that Granny and her home were taken over and the Guard’s kicked out. The Guard summons a Floating Wooden Platform that Klonoa rides into the Tree Mansion on his way to rescue Granny in Vision 3–2: The Stopped Gear ~The Tree Mansion of Machinery~.”



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.