Vision 5–1: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
10 min readMay 3, 2021

“After being dropped off at Coronia, Temple of the Sun by Pamela she flies off knowing with her build she couldn’t possibly help Klonoa get through the Temple of the Sun”.

Run right and into the tunnel to fall into the Temple of the Sun’s Altar Room behind four altars: red, blue, yellow and green.

“Two Priests of the Temple of the Sun will appear above carried by Nagapoko’s, named Soliel and Solare. They express their relief that Huepow has finally reached the Temple of the Sun. After being asked if they saw anyone strange enter they nod and point at the four empty altars. They let you know that Ghadius’s followers have taken each of the altars Orbs. They beg you to find them because they are ‘cowards’.”

“It’s at this point where there are four possible paths to choose from so this Vision will be split into paths: red path, blue path, green path and yellow path. Complete this in any order and the door behind Klonoa will open up. I’ll be going through red path, blue path, green path and yellow path for the purpose of this walkthrough.”

Red Path

Run along the path and once you fall to the lower path, run left, past the sign with the red circle and through the tunnel at the end.

Run onto the Floating Platform and ride it across the large gap to the next pathway. Run left along the pathway, stopping just before the lava and Flying Moo. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump over Phantomilian Prisoner 1 to free it and reach the other side. Run left a little ways and enter the door marked with the red circle above it.

Activate the Memory Clock and follow the path left, stopping just before the Burner. Wait for the Burner to deactivate and jump across, chasing Moo along the path. Wind Bullet Moo at the end of the path and ride the Metal Platform across the lava. Halfway through the ride throw Moo at the Metal Plate with an X on it at the background to knock it over. Once at the end of the ride jump onto the Rolling Wheel and Wind Bullet Fifi who jumps out of the lava. Throw Fifi at the Metal Plate at the background to knock it over. Jump onto the pathway to your left.

Follow the path left and at the end Wind Bullet Fifi. Double Jump across the gap to the high platform. Turn around and Wind Bullet Fifi, then run left, falling onto the Jumping Platform below. Throw Fifi at Phantomilian Prisoner 2 to free it, then jump onto the high platform to your left. Jump off the ledge onto the next pathway and continue jumping over the lava using the two Metal Plates you knocked over earlier. Once across, collect the Red Orb and jump up the platforms to the right to reach the next area.

Activate the Memory Clock below Spiker and continue jumping up the platforms. Once you reach the Burner, two Armored Moo’s, a Gold Armored Moo and Moo will jump down first in front of the Burner, then toward the background. They will perform this cycle indefinitely. Wait for Moo to appear and Wind Bullet it. Double Jump past the Burner when the flames are low. Activate the Memory Clock and run through the tunnel to return to the Altar Room.

Klonoa will then place the Red Orb onto it’s altar where it will shine.

Blue Path

Run along the path and once you fall to the lower path, run left, past the sign with the blue circle and through the tunnel at the end.

Run onto the Floating Platform and ride it across the large gap to the next pathway. Run left along the pathway, stopping just before the lava and Flying Moo. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump over the lava to reach the other side. Run left a little ways, drop off the ledge and run right along the lower pathway. Activate the Memory Clock just before the Floating Platform and ride it across the large gap toward the next area.

Run right past the blue circle sign and Wind Bullet two Algore’s along the path who are swinging their Spiked Mace to get rid of them. Jump over the lave pit and at the end of the path wait for the Floating Platform to take you the pathway in the foreground.

Run left and jump onto the next platform when Armored Moo isn’t in the way. Wind Bullet Moo and throw it at Armored Moo to break it’s armor. If Armored Moo didn’t fall off the edge Wind Bullet it to kill it and throw it at the Ngapoko Egg in the background to free Phantomilian Prisoner 3. Wind Bullet Moo once more and throw it at the Armored Moo in the background. Now ride the Floating Platform to the area in the background with the lava pit and Burner.

Jump across the lava pit and wait for Burner to deactivate, then jump across. Wait for Glibz to finish firing it’s Spiked Balls before jumping up the platforms and collecting the Blue Orb. Once you’ve collected the Blue Orb go through the door to the left.

Run right and Wind Bullet Algore, quickly jumping past the Burner before it activates. Throw Algore at Algore in front of the Ngapoko Egg. Wait for the Moo in the background to jump onto your pathway and Wind Bullet it. Throw Moo at the Ngapoko Egg to free Phantomilian Prisoner 4. Activate the Memory Clock and run into the tunnel at the end of the path to return to the Altar Room.

