Vision 4–2: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
9 min readApr 26, 2021

Run right and go down the next four slopes dodging both Moo’s and Spiker’s on the way down. When going down the last slope try to Wind Bullet one of the Moo’s there before they run away, since it’s likely you crashed into some Spiker’s. If you fail to Wind Bullet Moo on the way down then run back up the slope and a Moo will come sliding toward you. Wind Bullet this one and walk to the shadow beside the door. An Ngapoko Egg will appear, which when broken will reveal a Heart (Small). Go through the door into the cave.

Activate the Memory Clock before jumping into the water stream as you’ll need to die if you miss both Phantomilian Prisoner 1 and Phantomilian Prisoner 2 on the way downstream.

Jump into the stream and run left while riding it to make sure you don’t miss your chance to Wind Bullet and free Phantomilian Prisoner 1. As you continue running left Wind Bullet Flying Moo just ahead and Double Jump toward the 1UP just before the opening. Once you pass through the opening you’ll be outside.

Continue running left and jump over three Spiker’s. Ride the stream down past two more Spiker’s and just before the opening ahead will be Phantomilian Prisoner 2 which you’ll need to jump toward and Wind Bullet it to free it, using the Dream Stone (Green) as a guide toward it. Once through the opening ahead, you’ll be back inside a cave.

Activate the Memory Clock once your back on the pathway and run right. Once you see the Green Boulder Burnie will jump onto the pathway. Wait for Burnie’s orb to shine then Wind Bullet it. Throw Burnie at the Green Boulder and run through the opening toward the Updraft next to another Green Boulder.

Wind Bullet Moo and ride the Updraft to the upper pathway. Jump over Spindle and Double Jump over the Green Boulder ahead. Wind Bullet either of the Plowm’s that appear and Double Jump over the last Green Boulder below you. From here Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 3 and Wind Bullet Moo. Throw Moo at the Green Boulder to your left and ride the Updraft back to the upper pathway.

Run right and Wind Bullet a Plowm. Continue right and ride the Updraft up to the upper area. Turn left once there and throw Plowm at the Green Boulder leading to the Switch. Wind Bullet the Switch to detonate a Pink Boulder blocking the path ahead. Jump onto the pathway to the right and jump over the Spindle while avoiding the Plowm’s that appear on your way through the opening.

Activate the Memory Clock and run right along the path. Once you reach the skeleton Wind Bullet Burnie. Double Jump up to the platform to your right and wait for Flying Moo’s to appear. Wind Bullet the first Flying Moo, Double Jump and Double Jump again using the second Flying Moo toward the next platform. Ride the Updraft to the next platform and go through the door.

Run left and ride the Updrafts in that direction. Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 4 as you make your way to the end. Once there float toward the 1UP and let yourself fall straight down into the opening below. Run right along the skeleton and go through the door to return to the previous area, a little ways ahead.

“There is no need to go to the area below the skeleton unless you’ve already beaten the game and are trying for 100% Dream Stone (Green) and Dream Stone (Blue).”

From the door jump onto the platform to your right and then the next one also to your right. Jump toward the Flying Moo and Wind Bullet it. Immediately Double Jump toward the platform with the Updraft. Fall off toward the left to collect an 1UP and from there ride the rest of the Updrafts up toward the next area.

Fall onto the path, activate the Memory Clock and Wind Bullet Moo. Double Jump up onto the upper pathway and run left dodging Spindle’s until a Plowm appears. Wind Bullet Plowm and return to the start of the pathway. Double Jump toward Flying Moo to your right and Wind Bullet it, while immediately using Double Jump to get onto the platform in front of the door. Once there, enter the door.

Ride the Updraft on the left side of the room. Fall off to the right and Wind Bullet Flying Moo. Immediately Double Jump onto the platform to the right. Fall off the next platforms and Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 5 to free it. Return to the door and go through it to the previous area.

