Tracking Your GammaDEX Activity

Allan Wilson
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2018

Centralized exchanges still often provide features outside of trading that make traders’ lives a bit easier. There’s no reason that decentralized exchanges can’t provide these benefits too — -this is something we’re trying to address at GammaDEX. Take for example trading history. Why should it be difficult to see all of the activity on an account in one place? Or my current balances — a breakdown of all of my token balances for an account in one place would be very useful. Bonus points if I can extract that data to a report.

GammaDEX’s My History View

On GammaDEX after you open a wallet you’re taken to the exchange page. Take a look at the top of the screen and you’ll see two other options: My History and My Balances. The first option provides the list of transaction activity on the account across all tokens in one place.

Activity on my how-to account

Above shows the account I used to write the how-to articles earlier. Deposit History shows the tokens and Ether that I moved from my wallet to the exchange. Withdraw History shows movement in the other direction: tokens or Ether on the exchange that I moved back to my wallet.

The Trade History pane shows the trading activity on the account. You can see that I made a very small profit on an OMG position which I bought and sold on the same day. The Role column shows whether I created an order or filled an existing one. In this case I filled an order to buy my OMG and created an order to sell it.

You can even follow through the activity required to make the previous how-to articles. On 20th August I deposited ETH to the exchange. This was followed shortly after by buying some VERI — I filled an order rather than creating one. Finally, I moved VERI back to my wallet.

In the second article a few days later, I deposited the VERI back to the exchange and sold it through an order.

Seems I made a loss on my VERI trading. My dreams of Lambos are fading fast…

Each of the grids have a download icon. Select this and the data displayed will be exported to a spreadsheet. The green arrow icon takes you to the transaction in Etherscan and by clicking on the Asset or Market cell you can navigate to the exchange on GammaDEX.

My Balances

This screen shows you the token and Ether balances for the account you have unlocked. It shows balances both on the wallet and on the exchange.

Balances on my how-to account

This example is using the same account I used in the previous articles. As you can see I don’t have very much on it, just a small OMG position on the exchange, and Ether both on the exchange and in the wallet.

If I select the OMG token I’ll be taken directly to the OMG exchange. The token address column takes me to the token page on Etherscan. Tokens often share then same symbol so this helps distinguish them.

The “Hide low balances” option is selected by default. This filters out all of the tiny residual amounts of tokens that are left after trading and also removes most of the small value airdrops that are often found on accounts.

Again, click the download icon and all of this can be exported to a spreadsheet.

EtherDelta User? Try it out for yourself…

If you’re already a seasoned EtherDelta user you can still use these screens on GammaDEX to view your data: it’s all there on the Ethereum blockchain after all.

Unlock a wallet in the usual way or try GammaDEX’s view-only mode which allows you to see what your account looks like but doesn’t let you trade. Click on the person icon at the top right of the screen and select the View Wallet option. Enter your favourite EtherDelta address and select unlock. This will take you to the view-only mode on the exchange. From here you can switch to My History and My Balances to view your activity as if you had been using GammaDEX all along!

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Good luck with your trading!