Klonoa will then place the Blue Orb onto it’s altar where it will shine.

Green Path

Run along the pathway and once you fall to the lower pathway, run right, past the sign with the green circle and through the tunnel at the end.

Ride the Floating Platform across the large gap onto the next pathway and run through the door.

Run left along the pathway activating the Memory Clock next to the Floating Platform. Ride the Floating Platform down to the lower pathway and Wind Bullet Moo. Jump onto the Jumping Platform and throw Moo at the Switch in the background to open the metal door nearby. Get onto the high pathway to your left run along the path dodging Algore’s Spiked Ball from the background and stopping before the Burner. Wind Bullet Moo and Double Jump to the higher pathway to your right with the green circle sign.

Run right and into the small space to the right of the Burner. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the pathway above you next to the Memory Clock. Activate Memory Clock and run right, using the Jump Platform to jump over the low flames from the Burner beside you. Go through the door.

Activate the Memory Clock to your left and Wind Bullet Flying Moo. Drop down beside Spiker over the lava. Double Jump over Spiker and Wind Bullet the Switch to open the door on the opposite side beneath the door you used to enter this area. Wait for Flying Moo to fly toward you and Wind Bullet it. Double Jump back over Spiker and enter the newly opened door.

Activate the Switch to your right and go back through the door.

Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the above doorway and go through it. Run right and enter the newly opened doorway.

Activate the Memory Clock to your left. Drop off the ledge and float toward Phantomilian Prisoner 5. Wind Bullet it to free it.

Again, drop off the ledge and float toward the 1UP. From here you need to quickly Wind Bullet a Fifi to your left and throw it at the Armored Moo coming toward you. Then continue to Wind Bullet Armored Moo’s, throwing them at the Armored Moo’s behind them until they are all killed.

Once they’re all killed run through the corridor and collect the Green Orb at the end. Activate the Memory Clock and go through the tunnel to return to the Altar Room.

Klonoa will then place the Green Orb onto it’s altar where it will shine.

Yellow Path

Run along the pathway and once you fall to the lower pathway, run right, past the sign with the green circle and through the tunnel at the end.

Ride the Floating Platform across the large gap onto the next pathway and run through the door.

Run left along the pathway activating the Memory Clock next to the Floating Platform. Ride the Floating Platform down to the lower pathway and Wind Bullet Moo. Jump onto the Jumping Platform and throw Moo at the Switch in the background to open the metal door nearby. Go onto the high pathway to your left run along the path dodging Algore’s Spiked Ball from the background and stopping before the Burner. Wind Bullet Moo and Double Jump to the higher pathway to your left with the yellow circle sign.

Run left across the path using Wind Bullet on the two Algore’s in your way. At the end of the path fall down the hole. Wait for the Burner to deactivate and jump onto the second Rolling Wheel. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up toward the upper pathway you used to reach this area. Float toward the 1UP to collect it. Jump back onto the second Rolling Wheel and when there is a low flame coming out of the Burner, jump past it.

On this platform wait for the Spear Moo to appear and Wind Bullet it. Double Jump across the gap toward the platform on the right side when the first Burner has a low flame. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump over the Ngapoko Egg just under the ledge to free Phantomilian Prisoner 6.

Wind Bullet another Flying Moo and Double Jump to the right pathway. Collect the Yellow Orb, activate the Memory Clock and jump past the Burner into the tunnel when the flames are gone.

Klonoa will then place the Yellow Orb onto it’s altar where it will shine.

With all Orbs on their respective Altar they will all shine brightly and the door behind you will open. Go through the door into the Elevator Room.

Once inside run right and activate the Switch in the background to activate the Elevator next to you.

Soleil and Solare will appear and congratulate you for a job well done. With the Elevator re-activated they let you know that you can now reach the Altar and the High Priest. Before you get onto the Elevator a Ngapoko appears and informs the Priests that a Solar Eclipse has begun.

They then realise it’s because Ghadius has the Moon Pendant and is being controlled by nightmare after a 3000 year sleep, seeking revenges. They then implore you to reach the Altar before the seal is broken. Klonoa ride the elevator up and into Vision 5–2: Between Light and Darkness ~High Above Coronia~.”



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.