Vision 5–2: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
9 min readMay 10, 2021

“As Klonoa and Huepow reach the top of the Elevator they see a priest lying on the ground injured with a Ngapoko flying near. He awakens and reveals himself to be High Priest Moire. He explains that Ghadius has already opened the Moon Gate and the return of the Cress, the Moon Kingdom is imminent.

He then goes on to explain that Cress gathers powers from dreams in order to create Phantomile and Ghadius seeks to replace dream power with nightmare power causing evil to instead run rampant across Phantomile. Klonoa dishearten is given hope by Huepow who says that they can still win.

High Priest Moire then sends Klonoa and Huepow to the Sanctuary warning them that the dangers they’ll face are ‘invincible’ during the eclipse but vulnerable in the light. With warning in mind they set off.”

“Remember that through this vision you will not be able to harm any Eclipses (enemies) that appear during the Eclipse (when it becomes dark and only happens outdoors). Wind Bullet can only stun Sky Eclipse’s, but doesn’t affect Ground Eclipse’s. Dodge them until light returns.”

Run right through the tunnel to enter the next area.

Run right across the pathway, fall off the ledge and Wind Bullet Algore. Run to the right toward the end of the path and throw Algore at Glibz. Drop down into the hole, run left and fall down the next hole once the Burner deactivates. Wind Bullet Moo and throw it at the Switch in the background to remove the Pillar blocking the path ahead. Run right and jump onto the upper pathway. Use the Burner on the left to jump toward the pathway to the right.

Wait until the Eclipse begins and jump toward the Gold Platforms and look left once on the second one. Jump left and Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 1 to free it and then drop down to the pathway. Run right and use the Jump Platform to reach the upper pathway.

Run right and fall off the ledge. Wind Bullet the Switch at the end of the path and then Wind Bullet the Algore to your left. Double Jump up to the pillar that appeared. Then jump right onto the platform and enter the door.

Activate the Memory Clock and use the Jumping platform to Wind Bullet the Flying Moo and Double Jump onto the pathway on your left. Run left and Wind Bullet Algore. Fall off the ledge and land on top of the Floating Platform to reach the door in the background. Enter the door.

Run right off the ledge and collect the 1UP and free Phantomilian Prisoner 2, then return through the door.

Ride the Floating Platform back to the foreground. Fall off and run right, going through the door at the end.

Run off the platform and from there run right and fall off the ledge. Wind Bullet Moo and use it to Double Jump up to the upper platform and stand next to the tunnel. Wait until the Eclipse. Jump past the Gold Platform to reach the platform. Once the Burner shuts off jump on it and then jump left to reach and free Phantomilian Prisoner 3. Jump back to the tunnel and enter it.

Run left and Wind Bullet the Switch to activate the Elevator. Ride it up into the next area and run right through the tunnel.

Activate the Memory Clock and run left. Jump onto the pathway to the right and wait for the Eclipse. Jump up the Gold Platforms until your reach the upper area. Run right and fall onto the Floating Platform. Ride it, dodging the Burners as it takes you to the next pathway.

Run right and jump past the Burner and gaps. At the end of the path wait for the Eclipse and use the Gold Platforms to reach the free Phantomilian Prisoner 4.

Wait for the Eclipse to finish and Wind Bullet Smork as it flies toward you from the background. Throw it at the Giant Armored Moo. Run left to the ledge and wait for the Floating Platform. Ride it to the background. Run right past the Armored Moo and Wind Bullet the Giant Armored Moo. Run through the door at the end.

Activate the Memory Clock and use the Jumping Platform to dodge the Spiker’s and Wind Bullet Flying Moo immediately performing a Double Jump up to the pathway on the left. Run left and Wind Bullet Moo who jumps in next to you.

Run right and Double Jump up to the pathway on the upper right. Run right and Wind Bullet Glibz. Double Jump to Flying Moo and Double Jump again to reach the upper pathway on the right. Wait and Wind Bullet Flying Moo when it reappears. Run down the slope and Double Jump to the upper space on your left. Activate the Switch and fall through the hole in the ground leading to Phantomilian Prisoner 5 and a Switch. Free Phantomilian Prisoner 5 and activate the Switch.

