Vision 6–2: 100% Walkthrough — Klonoa: Door to Phantomile | GamingLinkMedia

A Guy
Published in
13 min readMay 24, 2021

“At the top of the Elevator a Guard will appear and call out to ‘Sir’ Huepow saying that they’ve been awaiting his return. He claims the Moon Kingdom is under the control of Ghadius. The Queen of Cress, the Moon Kingdom appears and wallows in their carelessness, noting he has trapped Lephise in the egg far below, infusing it with nightmare energy.

Huepow runs forwards calling the Queen his mother revealing that he is Prince Huepow of Cress confessing to Klonoa that his disguise, the Ring Spirit wasn’t real, but their friendship was. Huepow though, can’t yet reveal why he left the Moon Kingdom but promises that he’ll explain everything once the battle is over. Klonoa forgives him and they set off for Ghadius while the Queen retreats down the Elevator.”

Run left and through the door.

Run left up the platforms and follow the pathway, jumping the gaps on your way to the Floating Platform. Go through the door at the upper area into the next area.

Run right up the platforms and activate the Memory Clock beside the lowered Red Pillar. Go through the Red Door just to the left.

Jump right across the Crystal Platforms until you see Phantomilian Prisoner 1. Wind Bullet the Moo jumping toward you, Double Jump up and Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 1 to free it. Continue jumping right, using Wind Bullet on the next Moo and enter the door at the end.

Run right and Wind Bullet Shielded Moo on the bottom path. Double Jump up to the platform with the two Spiker’s moving across it. Dodge them and Wind Bullet Flying Moo. Double Jump up to the upper platform on the right and go through the door.

Run right and activate the Memory Clock across the small hole. Fall down the hole with two Spring Moo’s and run left off the pathway. Follow Spiker to the right and fall through the hole. Run left and free Phantomilian Prisoner 2. Return to the path with the two Spring Moo’s and dodge past them as you run right off the path landing next to the Ngapoko Egg.

“This area has enemies that throw Boomerangs from it’s head which I couldn’t find the official names of anywhere on the internet. So I’ll be calling them ‘Boomer’.”

Run right and Wind Bullet Boomer, dodging the Boomerangs it throws, making sure to dodge it as it returns to Boomer. Double Jump up to the Floating Platform. Jump onto the platform with the Boomer to your right and Wind Bullet it to get rid of it. Run off the ledge to the right and run under Giant Shielded Moo. Run right and Wind Bullet the Moo at the end of the path. Double Jump up to the upper platform on the left and wait for Flying Moo to appear. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and throw it at the Switch in the hole in the background to activate the Switch.

Drop down onto the lower pathway and run left, falling into the now revealed hole. Run right across the narrow corridor, activating the Memory Clock just before the door. Go through the door.

“This is one of the three puzzle rooms where you need to activate all the Switch’s before they reset. That is, turn them from blue to red before one becomes blue again, so they must be activated quickly.”

In this room run left and wait beneath the opening between the upper platforms for the Spear Moo to charge toward you. Dodge the Spear Moo and Wind Bullet it. Jump onto the left platform and stand on the right edge. Throw Spear Moo at the right Switch. Then immediately Wind Bullet the left Switch, Wind Bullet Flying Moo, Double Jump up to the centre Switch and Wind Bullet it to complete the puzzle. The door on the left edge of the room will open. Go through the door.

Ride the Sand Stream onto the Floating Platform at the end. The Floating Platform will take you to the first gap you jumped over at the beginning of the Vision. Run left jumping over the next two gaps and ride up the Floating Platform at the end. Go through the door.

Run right up the platforms and run right past the raised Red Pillar. Activate the Memory Clock beside the lowered Green Pillar. Go through the Green Door just to the left.

Jump across the Crystal Platforms until you reach a large gap. Wait for the Moo’s chasing you to come close and Wind Bullet the first one to reach you. Quickly Double Jump past the large gap toward the Crystal Platform while collecting the 1UP along the way. Jump toward the Flying Moo and Wind Bullet it, immediately Double Jump, up and Wind Bullet the next Flying Moo. Then Double Jump toward Phantomilian Prisoner 3 to your left and Wind Bullet it to free it, making sure you land on the Crystal Platform. Wind Bullet Flying Moo once again while jumping right and Double Jump toward the pathway. Run right through the door.

