Vision 4–1: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
6 min readApr 19, 2021

You’ll begin in an area full of Moo’s and a single Flying Moo. Dodge past the first two Moo’s and Wind Bullet the third Moo. Run a little further and Double Jump over Spindle below a Dream Stone (Blue).

Run through the small corridor and Wind Bullet Moo in the way and jump up the platforms to reach the next one with Flying Moo to your right. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the upper pathway.

From there Wind Bullet the next Flying Moo and Double Jump over Spindle ahead to your left under the Dream Stone (Blue). Run left if Spindle isn’t coming toward you and go through the door.

Activate the Memory Clock and from here you can leave if you don’t want to use Mirror Spirit.

Run left and Wind Bullet Moo while carrying it to the end of the corridor. Double Jump up to the ledge on the right. Wind Bullet Flying Moo to your left and Double Jump up to the right ledge when Spindle isn’t near the ledge. Wind Bullet Moo and Double Jump over Spindle while making you way to the end of the path.

Wind Bullet Flying Moo across the gap and land next to Phantomilian Prisoner 1. Wind Bullet Flying Moo to your right and Double Jump over Phantomilian Prisoner 1 to free it.

Now Wind Bullet another Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the platform with the door. Turn around, jump toward Flying Moo and Double Jump onto the platform in front of the hole in the Ruin. Enter the hole in the wall.

Wait for the two Flying Moo’s to appear. Double Jump to the Flying Moo and immediate Double Jump again, using Wind Bullet on Phantomilian Prisoner 2 to your left to free it. With that done, return to the previous area.

Jump over Flying Moo to your right and float toward the platform with the door. Enter the door to enter the Ruins.

Activate Memory Clock and run to your right across the lower pathway until a Spindle falls blocking your path. Turn around and Wind Bullet Moo. Return to Spindle and Double Jump over it to clear the way. Follow the path to the end and exit the Ruins through the door.

Activate Memory Clock and run left dodging the Spiked Balls from Glibz. Wind Bullet Glibz to clear the path and jump onto thin platforms to your right. Free Phantomilian Prisoner 3 and from the top platform jump and float left onto the next platform overlooking another Glibz.

From there wait for them to shoot Spiked Balls then jump onto the pathway to your left. On the top path, Wind Bullet Glibz and throw it at the Moo just ahead. Wind Bullet Flying Moo, jump toward Phantomilian Prisoner 4 and when just over it, Double Jump toward the next platform to free it and enter the door to the next area.

In this area you’ll be immediately surrounded by two Plowm’s. Wind Bullet one of them and throw it at the other. Activate the Memory Clock to your left and run right, dropping onto the lower pathway with Burnie in front of a Ngapoko Egg in the background. In order to Wind Bullet Burnie wait for the orb its carrying to shine, wait one second and then jump and float near it as it’s rings of fire spreads outward. Once the fire is spread, quickly Wind Bullet Burnie to capture it. Throw Burnie at the Ngapoko Egg in the background to collect an 1UP. Now run right along the path, past two Spiker’s and two Moo’s until you see Summy in the background throwing Spiked Balls at you near a broken stone archway.

From the stone archway run right and Wind Bullet one of the Plowm’s that appear, throwing it at the other. Continue right until you reach the Roped Platform. Jump across the Roped Platform immediately after landing or you’ll be dropped to the small area below. On this path, dodge Burnie and activate the Memory Clock at the end. Wind Bullet Flying Moo, jump on the Roped Platform and immediate Double Jump onto the pathway ahead before your dropped into the chasm below.

On this platform, Wind Bullet Moo and jump on the Roped Platform to your right, and immediately Double Jump to the pathway above with Dream Stone (Green). From there, run right and jump on the next pathway up the ledge next to the Flying Moo. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the high platform to the left. Collect the 1UP and fall back down to the previous pathway and continue running right through the tree.

Jump past Spiker onto the next pathway and continue running right. Once there dodge past Burnie. Follow the path all the way to the right past Spiker and jump onto the pathway to the left. Follow that path all the way to the end until you reach the Wooden Swings.

Activate the Memory Clock and wait for the Wooden Swing to reach you. Jump on it and wait until it swings as far left as possible, then jump and float toward the next Wooden Swing. Do this for the next Wooden Swing and once on the third, waiting until it swings next to Phantomilian Prisoner 5, then jump and Wind Bullet it to free it. From there, jump off the third Wooden Swing once it’s as far left as it can go onto the left pathway.

Follow that pathway until you reach the final Wooden Swing. Once on it, wait until it’s next to Flying Moo. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and quickly turn around and throw it at Phantomilian Prisoner 6 to free it. With that done, jump off the Wooden Swing to the left and run through the door at the end to begin Vision 4–2: A Lull in the Wind ~The Leviathan’s Ice Cavern~.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.