Use the Jumping Platform and Wind Bullet Flying Moo then immediately Double Jump up onto the pathway to the left. Run left and Wind Bullet Moo, then run back right and Double Jump up to the upper left pathway. Run left and Wind Bullet Glibz. Run left past the Burner and fall off the ledge. Throw Glibz at the Switch and enter the door next to you.

Collect the 1UP above your head and free Phantomilian Prisoner 6. Go back through the door.

Run left and fall down the hole. Run right and ride the Floating Platform to the door in the background. Enter the door.

Run right and jump past the gap. Wind Bullet Smork and throw it at the Switch in the background. Ride the Floating Platform to the pathway in the background. Run right and activate the Switch. Jump on the Pillar to your left and then jump over to the pathway on your right. Wait for the Eclipse and then jump on the Gold Platforms on your way to the tunnel. Go through the tunnel.

Run left and activate the Switch and ride the Elevator to the upper area. Activate the Memory Clock to your left and run right going through the tunnel at the end.

Jump on the Jumping Platform and activate the Switch above while landing on the platform to your right. Run left and jump past the Burner using Wind Bullet on your way down the platforms. Jump past the next Burner and continue running left until you reach a hole with Gold Armored Moo and Giant Gold Armored Moo below. Make your way down toward the Switch beside the Giant Moo and Activate it. Return to the upper pathway.

Run left and use the Jumping Platform to Wind Bullet the Switch on your way left to the opposite pathway. Continue left and use the Jumping Platform next to the tunnel land in front of the Moo. Wind Bullet Moo and fall off the ledge to your right and enter the tunnel.

Run left and Double Jump up to the platform with the Memory Clock. Activate the Memory Clock and go through the tunnel.

Ride the Floating Platform up, past the Burners while collecting the 1UP as you make your way to the tunnel. Go through the tunnel.

Run left and Wind Bullet the Switch to activate the Elevator. Ride it up to the summit of the Temple of the Sun to find Ghadius and Joka.

“As you look around Ghadius notices you and realises that Joka hadn’t finished of Klonoa and Huepow during their first confrontation at Bell Hill. As Joka makes excuses Ghadius silences him uncaring that he failed to defeat them.

Klonoa then demands to know Ghadius is doing this. Ghadius replies that all he wants is revenge for his imprisonment using the Diva Lephise to revive the Egg of Destruction at the Moon Kingdom. As they prepare to chase after Ghadius who leaves, Joka stops them and decides to fight them himself.”

Boss: Joka: 8 HP
Joka at 8HP: Over the course of the battle Joka will absorb nightmare to change the battlefield, summon Eclipses and gain new attacks
Joka at 5HP: Joka will swings an arm in an arc across half the battlefield
Joka at 5HP: Joka will slam an down vertically moving it across half the battlefield
Joka at 2HP: Joke will swing both it’s arms in an arc three times covering the entire battlefield

Joka will wander back and forth from ring to ring while he hasn’t summoned an Eclipse. Once an Eclipse is summoned he’ll summon Eclipse’s instead of Moo’s and start attacking you too depending on how much HP is left.

Start off standing next to the Crystals and wait for Moo to appear. Once it does Wind Bullet it and throw it at Joka, aiming for when his gloves won’t be in the way of the throw. After the third (or if you took to long) hit, he’ll summon an Eclipse.

Make sure to prepare prepare to dodge because the battlefield will be full of Eclipse’s and Joka will start attacking you. To remove the Eclipse you must change all the right cubes back to yellow by running over them. Once they’re all yellow, the Eclipse will disappear and Joka will revert back to his normal self.

Continue to repeat this strategy until you finish off Joka.

Joka, in his last words, feels no regrets as he and Ghadius have already accomplished their mission of reviving the Moon Kingdom. As he dies, the crystal sealing shatters, the keys to the Moon Kingdom appear and from the center of Phantomile it appears.

Klonoa and Huepow look on as it rises spreading nightmare energy across Phantomile. Pamela appears and tells them to get on. They then ride toward their final destination, and Ghadius in Vision 6–1: The Legendary Kingdom ~Cress, the Moon Kingdom~.”



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.