Wind Bullet the first Moo and throw it at the second Moo. Wind Bullet Giant Moo and Wind Bullet the third Moo on it’s right side. Jump onto the Giant Moo and Double Jump up to the Floating Platform above you. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump past the two Spiker’s above and right of you to the platform on the right. Run through the door.

Activate the Memory Clock and jump across the Blue Crystal Platform and Yellow Crystal Platform onto the pathway with Boomer. Wind Bullet Boomer and Double Jump over the revealed Ngapoko Egg above the Yellow Crystal Platform to collect an 1UP. Fall through the Blue Crystal Platform to your right onto the lower pathway below Spiker.

Run right and fall down into the hole. Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 4 and free it. Wind Bullet Moo and Double Jump toward Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the upper pathway. Ride the Floating Platform across the hole and Wind Bullet Boomer to get rid of it. Fall through the hole to your right.

Run left and Wind Bullet Flying Moo in the hole at the background. Run toward Gold Armored Moo and throw Flying Moo at it. Repeat this until Gold Armored Moo is killed. Run right across the platform until you reach the end with two Floating Platforms and two Blue Crystal Platforms.

Jump onto the Floating Platforms and Blue Crystal Platforms as you make you way to the top. Wind Bullet a Flying Moo and from the upper Floating Platform throw it at the Switch in the hole at the background.

Fall onto the bottom path and run left and into the now revealed hole. Run right, activate the Memory Clock and enter the second puzzle room.

Wind Bullet Giant Moo and run past it, keeping it inflated as you wait for Shielded Moo to come near. Once it turns Wind Bullet it and immediate jump on Giant Moo and onto the Floating Platform. Wait for the Floating Platform to be at it’s rightmost and throw Shielded Moo at the right Switch in the foreground. Immediately Wind Bullet Flying Moo to your right and as the Floating Platform is moving left throw it at the left Switch in the foreground. Now quickly just jump off the Floating Platform and Wind Bullet the last Switch floating to your left to unlock the door on the left side of the room. Go through he door.

Ride the Sand Stream onto the Floating Platform at the end. The Floating Platform will take you to the second gap you jumped over at the beginning of the Vision. Run left jumping over the next gap and ride up the Floating Platform at the end. Go through the door.

Run right up the platforms and run right past the raised Red Pillar and Green Pillar. Activate the Memory Clock beside the lowered Green Pillar. Go through the Blue Door just to the left.

Jump right across the Crystal Platforms. Wind Bullet Flying Moo underneath Phantomilian Prisoner 5 and Double Jump up to it. Wind Bullet Phantomilian Prisoner 5 to free it and continue jumping right.

Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump onto the Crystal Platform to your right. Wait for Moo to jump toward you from the left and Wind Bullet it. Double Jump up to Flying Moo and Wind Bullet Flying Moo, then Double Jump toward the platform on the right, entering the door on the right.

Run off the ledge to the right. Jump down onto the pathway with the first Spindle and run toward the middle of the path. Wind Bullet Flying Moo and run right, jump back onto the upper pathway. Double Jump over Spindle. Wind Bullet another Flying Moo and wait for the second Spindle to come near and Double Jump over it. Run right along the path and go through the door at the end.

Run right and wait for the Spring Moo to bounce past you. Wind Bullet it and Double Jump up to the upper platform with the second Spring Moo. Fall through the hole to your right and Double Jump onto the Floating Platform above the Giant Spindle.

Ride the Floating Platform to the Spring Moo and Wind Bullet it. Ride the Floating Platform and Double Jump over the Spindle to kill it. Fall down to the lower pathway. Run right and Wind Bullet Spear Moo. Throw Spear Moo at Phantomilian Prisoner 6 in the background.

Wind Bullet another Spear Moo and throw it at the Switch in the hole at the background where you killed Giant Spindle. Run left and Wind Bullet Boomer out of the way. Fall down the revealed hole and run right, activating the Memory Clock at the end.

Wind Bullet Spear Moo and Double Jump up to the Floating Platform. Wind Bullet Boomer on the right ledge and Double Jump up to the next Floating Platform. Wind Bullet Boomer on the left ledge and collect the 1UP above you. Double Jump up to the next Floating Platform. Wind Bullet Boomer on the right ledge and Double Jump up to the next Floating Platform. Wind Bullet Boomer on the left ledge and Double Jump up to the platform on the right. Fall down the hole onto the lower pathway. Activate the Memory Clock and enter the door to enter the final puzzle room.