Fall left toward Moo and Wind Bullet it. Double Jump back up to the upper pathway to the left and continue running dodging the Spindle’s and Plowm’s. Once at the ledge jump onto the bones, hopping onto the next ones before they fall and toward the Updraft onto the next platform.

Jump onto the next two bones. Wind Bullet Flying Moo while jumping toward the third bone and once you land turn around and throw it at Phantomilian Prisoner 6 to free it. Immediately jump left and ride the next two Updrafts toward the Green Boulder blocking the door.

“If you miss Phantomilian Prisoner 6 but manage to get on the Updraft then wait for the bone to regenerate. Once it regenerates, float back onto it, Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 6 and quickly jump back into the Updraft.

Wait for Flying Moo to appear and come close. Wind Bullet it and throw it at the Green Boulder. Run through the opening and through the door. Once through the door run right to find yourself back at home.

“As you look toward home you see Grandpa waving at you. Joka appears in an UFO. Energy generates at its weapon and then a laser fires straight down on their home and Grandpa. Joka then hovers above the ruins and use’s the tractor beam to pull the Moon Pendant over to him”.

Run right toward the opening.

Klonoa appears on a bridge and Joka comes out to meet him. After chiding the enraged Klonoa he throws Boomie’s at the edges of the bridge destroying the bridges supports and flies away leaving Baladium behind to finish off Klonoa”.

Boss: Baladium: 8HP
Green at 8HP: When it’s wings turn green it will summon flying bombs that fly straight toward the background as you swing toward Baladium
Yellow at 8HP: When it’s wings turn yellow a Zagard will appear on the bridge, slowly walking toward you and charging when it gets close
Blue at 8HP: When it’s wings turn blue, pillars will appear in the air between you and Baladium, not disappearing until you go through a back swing
Red at 8HP: When it’s wings turn red, bombs will appear in front of Baladium, exploding as you swing back to Baladium

Baladium’s weakness is it’s eight crystals on it’s body.

When you first start, wait for you to swing to the background, there you will find three Flying Moo’s at the bottom left, bottom right and upper center waiting for you. Make sure your in position during the back swing to Wind Bullet one of them.

If Baladium’s wing’s turn yellow keep an out for Zagard who will appear nearby. You don’t really need to pay attention to it as Baladium’s own attacks will kill it if it strikes Zagard, which happens often. Instead, jump over it if you see it charging at you.

If Baladium’s wing’s turn green then flying bombs will appear in front of Baladium. Make sure to not be aligned with any one of them on the return swing and they’ll pass right by you, likely destroying the annoying Zagard.

If Baladium’s wing’s turn blue then look to the foreground as pillars will appear. Dodge between them during the return and back swing, likely destroying the annoying Zagard. They disappear after the back swing.

If Baladium’s wing’s turn red then bombs will appear in front of it. They don’t move so make sure you’re not aligned with them on the return swing.

Baladium has four quadrants: upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right, each with two crystals. If you throw Flying Moo in between one of the set of crystals, destroying two instead of one, then you can do 2HP worth of damage instead of 1HP.

To defeat Baladium quickly use this method: Wind Bullet Flying Moo on the back swing and on the return swing throw it as close as possible to the center of a set of jewels on it’s body. This will more often than not result in shattering two crystals. In this way you can defeat Baladium in less than a minute.

“With Baladium destroyed Klonoa returns to his dying Grandpa. He tells Klonoa that though it was a ‘short while’ he appreciated Klonoa being by his side, calling him the Child of the Wind. His final words are to let Klonoa know that he must recover the Moon Pendant because it’s his destiny. Grandpa then dies while Huepow and Klonoa think about how they can recover it.

Pamela appears and informs them she knows everything because King Seadolph and Granny told her. Taking Klonoa onto her back they fly off toward the Temple of the Sun and toward Vision 5–1: The Four Orbs ~Coronia, Temple of the Sun~”.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.