Vision 6–1: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
8 min readMay 17, 2021

“Thanks to Pamela, Klonoa and Huepow reach Cress. Unfortunately, due to Pamela’s body Klonoa had to send her away because she would not be able to help Klonoa inside. She wishes Klonoa luck, but Huepow seems concerned about something but tries to hide it. Instead, Huepow focuses the attention on Ghadius and his plan to inflict nightmare energy upon Phantomile. With that they head into Cress.”

Run right and enter the door.

Run right dropping onto the lower pathway, continuing until your reach the end. Jump up onto the Crystal Platforms and at the top go through the door to the right.

Jump up the ledges to get to the upper left ledge. Fall off the left ledge and enter the door below.

Activate the Memory Clock to your right and Wind Bullet Moo who falls with a Green Ball. Jump on the Green Ball. Ride it to the ledge and jump onto the next platform to your right. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and throw it at Moo coming toward your on a Green Ball. Jump onto the Green Ball repeatedly throwing Flying Moo’s at the Moo’s to make it through this area. On the way to the end of this area Double Jump using Flying Moo to Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 1 and free it.

Once you’ve crossed the area jump up to the path above and continue running right, falling down the hole at the end. Run right following the Armored Moo on the Green Ball to the Flying Moo’s. Once Armored Moo falls off the edge, Wind Bullet Flying Moo and throw it at the Armored Moo coming toward you. Wind Bullet Armored Moo and free Phantomilian Prisoner 2.

Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the upper area with a Memory Clock and Red Crystal. Activate the Memory Clock and then Wind Bullet the Red Crystal to disintegrate Red Statues across Cress. Run past the disintegrated Red Statue to the right and through the door.

Jump onto the left ledge above the door and then jump onto the right pathway. Run right and enter the large doorway.

Run right and enter the door with the disintegrated Red Statue in front of it.

Run right, falling off the ledges toward the door at the end of the corridor and enter it.

Activate the Memory Clock and Wind Bullet the three Summy’s as you make your way down to the lower pathway. Continue right, jumping up the ledges and run right along the pathway past the Plowm’s and Moo and through the door at the end.

Run right and jump on the Floating Platform to ride it up. Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 3 on the way up. At the top run right and Wind Bullet Summy. Jump on the Floating Platform and ride it across the gap, dodging the Plowm’s whom appear. Ride the next Floating Platform to the platform in the background. Ride the next Floating Platform left across the gap while dodging Plowm’s that appear making sure to collect the 1UP on the way.

Once across jump up the ledge and Wind Bullet Summy to get rid of it, activate Memory Clock and Wind Bullet the Blue Crystal to disintegrate Blue Statues across Cress. Run left past the disintegrated Blue Statue, dodging the Summy as you make your way through the door at the end.

Jump up the ledges and over the gap, entering the large door.

Run left and go through the door with the disintegrated Blue Statue.

Run right, falling off the ledges and continuing until your enter the door at the end.

Activate the Memory Clock and Wind Bullet Boomie. Throw Boomie at the right wall and it will fall down next to the group of Boomie’s below. Once they all explode jump down and run right. Wind Bullet Boomie and throw it past Spiker to hit Boomie on the platform to the right. Jump onto that platform and then jump past gap to land on the platform below the Dream Stone (Green). Wind Bullet Boomie to get rid of it. Jump over the gap and Wind Bullet the next Boomie to get rid of it. Go through the door into the next area.

Run off the ledge and Wind Bullet Boomie. Jump as close to Boomie on the Crystal Platform as possible and Double Jump over it. Land on the Crystal Platform and jump past the gap onto the next platform. Wind Bullet Boomie and Double Jump up toward Phantomilian Prisoner 4 and Wind Bullet it to free it.

Wind Bullet Boomie and throw it across the gap toward the Boomie on the Crystal Platform next to Spiker. Wind Bullet Boomie and Double Jump to the Crystal Platform. Jump past the gap toward the pathway on the right and go through the door.

Wind Bullet Boomie closest to you and throw it at the Boomie’s ahead to destroy them all. Jump up the ledges and Wind Bullet the last Boomie. Throw it at Spiker above the Green Crystal to disintegrate the Green Statue’s across Cress. Run right, past the disintegrated Green Statue, activate the Memory Clock and through the door.

Run right and up the ledges. Wind Bullet Boomie and throw it at the cluster of Flying Moo’s around Phantomilian Prisoner 5. Jump and Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 5 to free it before the Flying Moo’s return.

Wind Bullet Boomie and throw it at the Ngapoko Egg. Collect the 1UP and run past the disintegrated Green Statue. Jump up onto the platform on the left and run left dodging the Plowm’s. Wind Bullet the second Summy above you and Double Jump up to the door and go through it.

Follow the path left to the end and go through the large door.

Run right and enter the door with the disintegrated Green Statue in front of it.

Fall of the ledge and go through the door at the bottom on the left.

Activate the Memory Clock and run all the way to the left past the Yellow Crystal Platforms, going through the door at the end.

Run right and jump on the Yellow Crystal Platform then jump onto the next platform. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and fall down toward the second Yellow Crystal Platform. Double Jump to the Platform to the right. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and jump up the Blue Crystal Platforms staying on the right side. Free Phantomilian Prisoner 6 on the last Blue Crystal Platform and follow the Blue Crystal Platforms to the pathway above you.

Run right, jump on the Blue Crystal Platform and Wind Bullet Flying Moo. Fall onto the Blue Crystal Platform next to the yellow Crystal and throw Flying Moo at it to disintegrate Yellow Statues across Cress. Run past the disintegrated Yellow Statue to enter the next area.

Activate the Memory Clock and Wind Bullet the Plowm’s that appear to get rid of them. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump over the Boomie to get rid of it. Fall onto the platform below. Jump down the hole below into the hole below. Jump right onto the Yellow Crystal Platform onto the platforms on the left. Jump across the Blue Crystal Platforms and go through the door at the end.

Jump up the ledges and jump left onto the upper pathway, entering the large door. Run left and go into the door with the disintegrated Blue Statue.

Jump on the right platforms with the disintegrated Yellow Statues. Continue jumping to the right going through the door at the end.

Activate the Memory Clock on the right and jump up the Blue Crystal Platforms all the way to the top and go through the door.

Follow the path right, jumping on the platforms above and using Wind Bullet on the White Crystal to remove the Force Field surrounding the Elevator. Run onto the Elevator and ride it to the upper area of Cress and toward Vision 6–2: The Time of Restoration ~The Prism Corridor~.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.