“Be quick in this room.”

From the left side, Wind Bullet Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the upper Flying Moo then Double Jump onto the left platform. Wind Bullet the left Switch and fall down to the lower pathway, using Wind Bullet on the centre Switch on the way down before the Flying Moo’s return. From the right side, wait for the Flying Moo to reappear and Wind Bullet it. Double Jump up to the upper Flying Moo and Double Jump up to the right platform. Wind Bullet the right Switch. Run through the door on the left side of the room.

Ride the Sand Stream onto the Floating Platform at the end. The Floating Platform will take you to the third and final gap you jumped over at the beginning of the Vision. Run left and ride up the Floating Platform at the end. Go through the door.

Run right up the platforms and run right past the raised Red Pillar, Green Pillar and Blue Pillar. Go through the Moon door.

Ride the Floating Platform to the upper pathway. Run right collecting the 1UP on the way to the door. Enter the door to finally confront Ghadius in the Prism Corridor.

“As you teleport in, you’ll overhear Ghadius speaking of a strange uncorruptable dream that could prevent his perfect Nahatomb. He decides that it must be eliminated. He then notices Klonoa and finds it amusing that he didn’t anticipate your arrival this far into his plan.

Klonoa in his anger demands to know why Ghadius continues to seek the corruption of Phantomile. He explains that he is tired of Phantomile not being able to have nightmares and that is reason enough. Huepow then reveals that with Nahatomb’s release, Ghadius himself will also be erased.

Ghadius readily accepts that fate since he believes the world itself has abandoned him. As Klonoa and Huepow refuse to accept destruction Ghadius absorbs them into his dimension, the Wheel of Woe.”

Boss: Ghadius: 10HP

Outside the Wheel of Woe

Blue Mask at 10HP: The Wheel of Woe rotates counter-clockwise and Ghadius shoots Blue Flame Pillars toward Klonoa
Red Mask at 6HP: The Wheel of Woe rotates counter-clockwise and Ghadius shoots two Blue Flame Pillars toward Klonoa
Green Mask at 2HP: The Wheel of Woe rotates counter-clockwise and Ghadius shoots three Blue Flame Pillars toward Klonoa

Inside the Wheel of Woe

Blue Mask at 10HP: Ghadius will launch eight Dark Spirit Orbs and four Death Moo’s at you
Red Mask at 6HP: Ghadius will launch three short pillars that bounce across the battlefield each with two Death Moo’s attached to them
Green Mask at 2HP: Ghadius will create a triangle with Green Crystals at each corner, housing three Death Moo’s and bouncing it around the battlefield.

Ghadius begins with his Blue Mask on. Switching it to the Red Mask after losing 4HP and then to the Green Mask after losing 8HP. Each coloured Mask will represent a different attack pattern.”

Blue Mask

Three teleportation orbs attached to the Wheel of Woe move in tandem with it. Continue running and jumping in the same direction as the rotation. Beware of the teleportation orbs which will teleport you outside the Wheel of Woe, while dodging the Dark Spirits Orbs and making sure to Wind Bullet Death Moo’s as they come close. After throwing four Death Moo’s at Ghadius he will Switch to his Red Mask.

Red Mask

The teleportation orbs attached to the Wheel of Woe disappear, but one will continue to bounce around the battlefield along with Ghadius’s attack. If you Wind Bullet two Death Moo’s from the same short pillar then that pillar will revert back to a teleportation orb and bounce around the Wheel of Woe. Be aware of the teleportation orb(s) bouncing around and Wind Bullet any Death Moo that come near. Throw four Death Moo’s at Ghadius and he will Switch to his Green Mask.

Green Mask

The teleportation orbs will now be encased in Green Crystal and will damage you instead of teleporting you while their encased. Ghadius will wave his hands around and toss his attack in the last direction he waved his hands, usually right, left and middle. Align yourself with one of the Green Crystals and wait for it to come close. When it does, Wind Bullet it to break it along with the triangle to release the three Death Moo’s. Throw two Death Moo’s at Ghadius to defeat him at last.

Special Notes about the Green Mask

Green Crystals can only be broken with Wind Bullet.
If you break the Green Crystal it can then be used to teleport you outside the Wheel of Woe if you touch it.
If you break all three Crystals he will Switch to his red mask.

With Ghadius defeated you automatically enter Final Vision: The Dream at Nightmare’s End ~In the Skies Above Cress~.



A Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.